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Participating on sites like Facebook and constant use of cell phones.


Well-Known Member
Am I unusual in that I will not join any site like Facebook? I can't imagine telling the world about everything I do and I have very little interest in reading about the trite goings on of people, even those I like and know. I like email because it is selective and personal. I joined Facebook a long time ago only because I wanted to see the pictures of someone's dogs that were posted there. Since then, I get an occasional invitation to friend people whom I know, and also from complete strangers. I ignore the strangers and usually respond to those whom I know and tell them I never post anything on sites like Facebook. I remind them that I do enjoy email.

Today I received a friend request from a old friend, old as in many years of knowing each other and also old because he is only 11 years younger than I am. He is a very friendly, outgoing person and I was surprised by his request. I accepted but I will also email him and tell him I really don't use Facebook. I have no idea or understanding of how people can spend so much time relating all the mundane things they have to say.

Oh, I feel the same way about the way people use cell phones. I carry a very cheap, simple model because I live in a rural area and also because there are very few pay phones around any more. I have used my phone twice when I was involved in an accident and very occasionally to call my sons if I need a quick answer to an important question and want to talk to them immediately. I have never tweeted anyone in my life. I simply don't feel any need to be so closely attached to anyone and am always annoyed if my phone rings--either cell or at home. I am a hermit by choice because all the superfluous contact with people wears me out. I am always afraid of saying or doing something Aspie and annoying them.
Am I unusual in that I will not join any site like Facebook?

No. I wrote my post https://www.aspiescentral.com/threads/i-dont-like-facebook.9096/ and you should look at all the responses I got.

Anyhow, because I'm starting a business developing mobile apps, this type of business is popular of using social media. So even though I don't care for it, because most customers want it, I need to make sense of this stuff. I'm super lucky the business program I'm taking have a social media course. So I will be stuck with this crap for my business career, I'm still not having plans to use it much for personal use. Most stuff people share on Facebook don't interest me. This is why I don't use it for personal use.
Before the age of cell phones I was an evening supervisor in a nursing home. I was furious at the number of personal phone calls the staff, mostly aids, received. I was, and am still of the belief that while at work the only personal phone calls you make or receive MUST be because of an emergency. That is how it used to be many years ago. I would sometimes sit at the nurses' station to chart where the phones were located and frequent calls came in for the staff. At first I simply paged the staff member who had a call because I thought there must be a problem. Then I noticed how many staff members came to the desk while not on a break to make personal calls. I could hear everything they said and it was trash like ,"What did you have for supper?" or "Do you want to go out (this meant bar hopping) on Friday?" I began to lecture the staff that personal calls had to be for emergencies only and that repeated personal calls made or received would lead to discipline. I almost got fired because so many staff hated me!!!!! I still believe when someone is being paid to do a job they should not make or receive unnecessary calls. I am very glad that the use of cell phones by almost everyone, all the time, had not yet become the norm until after I retired. I can't believe school children are allowed to carry phones, let alone use them, while in school. In my day, if a family emergency arose and the student had to be contacted, the principal's office was called and an emergency message was left for the student. The student was then paged to go to the office. One time, while I was at work, my son in CA called to chat. I asked what the emergency was and he said there was none. I then reminded him that I was on the clock. He replied to me that I was the boss and didn't that mean I was exempt????? I told him no and to call me after work!
never owned a iphone and I have a cheap 18.00 phone I add 30 min (rollover)blocks of time as needed. Stress free and SIMPLE...
Posting of facebook is voluntary though.... no one tells you you should post there, nor does anyone tell you what you should post. But on a same note, having an account on FB or other social media is just as voluntary.
I see social media as a nice way to take note that friends and people you like are alive and well. It's not so much what trivial things they are posting as it is the fact that they are posting. It isn't as personal as email, but it does canvas more people at less effort and expense. You can say merry christmas to everyone on facebook in one post, for example. They can reply to that post, and it's about the same as sending each other cards.

I am also pretty tolerant of phone conversations at work, it's all about getting the work done, and a couple 5-10 minute conversations a day won't hinder progress. I often have to make personal calls at work if I want to set a doctor's appointment or have a quick conversation with the phone company (after I find that my home phone is disconnected), or chat a few minutes with a friend who wants to meet me for lunch. If your company had a rule against them, I can see upholding that rule, but making your own personal rule would be lame. But that said, there are abusers who would spend all day on the phone. It's something that I think you can learn to report to interested parties in a calm way. Like I would always go to my manager and say: "hey, you know John hasn't been at his desk since 8:00 this morning, it is now 12:00, looks like he's been chatting with Jerry for 4 hours." and I would leave it at that.
My aversion to iPhone is actually an aversion to touch-screen, and the fact that an iPhone does not primarily function as a phone. If it takes a few screens to get to the number-dialing function, it ceases to be a phone and is just a fancy noise maker.
I refused to use Facebook, until my sister mentioned how worried she was about her eldest daughter and how she uses Facebook, but unfriended her mum, which naturally caused her concern. So, I said that would take a look, imaging that I could without joining, as you can on other sites, to keep her informed? My sis liked the idea, but as soon as I went in, I realised I would have to join and so, for the good of my sis, lol I joined but under an assumed name, for naturally my niece would be suspicious, but I didn't appreciate there was an age limit; I put in 15. Having been around NT'S all my life and Sue to my background, I can discern the way ones might think. I had heard bad things about Facebook and really did not want much to do with it, but I was surprised with how many of my faith, we're on there, and soon discovered that it was not as others wall is.

Some, but sadly most Americans, do like to post things that I really do not care about. I do not have many, because it overwhelms me and only females. I never would befriend anyone I know, because how I am online is not off and so, too surreal for me. I have made a few "friends and speak to my best friend, every day on there.

I do see other people's walls and think that if I were not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I would not want to be on there, but my wall is mostly about the bible and such like.

I love Facebook, because when used for good purposes, it is great. But that is with anything on the Internet.
My personal integrity dictates that I WORK while I am being paid. I can babble on the phone as much as I like on my own time. I was working in a nursing home and there are always residents who need checking on, a little personal kindness, and other staff who would appreciate help with all the pulling, lifting and tugging that is a constant part of the job. I used to ask the worst abusers of the nursing home's telephone how they would feel if cashiers just left their lanes to go off and gab on the phone while NOT on a break. Hours of time that belonged to the hospital, because the employee was on the clock while on the phone were wasted every week. We all had a meal time and a break. The union wouldn't tolerate any infringement on these scheduled free times so why should the hospital provide the phone and the allow abandoning of residents for multiple phone calls every shift?
I couldn't agree more. I have a cellphone so old that it broke and i mended it with tape. My mother is obsessed with technology and she gave me a new one but i see it and get stressed so i rarely even carry it with me. I hate fb. I was forced to be a member because people in my university share info in the school's page (like when we have a test) and i understand the necessity of having access to this info but i never post anything too. I think fb is so successful because it aims on people's narcissism. If someone gets 200 likes in their profile pic, it means they are hot so they feel good about themselves. Also it is a way to appear falsely successful. I was astounded by how perfect everyone's life appeared but it is fake because they select and upload only the best. I don't care about any of this, like who wore what, who went where.... NT's see it as strange but it's ok, we don't have to agree in everything.
Posting of facebook is voluntary though.... no one tells you you should post there, nor does anyone tell you what you should post. But on a same note, having an account on FB or other social media is just as voluntary.

True, but I never joined Facebook until someone asked me to view their pictures and I found it was a Facebook account. This was how I learned how mundane Facebook is. They could have easily sent me the photos in an email. I had my own web page and I offered my photos for viewing there. Just click the url!
True, but I never joined Facebook until someone asked me to view their pictures and I found it was a Facebook account. This was how I learned how mundane Facebook is. They could have easily sent me the photos in an email. I had my own web page and I offered my photos for viewing there. Just click the url!

Fair point; I do agree how mundane facebook can be. But it does depend a lot on the people you have on there and what's showing up in your newsfeed. I've actually blocked most of my "friends" from the newsfeed and get mostly articles from online companies that I care about (like press releases from the NAMM; a music instruments convention where every company shows their new stuff) and I keep track of some local events like concerts. That's what I do with FB. I guess I could do without, but that would mean I'd be browsing all these websites and I'm fine with having it all show up in a single feed on FB, mixed in with a few random funny images. So yeah... mundane really depends on how you use it and what you're looking for. If I were to just look at statusupdates of my FB friends... yeah, that's mundane with a capital M, hah.
My husband loves technology and always up to date with all the new stuff that comes out. He got me hooked :) About 5 years ago I only used my phone for texting and calling, now I use it for a lot of things, and honestly, I enjoy the convenience of it. If I didn't use tap talk on the phone I wouldn't be coming here that often or at all :D I rarely have time to post something when I'm on computer or on ipad. Each device has its purpose and it's often not for expressing my very valuable opinions on forums :D
Guendolen says: "If someone gets 200 likes in their profile pic, it means they are hot so they feel good about themselves. Also it is a way to appear falsely successful. I was astounded by how perfect everyone's life appeared but it is fake because they select and upload only the best. I don't care about any of this, like who wore what, who went where.... NT's see it as strange but it's ok, we don't have to agree in everything."

Lol, we live in mass-attentionhoes paradise. " I got 1000 likes from nude pic, it means i'm everything for my friends" *tocktock tock*


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I only have a cell phone so I can take calls from my customers. I am on Facebook but rarely update my status. I do like to comment on other peoples stuff. I have learned to avoid debating politics on there. It's too easy to type your opinion then wish you hadn't later. Life is too short to worry about what the folks in Washington are doing.
I reluctantly joined facebook, and seldom post to it. Friends and family often post very inane things. Its also now also quickly becoming a source of spam from companies.
I refuse to join any other social network - one is more than enough!
As for phones, I always hated paper diaries, and much prefer a pda. About the time I was thinking it would be cool to combine a pda and phone, others were obviously thinking the same and they started doing it - though some early ones were poorly integrated.
I had a facebook account for approximately two years because that was the only way I knew of to play Happy Aquarium. Therefore, I used a fake name, location, and date of birth and never posted anything.

Then I added a new computer to my VPN and was going to play with my aquarium before I installed the Adblocker, and what happened? I got a personalized add for a particular item I had been browsing for on Home Depot a few days before.

So it turned out that fb monitors your browsing activities with their cookies, even if you are signed out. Plus, they have information about your VPN. Even if you delete your browser history and cookies each time you log out, fb records everything, every site you have visited, every comment you have posted, and every time you have hit a like or dislike button. We don't need NSA, fb does a better job in watching our every step on the internet.

Of course I have deleted my fb account and installed tracker blocking software etc.

How Facebook Tracks Your Web Activity - Business Insider

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