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Sensitive Topic Moms Against Autistic Children

Satire is funny when it's taking real, absurd trains of thoughts into contexts where they're obviously so or to an extreme where they're ludicrous.
If it was their intention to be funny, they clearly failed, but if it was their intention to offend, isn't acknowledging them just letting them win? I mean, there are no real consequences to being banned from Facebook. Perhaps people should just send them some messages explaining why this is not funny, and maybe help them understand humor a bit more. After all, it is really the poster's problem. We don't have to give their posts attention, but they would probably have a better life if they improved their humor.
The page came back on December 26th. It has just been removed. Again. This time they have a name of an administrator of the page. This person copied every photo from their latest targets wall and slandered them using several pages. Including legitimate pages that fell for the administrators plea for help. To protect them. Their targets real name and photo and location were posted on several sites baiting violence against the target. Threats were made. The administrater had tried to contact the target using their real name. Sending their name and phone number wanting to talk. The target refused. They attacked ruthlessly because their is finally a name to at least one of these versions of the original. Or maybe its the original. It won't stop I'm sure. Police have the name. But it will take time. Their new approach is to create several pages for and against. They use these pages to comment on and even attack their other page to try to show credibility. Be very careful commenting on anything you see within these disgusting pages. Your photos and personal information will be copied even before they reply attempting to bait you into an argument. Report and stay silent. That's the best way to handle this. Your now taking a huge risk if you stand up to them. They blame "autistic parents" for their behavior and page. Claiming people need to pay for offending someone in the past. So there is a name now. Hopefully that person can be made an example of legally to warn other people who think this is a game.
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