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In my youth I lived by the western coast of Sweden. I liked the sea but I couldn't stand the terrible noise of gull birds.
Mine seems worse since I took two drugs together that mixed badly for some reason now a lot of sounds are much more disturbing
Children's voices are the worst they always sound like they are complaining moaney crying
In my youth I lived by the western coast of Sweden. I liked the sea but I couldn't stand the terrible noise of gull birds.
On the other side, I like heavy diesel engines very much.
Hopefully you'll never get to the stage I am at
The sound that terrifies me more than anything else is the sound of the toilet on an airplane flushing.
Its not great and I have a nine hour flight coming up in a few weeks. One of the worst for me though is stacking the dishes. I have to do this really carefully else it "pops" my ears.
Big time. Even minor noises are distracting to me. I work in an office and I hear people walking, typing, talking on the phone etc... I feel like I'm in the middle of many conversations throughout the day even though I may be sitting many feet away. I just can't tune the noise out. I can't even eat an apple at my desk at work b/c I feel I am being too noisy and distracting others. Even though, I'm probably just distracting myself since it sounds incredibly loud when I bite and chew and apple.
I can relate to this, to me it's like hearing it all individually - I even have trouble hearing the TV sometimes over the sound of my own eating although people tell me they can't hear me eating.
For some reason a light planes engine sounds like a growl
This only started in the last few years I would love to know why
There are possible answers (without ranking):
1. Acute stress reaction (the obligated answer from professionals)
2. Your body doesn't respond to your heart beats (some kind of heart failure?)
3. Other discomforts
I've always had issues with noises. When I was little my parents got the game Operation and I cried and was so upset that they returned it. Also blenders, vacuum, popping balloons, high pitch noises, whine of electronics like radio or tv with sound off but can still hear it. I have also never liked fireworks but its especially bad if I am close. The noise combined with the feeling of pressure is awful.
I've always had issues with noises. When I was little my parents got the game Operation and I cried and was so upset that they returned it. Also blenders, vacuum, popping balloons, high pitch noises, whine of electronics like radio or tv with sound off but can still hear it. I have also never liked fireworks but its especially bad if I am close. The noise combined with the feeling of pressure is awful.
Have you had your magnesium level tested ?its a common deficiency that causes ear noises .
I can relate to this, to me it's like hearing it all individually - I even have trouble hearing the TV sometimes over the sound of my own eating although people tell me they can't hear me eating.
If you also are disturbed by your own aspiration it might be diagnosed as "tuba aperta" (one of mine)
Addition of magnesium made several days of mine. I add Mg every day, I hope it solves other's weakness although it wasn't the remedy for me.
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If you also are disturbed by your own aspiration it might be diagnosed as "tuba aperta" (one of mine)

Not heard of this so just Googled it. I sometimes hear the blood rushing through my ears when stressed but don't have the other symptoms.
I fall asleep in front of the TV sometimes and it's weird but even loud commercials usually don't wake me up. What wakes me up practically instantly is when the TV times out and shuts itself off and the only sound in the room is the ticking clocks. TICK.... TICK.... TICK.... might as well be screaming right in my ear. Also, loud sudden noises make me instantly enraged. I manage to regain control very quickly but there is a huge reaction that is really out of all proportion. On planes I need to wear noise-cancelling headphones (why do they make the stupid crew announcements so loud anyway?). At home I never sleep better than when I wear industrial ear protection (the kind people wear when they use power tools, etc.). The thing with those is that my hearing is so good that I can carry on a conversation with them on, and it's actually easier because all the background sound is reduced.

Does anyone else SEE loud sudden noises as well as hearing them? If I have my eyes closed, or if it's dark, I see a colourful flash of light. The louder the noise, the brighter the flash. It's like my whole brain gets hit all at once.

It sounds like you might have a mild case of synesthesia.
Mine seems worse since I took two drugs together that mixed badly for some reason now a lot of sounds are much more disturbing
Children's voices are the worst they always sound like they are complaining moaney crying
I'm so happy about your solution; have you decided which of them to discard?
I have deleted my original text. It wasn't a good post. I am sorry.
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Have you had your magnesium level tested ?its a common deficiency that causes ear noises .
What do you mean ear noises? I'm not hearing things that aren't there, its the sounds themselves that bother me. The loud noises of things like vacuum, blender, popping balloons or the hum of a tv or radio.
Hello I am an NT who is a Chief Purser with a major American Airline...jist fill the toilet bowel with paper towels before you go and softens the Blow...!!! Just a suggestion.x
What do you mean ear noises? I'm not hearing things that aren't there, its the sounds themselves that bother me. The loud noises of things like vacuum, blender, popping balloons or the hum of a tv or radio.
It can be ringing or sensitivity I presume it depends on the level of deficiency
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