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I'm sorry for the things I say but I am just so lonely without a partner.

Tony Ramirez

Single. The curse of women hating me is back.
V.I.P Member
I been wanting a partner all my life and I really thought by when I first registered here back in April of 2019 got out of my comfort zone and first came back to church by now end of 2023 I would at least have a girlfriend. But all I get is hate here for wanting one and hate from women saying that I treat them bad because they are not single.

Really I try but all I seem to meet are women in relationships and after awhile that makes me bitter and resentful. But no one here understands.

I really don't want to treat women bad. They just always treated me bad by ignoring me most of my life which I find is the worst type of rejection. It hurts the most. In college girls ignored me completely. Even sitting next to them in class they would not say one word to me the entire simester but talk to the other students. I had no friends. I really wanted female friends. I did not say anything back then and held it all in for decades. Only now I am venting and letting it out which is why I am the way I am so resentful.

It just seems that I am the type of person that can't be loved by a woman. Even now a woman won't even really tolerance me as a friend and would only hang out with me with other people. That is why I have never or will never be on a date in my life. I just know it. I am even more sad now. It's hopeless for me.

I will continue my yoga, walks, church, groups and exercise but it's going to be difficult seeing couples and always encountering new women in relationships but I am going to have to try to continue on.
You are just venting, but I have seen you change your attitude about this in a very insightful way over the years, you do seem to realise now that however much you may want to be in a relationship, it is very hard for you to communicate in ways that might lead to that happening. Many of us here are in the same boat.

I am glad you realised a while back that being bitter and lashing out at women or couples wasn't appropriate or useful. It does seem that people have found you more approachable and appealing since then. So that's good progress.

All of us mostly here struggle with our social communication. Often if we have a partner it's because they chose us, initially, or they are patient and /or non judgmental. Or we were good at listening to them when they needed that, maybe.

Do you have any activities where you help others, Tony? Volunteering in a charity or helping tend Community Gardens, or something? It can help you feel more powerful and confident, and show you in a different light to others.
I am trying to be more kind to women and other people too. Even when I find out a women I am taking to is in a relationship I am still polite to her even though my emotions are a mess and it's hard to keep my temper in check.
In college girls ignored me completely. Even sitting next to them in class they would not say one word to me the entire simester but talk to the other students.
Remember, there are many women (and others!) of the forum who are basically choosing to sit near you, noticing you, and talking to you now. I know real life connections are what you want, but your online support system is here for you. Noticing you. Caring about you.
Here is the thing I notice too with some women especially at church. When they are single they would not give me the time of day like this woman Katie. Even that time when I sat next to her during the greeting and she ignored me. But as soon as she got a boyfriend which became her husband then she started to talk to me, know my name and even consoled me when I was distraught.

Now there are two women from church that also won't give me the time of day. One which made me serving depressed in October when I sat right next to her during the dinner and she did not say one word to me but spoke to everyone else. She was the one I stupidity went up to an introduced myself to during the coffee hour and after she told me her name she said I have to put away the tables then never uttered another word to me since. Even when I went to past dinners with her she would talk to everyone else. So now even at the Christmas party and church she completely ignores me but after what my yoga teacher Tashya said just ignore her back I just avoid her and walk away. But I can almost guarantee that if she got a boyfriend she would acknowledge I exist and start to talk to me.

This ignored rejection from women is the exact thing I experienced from college which is why I got poor grades and ended up dropping out. I never tried to return because of the fear of it happening again.
But all I get is hate here

You arent hated here. You never were.

Yes, people get frustrated at times, but... some of us arent always so good at the communication thing. Myself included, certainly. I'm well aware I can come of as a bit too spiky/fiery at times, it's part of the reason for my name, but it's not intentional.

Same with anyone else, I think. Many here wanted the best for you. They want to see your situation improve, they want to see you happier. They want to see you knock down old obstacles and be ready to knock down even more.

The best part? You did that. You went and did that. So much of that old anger hasnt been present. Heck, even just look at your profile image... you look so much better. More than you probably realize. I'm guessing that moments where you're also FEELING better have been more frequent? You're doing things like your yoga classes, going to events and opening up a bit more, and so on.

I knew you could do it, that you could begin that progress. I think others knew too. The important bit though, is now YOU know. Because you went and did it. Sure, you may not have achieved your main goal yet, but... as that old saying goes, Rome wasnt built in a day. One step at a time here.

Also, it's absolutely okay to vent from time to time. It's normal to need to do that. Everyone goes through that process at times. Everyone, without exception. Even those people who may seem happy and content, who may seem like they're all smiles. They must do it too, at times, even if they'll deny that fact. It's a normal part of life.

You may feel hopeless now, but that doesnt mean you always will. Always remember the steps you've taken so far, and the progress you've made. You've come a long way. There's no reason to believe that you cannot go even further (though I recognize that it can be very hard to believe at times).

And realize that you arent alone in this. There are those out there who have been or currently are exactly where you are, experiencing what you're going through. And there are others who, while they cannot completely understand exactly how you feel and have not been in shoes like yours before, still want to help nonetheless.

I wish you the best, sir.

That's all I wanted to say. I'll pipe down now.
I echo others, in that there is no need to be sorry, Tony.

Isn't that what coming here is for? We are all struggling thanks to being the minority in this world of neurotypicals and thus, come here to "breath and be ourselves".

Just wondering, if by chance you emit a sort of auro that frightens a type of female? Since you say, that they will only talk to you, when others are around and thus, it could well be, that your desperation to have a woman in your life, is actually manefesting itself to those and they find it creepy?

I had always wanted friends and had pretty much the same reaction as you and came to realise it is due to be being so desperate to be accepted and befriended, that it put other females off. I am now in a way of: not caring one way or another and finally do have a lovely friend. Actually, she is one who I would never dream of befriending, as she is taller than me ( me hating being only 5ft4ins) and she is a mother of two girls ( just being a mother puts me off), however, I find her a delight and we have such a great time in each other's company. Never boring lol
I think many people understand what you mean. Loneliness is an ugly thing, it can be like an amplifier that makes other problems worse. Difficult to deal with and live with.
Maybe you might come across as standoffish, but not in a nasty way. My mum had a phrase for it. Amounted to *flake off vibes.* I understand you are friendly and seem to have women coming up to you for a chat, and that is great. But when it comes to attracting a potential date, you have some sort of standoffish vibe somewhere that people willing to be friends can't see?
It's the same with me, but the other way around. I can attract men and find dates (not bragging or anything, just saying it how it is) but when it comes to making friends something about me seems to make (NT females my age) back away and only stay at acquaintance level. I never know what it is that makes friendships not happen for me, yet meeting a date and keeping in a romantic relationship seems easy and effortless for me.

Maybe it's women being hard to please. I can't please women when I'm trying to make friends, and you (the OP) can't please women when you want a relationship (I don't mean you literally can't, I mean it feels to you like you can't, because you're still single). It really sucks, and I wish there was something I could do.
I don't mean to put off a standoffish vibe but I did tell since most are in my life groups, most of the few single women in my church know my desperation of wanting to be in a relationship. They heard me complaining in the texts and in person so now I know they will never want to hang out with me solo. As for single women not in the groups except for those two that ignore me there is that one I still never got her number and really a couple of more that see that I don't know or don't know well that I doubt are single.
I'm 51 now and have always been single, never really ever had a girlfriend

For me I'm okay with that, but more to the point... One friend has told me that he has seen several times where women were flirting with me and I was pretty much clueless to it, because of not picking up on social cues...
...most of the few single women in my church know my desperation of wanting to be in a relationship. They heard me complaining in the texts and in person so now I know they will never want to hang out with me solo.
You need to stop this. This is very likely part of the reason why people tell you that "they don't know anyone who is single to introduce you to." You've gotten that reputation of being the guy who comes to the group just so he can scope out the single women. That behavior is a bad look - on anyone.

I get that it's frustrating, but you need to be more aware of how your behavior makes you look to people on the outside. You need to chill out and stop trying so hard.

Human relationships are not something you can force so getting angry that it's not happening is not going to work. If it's making you this frustrated you need to take several steps back for a long while until you get your emotions under control.

What if you found out tomorrow that you could see into your future and you found out you would never meet anyone special? What would you do with that information? It's hard to tell someone this but it really is something you have to be okay with and open to finding other things to do with your time.

Have you ever seen the movie "Groundhog Day?" I like to think of it like that. Phil found himself trapped in a time loop that he could not escape. He eventually resigned himself to his fate and began to find ways to pass the time and just enjoy himself. And that's when he finally broke out of it. It's only a movie but it's a good lesson to take away.
I do feel for you, buddy. It's rarely thought about this way, but it's simply true that it's a cruel, you could say even brutal aspect of nature when anyone who wants one can't find a mate,

I think of those nature/wildlife shows where you see herds of wild animals trying to cross a river and some struggle and drowned. Or where you see prey (e.g. hooved animals) being captured and eaten alive by lions. Brutal aspects of nature. I regard the struggle and lack of success that some have in finding a mate to be in the same realm (i.e. brutal aspect of nature).
To be fair to Tony, all the blame should not be just on him. I think many single women in general are a lot more picky and judgemental of single guys who sit next to them or talk to them because they either fear the guy's intentions too much or are more concerned about getting their needs met or worry about their image with who sits next to them or talks to them, if they quickly have some initial negative opinion or assumption of what they see, or if they worry about gossip spreading. They may worry about atypical guys harassing them, or trying to eventually get too close before they even remotely would consider that, and they do not want to either waste time getting to know others that they assume are less or not able to fulfill their needs, or have to explain maybe to their friends some atypical guy was trying to socialize with them. That is not good for them or their image perhaps.

Regardless what people say here, the average woman is far needier than the average guy, in terms of needing more things. If the guy is not financially able to support her, or have higher income than her, is not reasonably successful, or with a good stable job, those are big strikes against that guy. The stats vary, depending on the sites you research, but between 85-93 percent of single women value strongly a partner who is financially able, preferably through stable work than inheritance, from what I read, as that shows responsibility and other stronger traits.

This does not mean all women need a guy with a good stable job or some guy of professional social or financial status, or will get such a guy, but just that could be a big factor in convincing many of those women to give some single guy a chance or at least it could determine how a guy is at least initially treated by them. Some women who are less typical or judgmental, and less needy financially and less fearful, or more empathetic, may be open minded to meeting or talking to more single guys, even if they appear different, but these guys may have to show some other good traits more, whether it be confidence, humor, positivity, communication ability, physical looks, style of clothes they wear, kindness, some skill, talent, etc. Most people do not want only a partner project to dream of fixing many things up. They want to see benefits or compatability in the other right away.

Personally, I do not see Tony and Marks looks as a turn off, if I were a woman, as you look decent to me. Just be aware guys that if you cannot talk about or show the other sides talked about more, then the main type of woman you may find that gives you the chance are the ones with either strong empathy or self esteem in not needing to impress their friends, or ones with poor self esteem or desperate for a partner too, ones who will not just superficially be nice then backstab, but who truly do not see atypical guys who have needs as bad; those women who have much love and positive energy to give or are not too picky. As many women get self esteem not just through their looks but through the quality of their friendships and relationships, you may need to find secure and kind woman instead, or one who admit to having many issues themselves; those who are not embarrassed at one with lesser job or income, or with some guy seen as different or Autistic; ones who do not see themselves as better but see positives in talking to you, and wanting to get to know you as a person, instead of comparing you to others that society says is more attractive.

There are guys with conditions without jobs that date and are married. There are guys who are really shy and who do not have the best confidence, initiation and communication skills that date and are married too. Will they have less chances than the confident, positive, financial well off social guys? Yes. More guys would date unemployed or disabled woman than women date unemployed and disabled guys. It is partially because of negative stereotypes and societal expectations. Women are allowed to be home more, express negatives more, be seen as weaker. Times are changing there, with more women working and more guys staying at home, but still if you want more chances, you either have to focus on showing your good traits more, better certain things, or be yourself and find the places where those kinder and stronger women would be, or find those women with other needs that you feel you would love to help with, with abilities there.

In my case, I dated a few to several woman eventually in my thirties, but it was only after realizing I was giving off negative vibes, through nonverbal cues I gave off, and by avoiding others too much which is just as bad as pushing others to give us a chance too much, and when I knew I could not change women, culture and their needs, but just highlight the better version of myself more, and through some years of self improvement , as we all have personality traits or skills that can be endearing to many, that can be developed or shown more, instead of wasting time by showing us as a victim. I chose not the first woman I dated, as I sensed the first few would not work out, but I chose the friendlier and kinder and wiser-woman who knew I was a great match for her needs and who believed in me, yet who she provided me with the energy, humor, creativity, non-judgemental and non-materialistic needs I was looking for too. It had been hard then finding that match, but I did so through researching the right group/ forum places then and resorting to writings online first, where I could express and show best those positives about me, and only then would I initiate being friends with some of those past persons, realizing many women want less vulnerable or more indirect ways to talk, or if they have conditions themselves or would be talking to atypical guys who did not immediately ring the "I want that guy" bell upon quick judgement.
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Have been watching a number of women complaining about men u-tube videos lately. boy do they have unrealistic.
expectations of men can give to a relationship. Tony time is on your side, if I'm wrong, buy stock in ethical cat breeders as the number of cat ladies will increase exponentially.
I think the first thing a lot of guys need to do is to stop trying to learn about human behavior by watching videos - whether they are on Youtube, television, movies, etc. You can't learn about human behavior by being a passive bystander. You have to actually talk and interact with real humans. So whatever you see on Youtube about whatever Red Pill garbage is being spewed today, you can throw that right out the window because Red Pill grifters prey upon lonely men to make money from them. I mean that should be obvious by now.

The other thing men need to consider is this: what do you have in common with someone? Consider: what would a career woman see in a guy who still lives at home with his parents? What would she have to talk to him about? What values would they have in common?

That's just an example, but the idea that women still want a guy to support her financially is ludicrous. Maybe there are some who do but I'd guess that the vast majority want an equal partner. The days of one income, where the husband earns the money while the wife stays at home and raises children, are mostly over. Living comfortably requires two incomes these days, and, as women now outnumber men with university degrees, most men do not earn enough cash to enable her to stay at home. And I don't mean to be rude here, but there aren't too many women who are going to be wiling to take on an adult man who can't care for himself.
My wife and I always had a pretty equal partnership, during periods of unemployment. We survived on wifefare.
worked well I took care of the kids during the interval. Both retired now.

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