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Newly diagnosed at 47


New Member
Hi everyone, my name is Sue, as the title says I'm 47 and have just been formally diagnosed with Asperger's. I've spent 30 years battling depression and anxiety, had two marriages fail, not made a great job of motherhood and every doctor I ever saw gave me anti-depressants and sent me on my way.

Only a complete mental and physical breakdown in 2013 got the attention of specialists and a brilliant psychiatric nurse who saw my autistic traits within half an hour of meeting me. Cue a long wait for assessment until I was reasonably stable, and the diagnosis. The Asperger's is and always has been the cause of the anxiety and depression but it took a long time and one very observant man to spot it. I want to move forward now, I've been stuck in the house for almost two years, I have a meeting this week to work out some goals and strategies. I also have suspected Fibromyalgia but my anxiety won't let me get tests! Yep I'm a bit of a mess but I want my life back, now I know what I'm dealing with I'm hoping I can work towards that.

I'm lucky that I now have a very supportive husband who 'gets' me. He knows when to leave me be and when I need him, that kind of intuitive behaviour is very useful.

Happy New Year to you all.
Welcome Sooz68 :) There's alot of useful info on AC, and alot of friendly and supportive folks, so hopefully, being here will be beneficial for you.
HeySooz...im 39 and currently in the slow assessment phase of getting the official diagnosis of Aspergers...hopefully after a few more months i will be done with diagnosis and finally able to get guidance on how to put my life back together and go forward.
Anyways, if you need anything or have any questions or just want to rant to someone who has shared some similar experiences, then just message me.
Welcome aboard :)
Welcome. Feel free to make yourself at home here. Hope you enjoy your time here as well.
I only found out I had aspergers last year.. for 29 years I just fort I was abit strange was sort of glad to get a ansaw tuke bit for me to get my ed round having it but I was glad I found out was pissed off tuke so long tho.

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