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Renting a friend/paying someone to talk or hang out with you

I would think of it as therapeutic.
Better than having a psych sitting there listening to you talking about your troubles and not really
I had one nod of to sleep while I was talking.

There would be more interesting things to talk about with a rent-a-friend.
The only person I stay in contact with in Missouri, where I lived before Florida, does this type of work.
She visits, (for pay), homebounds and takes those who are able to go out to places, shopping,
lunch, drives the places, etc. It isn't health care. She has no training or degrees, but, there is
an agency there she works for.
She calls them clients, but, knowing Kathy, she loves to talk and probably gets as much out of it
as the people who hire her do.

That's what I was thinking too. I'd rather pay someone to have a normal conversation with me that helps me feel better than pay someone to psychoanalyze me and tell me there is something wrong with me.
Call it "social therapy" and I think people would feel better about the idea.

If the other person were to try something inappropriate, and they work for an agency, you would report/review that person and their career in that field would be ruined. I imagine they have an incentive to do a good job, just like uber drivers or any other service involving independent contractors or something akin to that.
I can't say I like the idea much, it seems fake, that the person is only hanging out with me because I'm paying for it.
I would think of it as therapeutic.
Better than having a psych sitting there listening to you talking about your troubles and not really
I had one nod of to sleep while I was talking.

There would be more interesting things to talk about with a rent-a-friend.
The only person I stay in contact with in Missouri, where I lived before Florida, does this type of work.
She visits, (for pay), homebounds and takes those who are able to go out to places, shopping,
lunch, drives the places, etc. It isn't health care. She has no training or degrees, but, there is
an agency there she works for.
She calls them clients, but, knowing Kathy, she loves to talk and probably gets as much out of it
as the people who hire her do.
Julia Louis Dreyfus actress had the same experience with a therapist she said I thought what do I do ?do I say something? leave?stay where iam? I think psychiatry is only helpful if you are very alert ,clinical psychology is better for worry .
A friend of mine worked as a male escort many years ago. He never did anything sexual, as he had a long term partner at the time. But he said it was very good money, and it was mainly attending parties and social events with divorcees and middle aged women. He said that the running theme was people who were lonely, or wanted to feel better about themselves in social circles by having some "arm candy".

The fact these sites put "friend" in the URL is grossly misleading. You shouldn't have to pay anyone to be a friend. Sure, some people might be generous with what they give to friends, or people in general. But that is just their choice. I suppose it's anyone's choice to use a service such as this as well. But I think there are plenty of people out there who would be willing to talk to any of us.

As with anything though, you have to put yourself out there. Into new situations and scenarios in order to meet people and get talking etc. Whilst the convenience of paying to guarantee company might appeal - I think a more natural approach might be more beneficial to your mental health and wallet for the future.

Better than having a psych sitting there listening to you talking about your troubles and not really
I like the psychologist who is guiding me through cognitive processing therapy. She is making me work to understand what was happening to me that was traumatic and to understand how I had overcome the challenges that my neurology imposed. So far I am satisfied with my progress.
@Forest Cat That's pretty grim to be honest. I guess, in an ideal world, people who are tired of their partners should file for a divorce, or even consider discussing the possibility of a poly relationship. Then again, I've never cheated on a partner. Perhaps some people just like the thrill of it.

My friend said he was propositioned by a lot of his clients, but he always declined. I think it must've left a very awkward atmosphere though.

I came across a couple websites (RentAFriend.com and FriendPC.com) where you can pay people to act like they're your friend (they'll talk to you, text, hang out, go to a movie, restaurant, or party).

What do you think about it? Has anyone tried it?

I think it could be helpful to talk about special interests, work on social anxiety, become less socially awkward, understand people better, and feel less lonely if you're socially isolated although I wonder whether it is safe, how rented friends will respond to people who are autistic, and how it would compare to having real friends.
If you want you could talk to me on here. I'm always down to make new friends. Feel free to reach out.
I'm suspicious of this kind of service. I wonder how many charge $50 for a happy ending.

I'm a little confused what some of the "friends" are actually providing. Some of them only charge $10 to text or talk to them for 30 minutes or an hour which seems reasonable (and what I think may interest some people on this forum) but one site I found has a category called "virtual girlfriend" that definitely seems suspicious. The site says it's strictly platonic/non-sexual but some women charge up to $1000 for it which makes me wonder what they're offering.
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I think there are plenty of people out there who would be willing to talk to any of us

I don't have any problem finding people to talk to me. The problem I have is I don't feel better after I talk to them. Talking to strangers or acquaintances who seem mostly indifferent and uninterested just doesn't help as much as talking to friends.

Basically, I wouldn't be paying for company. I'd be interested in paying people to pretend they cared and were interested in what I had to say.
Can you not join forums for your specific interests or see if there are local groups which cater to said interests? If you can be around likeminded people, then you're more likely to meet friends.

Surely it'd be better to meet people who have a genuine connection and interest in you and your interests. As opposed to paying someone to feign interest.

Can you not join forums for your specific interests or see if there are local groups which cater to said interests? If you can be around likeminded people, then you're more likely to meet friends.

Surely it'd be better to meet people who have a genuine connection and interest in you and your interests. As opposed to paying someone to feign interest.


I don't really have any interests other than not wanting to be alone.
I don't really have any interests other than not wanting to be alone.
I think the problem with that approach is that interests demonstrate how you live in the world and your outlook. Obviously, people are social animals and on here we frequently see that yearning, but the need, in itself, neither makes one interesting or attractive. So interests are what conveys your approach to life right off when making a connection with another. Plus it provides the possibility of shared experience which I think of as making a relationship possible.
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