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I didn't even mention any names. I just wrote that it was a person (in my rant thread, not here) I was talking to on YouTube and hoped no one here would figure it out because I actually respect privacy. You just gave yourself away, Sean, and now everyone knows it's you. I never said anything about other males on here in my PMs either. I don't know where you got that from.
I wasn't treating you badly, at least I wasn't trying to. You took everything I said the completely wrong way and now we're in this mess. Just stop talking to me so we can end this now. I'm sick of it and I'm sick of being misunderstood and of my words being twisted around to suit your personal preferences.

hopefully I helped her realize that not everyone is going to placate her or give her her way.

Do you honestly think I've lived with this family my whole life being constantly ignored and not taken seriously, often left to do my own thing by myself and even then interrupted, and not realized that? How can you say that and then say you understand me? You really, truly don't.

Anne knows why I'm not talking to her anymore.

Yeah, it's because you don't know what I'm really trying to say and you think I'm referring to you when I say the whole Internet. That is nothing less of egotistical and arrogant, just like those idiot males you're always talking about. Frankly I think you're more like them than you think.
Everything you say about me now is a lie.

I didn't read either message

That's a no-brainer.
I do not find Sean's behaviour at all odd. It is typical of the behaviour of a sociopath in every regard. Sociopathy is sometimes referred to as "alpha male syndrome", and while there is a lot more to being a male sociopath than the constant attempt to establish oneself as the alpha male, it does describe much of Sean's behaviour perfectly well. The bragging, the put downs, the know-it-all attitude. The attempts to show that he is somehow "favoured" by female board members.

Sociopaths are regularly misdiagnosed as aspies as they share many of the same problems and issues - but at their core they are as fundamentally different as it is possible to be. They pop up regularly on aspie forums. They are often dangerous - one such character on another aspie forum I post on was actually sending PMs to members who were depressed and telling them to commit suicide. I'm hoping that Sean has more humanity than this.

Bottom line is that I hope that Sean gets the love and support he needs somewhere. But he won't find what he is looking for on aspie forums.

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