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Is anyone else on anti-depressants?


Well-Known Member
I just started taking them today and I feel really weird, is that normal? Never taken them before, bit sceptical about taking them. Any first hand experiences shared would be great =)
You'll fall in love with them. And, then, you'll have to drop them. No need to worry.
Yeah im on anti depressants been on them for 20 yrs. You do get certain side affects from them like dry mouth and feeling dizzy if you stand up suddenly. You shouldnt feel weird just from taking them today. They usually work between 2 wks and 4 wks of taking them. Which ones are you taking by the way?
Citalopram? Since I took my first one yesterday I keep gagging, have been quite restless and fidgety and yeah I do have a dry mouth.

What are the pros and cons for you?
I do take psych meds at the moment, but I haven't taken anti-depressants for a while. For most people, ADs tend to start kicking in and the side effects start evening out after 6-8 weeks, although sometimes it can be shorter. They're not meant to cause you to feel unnaturally happy or anything - they're more intended to lift your baseline mood up, so you can function better.

I've never taken Citalopram but I've taken the following ADs:

+ Lexapro (SSRI);
+ Aurorix (MAOI);
+ Zoloft (SSRI);
+ Pristiq (SNRI).

Some ADs can be a bit activating initially, which probably accounts for your fidgeting. Personally I found that I don't really respond that well to ADs, but that's probably partly due to my co-morbid diagnosis than anything else.
The pros and cons of taking them i find is i can function better by taking meaning it does take the depression completely away but it helps you manage your mood a bit better so that you function better. When i first took them it was difficult to remember to take them every night but have got used to it now. You said yours make you gag if that was me id go back to the doctor and say those tablets arnt suitable for me. or maybe you will get used to them after a few days. Mine give me slight blurred vision as well.
Well the gagging has stopped which is good, might just be the initial shock to my body. Still a little fidgety tho. Still dry mouth. But I think I feel mentally alright, could be a placebo affect coz I've only been on them a few days. I have slight blurred vision as well and have been a bit clumsy and really really sleepy!

Thanks for your insight btw =)

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