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Tired of what YouTube and online thinks self help and stuff means to swear and be mean.

Tony Ramirez

Single. Being nice and treated like dirt.
V.I.P Member
I am tired of YouTube and stuff searching and showing videos saying that they are self help and they will help you and stuff but they actually use explicit like the f word which greatly offends me. Then I just tried to listen to a podcast which was not even marked as explicit and the first sentence contains that word.

If this was me when I was on bipolar medication years ago I would have made a violent mentally meltdown outburst as I am at the park eating lunch now but I am stable Prozac and I just came back from yoga.

I am done with any do called therapy from YouTube no matter what they clam is calm and helpful unless it is truly verified to come from a Christian I don't trust no one else. It's back to ASMR and Mac reviews for me.
When I learned I might have ASD, I binged on YouTube videos for a week and then came to conclude 95% of them are garbage. Charismatic influencers claiming to be ASD are a very, very self-selecting group anyway.
As someone who has been on Youtube way too much, I can say that yeah, it aint exactly the right place to go for self-help. Stuff that is ACTUALLY helpful is rare.

The problem with Youtube is that for most content creators, they need to chase the algorithm in order to keep their channel functional, so they will put that as a priority over anything else... it's a long-running issue on the site.

And as time goes on, it just seems to get harder and harder to find stuff that is actually any good. I dont mean just with self-help videos, I mean with, like, ANYTHING. Mostly I just find disappointment on there these days. Tend to just rewatch familiar things over and over again.

As for the swearing, you know, that's something I've never quite grasped. Like, it seems to be almost a cultural thing? Here in the US anyway, it almost seems like it's "normal" to swear every 2 seconds and "weird" if you dont. I've never been able to understand why that is.
As for the swearing, you know, that's something I've never quite grasped. Like, it seems to be almost a cultural thing? Here in the US anyway, it almost seems like it's "normal" to swear every 2 seconds and "weird" if you dont. I've never been able to understand why that is.
I thought so but I been to public places and for the most part unless it's the lower class no offense I rarely hear it. It's true. But online I agree it's rampant even in the regular class.
I thought so but I been to public places and for the most part unless it's the lower class no offense I rarely hear it. It's true. But online I agree it's rampant even in the regular class.

It might be a regional thing as well, maybe? Where I'm at (Illinois, southwest of Chicago) everyone in the wealthy sector swears like sailors, so to speak, as do most others. Except in places of business, that's the big exception.

At the same time though Illinois is a big place. In other parts of it, maybe people dont do so as much, not sure.

I dunno, I mostly just dont understand what, if anything, it adds to a conversation. Some people do it so often that it almost sounds like Morse code, except with f-bombs instead of beeps.
I think it because I supposedly live in a 'family neighborhood' which does have a lot a couples and kids with many adjacent neighborhoods the same. However I do live sandwiched next to the projects public housing lower house which is next to upper class and trust me they swear like crazy. I wish they would kick them out because they are the only ones who ruin the neighborhood. But they are slowly being phased out as there were more of them in other nearby locations that were moved out.
@Misery I find it weird when self proclaimed psychologists or self help gurus use threatening, staring at you thumbnails to get you to click on a video. Your trying to make us anxious but also you want to help? They also just drip feed you tidbits in order to sell you something don't they.

I'm trying to get into podcasts and audio books more. But YouTube is still so enticing. The short format, the fast pace, the loud thumbnails, the conflict, the unlimited novelty. YouTube is Macdonald's. Tasty but bad for you! I like to think of podcasts and audiobooks as 'whole food', something you have to chew over but is more nourishing to the soul.

People who swear probably use swearing in place of ums and ahs, trying to smooth out gaps in thinking. It also helps to seem cool and edgy.
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There is good stuff, but the problem is that the bad stuff dominates, and when you don't know much about a topic, it's impossible to know what is solid information and what is bad information designed to make people money with clicks
My advice to anyone is to NOT use YouTube for anything like self-help. People post for clicks, so you get things like the open mouth thumbnails (apparently better clickthrough rate for upbeat videos than the same with closed mouth). With respect to "self-help" the content itself will tend towards ego-stroking, cold reading and pop-psychology. Anything that hints at a long slog, hard work, that viewer might have some responsibility, etc. will not get watched to the end so doesn't get promoted or made.

So the vids will often be "hey, have you noticed this about yourself? Does it get you down? Well guess what, it's not your fault, it's something that affects you and not others (who by implication are probably just lazy) and there's a simple thing you can do to operate at your 'true' potential."

The other thing is that this is less accepted if delivered in the way of a standard professional. By having this "I'm outside the box" delivery, people will be more willing to accept the magical thinking they spout. Because if you don't agree, you're just part of the stuffy old system that doesn't get it. The brand they are promoting is of a firebrand "not limited by conventional thinking" thing. They demonstrate this through unconventional delivery: swearing, aggressive tone, appearance, etc.

Remember, if it's popular on YouTube, it's not necessarily because it's right, or true, but because people liked what they saw.
I'm now strongly considering cancelling my YouTube premium subscription out of principal. I was watching pilot doing a q and a with callers about a drug to calm fear of flyers and he said I don't give a s.... I am sick of YouTube with there podcasts. Really.

I can watch Mac, yoga and asmr videos heck even women haul videos putting on lingerie and I hear no swearing but I can't even put on help videos with heard bs s and f y f that f off.

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