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Son with possible aspergers/ASD or something else?


Well-Known Member

I have finally decided to post as we are a bit lost at the moment.

My son is 8 years old and has always been different. About 1 - 2 years ago he was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Dissorder, which I had suspected he had for a while, but took a while to get a diagnosis as at school he is a model pupil. But at home things are very different.

Anyway, we had other concerns about his behaviour and we couldn't quite see how it all was down to Sensory Processing Dissorder, so after speaking to the school OT we decided to push for an ADOS as she believed that there was a possibility by the behaviours we described, that he may be HFA/aspergers. The first doctor we went to see basically ignored what we said because his school reports were good and that he sat well behaved whilst in her office, so he just needed more praise!:nah:

Anyway he was finally seen by a specialist OT for his SPD who also said that she couldn't explain all of his behaviours and referred us back to our local autistic team.

After loads of talking with a clinical psychologist and the ADOS being carried out they said that he wasn't autistic at the moment, but if his behaviours didn't improve we would need to have him re-assessed!

The problem is is that he is very good at hiding his behaviours at school and when he thinks he needs too and also he has good communication, although the psychologist said that his language was quite formal and old for his age, people are not seeing what we do.

We are now back in communication with the school OT who still thinks that he has HFA and is going to try and help us get help again. She has suggested secretly videoing him when he is at home to try and get evidence to show people.

Anyway I guess I am just after advice to whether maybe it is HFA or whether we are totally wrong.

He has loads of sensory problems, he suffers with really bad rage and temper tantrums (banging doors, screaming, shouting, trashing his room, hitting etc), odd behaviour like not wanting drinks near him, even his own, loads of fears (insects, noises, the dark, reflections, being alone), has to be in control, removed the cushions from the chairs as he doesn't like the look of them, easily upset, will not sit next to strangers on public transport, could argue for England, get very frustrated, cannot get things wrong, cannot play games without things being thrown, temper tantrums when he loses. Has to follow routines, will point blank refuses to do things, hard to discipline (all normal ways of discipline do not work), will not attend family events, corrects you when he thinks your wrong, doesn't like unfamiliar places and loads of other behaviours, far too many to list:)

Sorry about the long post but I'm lost and don't know what else to do. Can someone with HFA be almost fine in one situation but be totally different at home?

Hope someone can give me some advice and thanks for reading.

Claire :)

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