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SCP: The Serpent's Hand

Joshua the Writer

Very Nerdy Guy, Any Pronouns
V.I.P Member
So, the Serpent's Hand is a Group of Interest (or GoI) in the SCP universe. It is basically a faction comprised of loosely-related splinter groups. They work to make information about the anomalous public (which is against the SCP Foundation's and Global Occult Coalition's goals), as well as attain equal right for anomalous humans, as well as other humanoid sapient anomalies. I can't explain it in exact details, so here are a few links for additional reading:

SCP Wiki: Serpent's Hand Hub (This was written in the perspective of Foundation members, so this article might have slight biases against the Serpent's Hand)

Wanderer's Library Wiki (This was written in the eyes of Serpent's Hand members)

Videos for those that prefer audio/visual information:
Video created by the Exploring Series about the Serpent's Hand

This video is shorter than the one above, and was written in the perspective of a Serpent's Hand member.

I would honestly rather be part of the Serpent's Hand, since I believe that both the Foundation and Global Occult Coalition's policies toward anomalous humans are pretty immoral: The Global Occult Coalition straight up murders anomalous humans, and the SCP Foundation puts them in a cell. I also believe that people should be informed of the dangerous entities, and how to avoid these entities.

What are your thought on the subject matter? I think they are actually pretty good-aligned (most likely Chaotic Good).

Also, just as an added bonus, here are the Serpent's Hand's field codes:
A thought: the secret signs won't stay secrets for long if posted on Internet sites. May the force be with you.
I always figured that none of the groups are fully on the side of "good", really.... too much gray area. Or in some cases, just not very well thought out. I get the impression that these guys in particular havent entirely pondered the possible effects of revealing secrets in general. Particularly in relation to some of the crazier SCPs. Reminds me of a line from Men In Black: "A PERSON is smart. But PEOPLE are dumb, panicky animals and you know it". Not to mention that constant possibility of alerting an unknown and potentially hostile intelligent anomaly to the presence of all the others (whereas the Foundation simply captures immediately, so as to not give anything a chance to act out). Which could lead to something that's already dangerous being equipped with things that make it far more dangerous, if it can sneak in before the Foundation becomes aware of it.

Of course the Foundation itself is not exactly "good" either. Always with the sacrificing. Gotta wonder just where they get so many D-class guys, they go through them like tissue paper. Is there some factory somewhere that just farts out convicted murderers all day? Or they'll go and do things like putting the totally innocent 999 into the definitely-not-innocent 682's cell simply for "research". At some point someone is going to pick exactly the wrong thing to put in there without really realizing it, and 682 will rampage. As high and mighty as the Foundation members all think they are, they can sure derp real hard sometimes.

Though none of any of that matters if the 001 scenario "When day breaks" were to happen. That's my favorite one so far.

I dunno how people come up with this stuff but it sure inspires me to want to try my hand at it. Probably a good thing that the "canon" deserves the sarcastic quotes though, it'd be bloody impossible to really keep all that lore in mind when trying to write something new.

At least everyone can pretty much agree on the stuff Dr. Bright isnt allowed to do though.
I always figured that none of the groups are fully on the side of "good", really.... too much gray area. Or in some cases, just not very well thought out. I get the impression that these guys in particular havent entirely pondered the possible effects of revealing secrets in general. Particularly in relation to some of the crazier SCPs. Reminds me of a line from Men In Black: "A PERSON is smart. But PEOPLE are dumb, panicky animals and you know it". Not to mention that constant possibility of alerting an unknown and potentially hostile intelligent anomaly to the presence of all the others (whereas the Foundation simply captures immediately, so as to not give anything a chance to act out). Which could lead to something that's already dangerous being equipped with things that make it far more dangerous, if it can sneak in before the Foundation becomes aware of it.
I know I'm relatively knew to SCP, but I am pretty sure that there aren't any anomalies that would get more powerful with the use of other anomalies, save for maybe the one in charge of the Chaos Insurgency, but that thing doesn't even use anomalies directly, it'd rather the CI agents weaponize them.

Come to think of it, a lot of the factions within the SCP universe are pretty . . . immoral regarding anomalous humans. The SCP Foundation locks them in a cage and studies them with science, The Global Occult Coalition basically just murders anomalous humans (even if said anomalous humans are children, the GOC is the reason why the average life span of reality benders is 8 years old in the SCP universe), The Chaos Insurgency weaponizes them, and Martial, Carter, and Dark sells them basically as slaves (although MC&D will sell anything anomalous, so I am not surprised).

Considering this, anomalous humans have a much better chance of, you know, surviving if they join the Serpent's Hand. There, they can live in peace inside of S.H. safehouses, as well as the safety of the Wanderer's Library.

I also think that, of all of the factions in the SCP Foundation, the Serpent's Hand has the safest living conditions. I mean, I don't know about y'all, but I don't want to be living and working inside of an underground facility where an unkillable, psychopathic, immortal, hate lizard can break out and murder me at an second. And I especially don't want to live and work in an underground facility that can self-destruct via nuclear blast in the event that things get too out of hand. Sorry, no thank you. I prefer to be inside of an extra-dimensional library where I am safe so long as I don't break the rules.
Of course the Foundation itself is not exactly "good" either. Always with the sacrificing. Gotta wonder just where they get so many D-class guys, they go through them like tissue paper. Is there some factory somewhere that just farts out convicted murderers all day? Or they'll go and do things like putting the totally innocent 999 into the definitely-not-innocent 682's cell simply for "research". At some point someone is going to pick exactly the wrong thing to put in there without really realizing it, and 682 will rampage. As high and mighty as the Foundation members all think they are, they can sure derp real hard sometimes.
I'm pretty sure that the Foundation also gets D-Class from homeless populations, as well, considering that there are only so many people on death row in any country at any given time, especially since more and more places are banning the death penalty altogether. Definitely not enough death row inmates to constantly being sent into holes to die, at least.

My own theory is that they are also using SCP-2000, as well as other SCPs capable of cloning humans, to make human clones for the specific purpose of using them as more D-Class personnel.
Though none of any of that matters if the 001 scenario "When day breaks" were to happen. That's my favorite one so far.
That proposal is freaking terrifying, though. That specific 001 proposal is the thing that makes me the most glad that the SCP Foundation isn't real.
I dunno how people come up with this stuff but it sure inspires me to want to try my hand at it. Probably a good thing that the "canon" deserves the sarcastic quotes though, it'd be bloody impossible to really keep all that lore in mind when trying to write something new.
Yeah, a collaborative writing project, especially something as massive as the SCP wiki, would probably do best to not have a standard, singular, unified canon. Instead, it has multiple canons, each with their own premises, and these individual canons show that one of the only things that are necessarily "cannon" in the SCP Universe is that the SCP universe is actually a multiverse.
At least everyone can pretty much agree on the stuff Dr. Bright isnt allowed to do though.
Never let that man near a chainsaw. Or a chainsaw cannon. Or SCP-420-J. If you fail to do so, [DATA EXPUNGED] will happen.
I guessed. So is it a game?

This is an example of what it's about:

SCP-1471 - SCP Foundation

The main focus of the site is the individual SCP entries like that one. Any given SCP entry is usually (not always!) structured sort of like a database entry, as if created by scientists that are both studying the weird thing in question, as well as trying to find methods of containing it (which is one of the major themes; "SCP" stands for "secure, contain, protect").

Often there's a bit more to it than that initial entry, if the writer who made it included some. In this example, if you click the "level 2" bit at the bottom, it brings up another small chunk. Click "buy?" at the end of that to be taken to a short story featuring the SCP in that entry. I found this one very recently, quite liked it.

There's way, WAY more to it than just that, but the nice thing is, you dont have to understand every little bit of overall lore to get a good spooky read out of the site. As a rule entries are standalone, you dont need to know of specific characters or backstories before jumping in. Anyone can submit stuff to it, following some guidelines (particularly regarding formatting). People on there are amazingly creative! And you're not restricted by already existing lore or anything, even if you want to feature an already existing SCP in your entry/story. It's a very freeform thing, and that means WAY less frustration for writers that want to try making something.

I'm a big fan of the whole thing. I've found so much good stuff on here. I'm looking to try writing something myself, I just have to decide on an idea that isnt bloody stupid. Something like a haunted box of crackers probably wont do. ....well, no, actually it might. There's already an evil box of tissues (which is actually a really good one, someone even made a short game out of that, ridiculous as it sounds). People really are creative with these.

I know I'm relatively knew to SCP, but I am pretty sure that there aren't any anomalies that would get more powerful with the use of other anomalies, save for maybe the one in charge of the Chaos Insurgency, but that thing doesn't even use anomalies directly, it'd rather the CI agents weaponize them.

Well, the way in which it could work could vary really, really wildly based on the nature of each anomaly.

For instance, perhaps one anomaly is a guy who can walk through walls, right? Uses this for criminal acts, maybe. So what if this guy learns of an SCP that can also grant invisibility while he wears it? Suddenly you've got a *really* dangerous criminal on your hands. A totally invisible criminal who can also walk right through stuff when he happens to feel like it? Yep, that's a problem.

Or if you want to go a bit more specific, take 173, and 96, right. You take a photo of 96's face (very carefully), and you duct-tape the photo to the front of 173. The two SCPs dont even have to be remotely near each other. 96 could be on the other side of the freaking planet, and the connection will have been made. Suddenly you've got a "look and you're dead, but you're also dead if you dont look" situation, which could spiral into a berserk rampage between the two of them. Each is really easy to contain on their own, but together? What a total mess that would be. The slightest mistake around 173 would absolutely guarantee a breach as 96 just shreds his way towards it.

All the SCPs being what they are, there's all sorts of screwball ways that they could come together and interact (which is certainly part of the fun, heh). Which is part of what makes the intelligent ones potentially extra dangerous, because they could plan it out themselves (and they might have very detailed knowledge of their own powers, that the Foundation scientists wouldnt have, so that makes it even easier). There are certainly some, like the plague doctor, who would almost definitely use some of the nastier SCPs to further their own goals, provided they manage to get their hands on them.
Oh, and since 001 was mentioned, I thought I'd leave this here for you:

As if the Daybreak scenario needed to get any scarier.
Oh, and since 001 was mentioned, I thought I'd leave this here for you:

As if the Daybreak scenario needed to get any scarier.
What is especially scary about the SCP-001 proposals is that you cannot tell which one is the real 001. While the Gate Gaurdian might be an actual anomaly (which it is), it is possible that it isn't the true SCP-001.
I’ve been heavily into SCP for well over a year, one would think I’d know more about the GoIs than I do:oops: From what I gather, I can’t say than any one is completely “right” or “good” (SCP Foundation included) and think the best course of action varies case by case. As for making knowledge of the anomalous public, I can see both sides of the issue and really don’t know which to go with. Misery’s MiB quote is one hundred percent true, and that’s where the issue lies. My overall opinion? Decisions like that really shouldn’t be up to me, so why try to make them (unless somehow I’d have to)?

I have my own SCP-based story arc that I write for fun, but for some reason, I just cannot seem to write that one well (if I can even determine where it’s going, is one problem):oops: I’ve started trying to put together a few SCP entries, but never actually finished any and would probably never have the courage to actually submit anything.

And I think it’s time to change avatars again.

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