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Well-Known Member
Those of you familiar with Karl Pilkington will have heard of this game before. For those of you aren't here's how the game works. You have to come up with a clue for a music act and then the initials. Once somebody has posted the correct answer, they post the next clue.

The real game had some really bad and funny clues and it'd be good to continue that trend but genuine clues are fine too.

Some examples of clues from the game:
  • This young man prepared for his death. (WY) = Will Young
  • Better than the average homeless person. (S) = Supertramp
  • The little girl is hungry; what shall we do? (F) = Feeder
  • Exploding pet. (AK) = Atomic Kitten
  • I was in Texas the other week, I fell over and landed on my knees in a puddle. (WH) = Whitney Houston (wet knee Houston)
  • I really really love that woman. I love everything she does. (M) = Madonna (mad on her)

Here's my clue to start the game off:
The man made my suit in a hurry - (TS)
The man made my suit in a hurry - (TS)
It was Taylor Swift (tailor swift)

I'll open the floor for someone else to post a clue.
Funny Sylar, I guessed Twisted Sister:) Probably why I couldn't pick up on the suit clue.

He told me when I met him, that he was 'all man' and so were his brothers. (ABB)
Allman Brothers Band?

Funny Sylar, I guessed Twisted Sister:) Probably why I couldn't pick up on the suit clue.

Like I said, I'm trying to stick to the stupid nature of the original game so my clues will need a little jump in logic to make sense.
Posting this now just so I remember it if my above answer was right.

I saw Jack's kid the other day.... ah, I can't remember his name. (MJ)
You got it, correct and pretty obvious for me. I'm terrible at puns.

Michael Jackson?

The cashier gave me some change because it was only a five cent candy and all I had was a dime. (N)

Oh, wait. Did I get the answer right? Was it Steppenwolf? I posted the next clue before I made sure that my answer was correct. :D
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These Daisies have strange marks on them (BF)

EDIT: I've changed the wording of the clue a little to make it easier.
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I have no idea ... but, "Black Flag?" o_O

I don't understand the reference to daisies though ... unless it refers to pushing them up. :p

It's the only BF band I can think of that would be a "killer."

At least I'm giving it a go ... :D
I have no idea ... but, "Black Flag?" o_O

I don't understand the reference to daisies though ... unless it refers to pushing them up. :p

It's the only BF band I can think of that would be a "killer."

At least I'm giving it a go ... :D
It's not Black Flag.

Daisies isn't important. The clue was originally petals but that didn't get the point across that it was about flowers. Killer and Flowers are the extra clues. I'll give it until tomorrow and then reveal the answer and open up the game for someone else if nobody gets it.

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