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*Little* Things That Annoy You (Pet Peeves)

When you call an NHS number and you have to listen to like 5 minutes of a recorded message gabbling on about covid before you get through to speak to anyone.
Getting caught off-guard by unexpected noises/sounds.

I used to have this issue with Foxes that lived near my house before I eventually got used to it; if they weren't making noises that sounded like a woman getting murdered, it sounded like they were saying "Hello?"

Another example from the past is when I decided to watch the TV Adaptation of Chocky...only to nearly spill my cup of tea over myself when I heard the opening credits.
Seriously, whose idea was it to put the sound of a woman screaming in there?!

Getting caught off-guard by unexpected noises/sounds.

I used to have this issue with Foxes that lived near my house before I eventually got used to it; if they weren't making noises that sounded like a woman getting murdered, it sounded like they were saying "Hello?"

Another example from the past is when I decided to watch the TV Adaptation of Chocky...only to nearly spill my cup of tea over myself when I heard the opening credits.
Seriously, whose idea was it to put the sound of a woman screaming in there?!

I hate it when you're walking along the street and all of a sudden a dog suddenly barks loudly from behind a gate or bush, it almost startles me to death.
People online who post excessively about 'a new pandemic', not taking into account how much distress it can cause for people who were badly impacted by the covid pandemic.
Facebook shorts being too...short. I know that's why they're called shorts but they're sometimes so short that I barely had enough time to comprehend what the video was about and then it abruptly ends and begins over again.
Women who plaster themselves with way too much make-up and foundation in their Facebook photos.
"I wonder what Jane who I used to go around with at school looks like now" *finds her on Facebook* "oh, just like every other woman"
Clicking "Never ask again" regarding AutismForums telling me "Asperger's & Autism Forum would like your permission to enable push notifications"...only for AutismForums to then ask me again a few weeks/months later.
Being watched by others, like if I'm using my phone or working on my computer and someone sitting near me is watching me, it makes me feel very uncomfortable and agitated.
When I post a message to someone, like a mod, about another page, but forget to post the link. I often make this mistake.
They message back saying "which link? You didn't provide one." I'd copied a link to my clip tray, wrote the rant first, then forgot to add the link in the post.

See what I mean when I'm often so eager to post something that I'm not thinking first? I don't often proofread because with ADHD that can be quite difficult. I just want to get it POSTED! Lol
When people criticise you for having your favourite teddy bear as a comfort item. So I sleep with my teddy bear every night, so what? What difference is it making to other people's lives?
My husband doesn't judge me though. He accepts my beloved teddy bear.
Sometimes i sleep with Qur'an, as a book, specifically. I like to sleep with God in mind glorifying Him.
My teddy bear literally has the same value to me as a member of the family or a pet. So if I tragically lost him in a fire or something (God forbid), I'd grieve the same as I would a loved one and would probably get a tombstone for him and even hold a little funeral.
No, I'm not mad. It's just how much I love my teddy bear.
My "teddy bear" is my big K9 boy.
He is the only one who hops on the bed.
The other 2 don't because I lash out when I sleep. 🙀
When an adult wants to tell a funny joke but they just tell a stupid joke that's older than the dinosaurs and everyone has heard it a million times before.

Oh, I'm not referring to anyone here by the way, I'm just speaking in general, about those "what's black and white and red? A newspaper" type of jokes.
When someone simply MUST interject their Special Interest into a conversation or discussion, when the original topic has nothing at all to do with their Special Interest.
When browsing YouTube, I get topics like "Biggest Idiots at Work" or "When Things Go Wrong" and the illustration is often of a shapely and/or semi-clad woman. If I click on the topic, I might start getting raunchier ads everywhere. However, I have a question. Do women get pictures of hot guys instead?
When browsing YouTube, I get topics like "Biggest Idiots at Work" or "When Things Go Wrong" and the illustration is often of a shapely and/or semi-clad woman. If I click on the topic, I might start getting raunchier ads everywhere. However, I have a question. Do women get pictures of hot guys instead?
Hardly. Most of the internet seems to be geared for straight men. It's like when I receive inappropriately sexual spam emails, it's always of sexy women, never a sexy man.
Also a lot of ASMR videos consist of young girls wearing tonnes of make-up and just look more perfect than a movie star in a movie, and they stare right into the camera at you as they're making the ASMR sounds, like it's designed to be a porn-like video for men to, you know, soothe themselves to sleep. But it's very seldom a hot guy with his shirt off revealing a nice upper body, staring into your soul in the camera like he loves you. I don't think I'd want that anyway. In fact I like when guys do ASMR videos because they don't actually keep staring at you into the camera. They just get on with the ASMR, making it friendly for both genders and all sexualities.

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