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Referrals for Diagnosis, please?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

New here. 2nd posting. My first was the introduction.

I am 36 years old and after learning about Aspergers have been shocked to find that I have so many of the qualities of someone with AS. It has given me mixed emotions though. I am sad about it but glad at the same time because now there is a reason. I thought I was just weird and that I was so unique that I was some gift from above who was special. I know that sounds weird. Sorry. I feel...I dunno...like there is a logical explanation now as to why I have never had friends, why I am overly immature and goofy, why I am overly critical of EVERYONE and why I hate being hugged or touched. Even by my own family.

But, this is all self diagnosis. I don't know why, but a formal diagnosis from a professional would make it "complete" for me. Even though I have learned how to deal in social situations now (I just pretend that I am in a movie or a TV show and that I am "acting") by emulating others or doing what I know I should be doing, I still have a lot to work on. For instance, I own a company and I am soooo critical of my employee's. I nit pick on everything they do (there is more but I wont get into it now). And as I get older I am caring a little less about "acting" and trying to gain acceptance by people and am finding myself being distracted in conversations (looking off somewhere else, looking at phone), or just not putting effort into listening or caring about what someone is saying. I am blurting out whatever I think even if it is inappropriate (and I realize later that it might have been hurtful) simply because I want my point being take because I know I am right. ugh. That was a mouthful! :)

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any references to give on where I can go to get an assessment. I see people posting about taking an AS test, but what is this? I took one online but I don't think that is reliable. The rdos.net one I took and it says I am an Aspie (162/200 aspie for 72/200 for neurotypical). But, again, i don't think this is that reliable, right?

Any advise or help on psychologists, etc etc that are in the Los Angeles area (I am in Burbank/Encino, etc area) would be great.

Thanks all!
Hello there, welcome to AC. Sorry I missed your intro post.

I am 37, and talked with my counselor about it, and she referred me to a psychiatrist. I explained almost everything you just typed up to the psychiatrist, and at my request, sent me in for Neuropsychological Testing. I took the test today after a six week wait. I will know the outcome on May 13.

I too feel as you do. I want that sense of relief of knowing or not knowing.

I wish you the best of luck. I would encourage to talk with a counselor or therapist or psychologist, or psychiatrist about it and go from there. :)

I got diagnosed at 38 - not very long ago - via a neuropsychologist. I can only say that i am a big proponent of getting the diagnosis. That finality was just essential for me. I have written about this in other posts here and I'd encourage you to take a look at those.

For me it was a struggle but, so far, I am Way Happier finally knowing and taking proactive steps. Let me know if you have any other questions (PM if need be),

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