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Habits you have


Well-Known Member
I ask TONS of questions. I like to know what's going to happen, did this happen, is this legal, etc.

I also repeat myself because I don't think the person I'm talking to really heard me, or I just want to say whatever I said again.
I chew the skin around my fingertips. I do this until my fingers become raw and bleed. I also lick/chew my lips, which I really want to stop. It's rare that my lips don't look chapped and gross.

I've been doing this since I was 11 or so, so I doubt I'll break these habits anytime soon...
I usually repeat myself to make sure that I have been heard (I have a problem with speaking clearly sometimes). When I was younger I used to have a habit of licking my lips a lot because I felt they were dry. I have a habit of sitting up late at night and sleeping during the day. I also ask a lot of questions too.
Surprised that you guys also ask a lot of questions. I used to get bugged for constantly asking questions.

I don't see what's so wrong about asking questions, really.
I suppose it can be annoying if someone asks you a lot of questions or maybe they expect you to already know the answers to the questions you are asking.
I suppose it can be annoying if someone asks you a lot of questions or maybe they expect you to already know the answers to the questions you are asking.

But I still find there's nothing wrong as long as the person who's asking the questions is a genuinely curious person. There's nothing wrong with finding answers to things you're oblivious to IMO.
Ditto on the asking questions and repeating one's self.
I also bite my nails and the skin around them.
I doodle on any piece of paper I'm given
But I still find there's nothing wrong as long as the person who's asking the questions is a genuinely curious person. There's nothing wrong with finding answers to things you're oblivious to IMO.

I agree but not everyone wants to answer question after question so thats why some dislike people who ask a lot of questions.
I too ask questions, chew my tongue, bite my lips, twiddle my thumbs, rub my fingers together, rub my eyebrows, and apparently do something with my little fingers on both hands that has created calluses on them and my palms (stim I've yet to notice, I guess).

On the question thing, I find it is usually repetitive because people tend to answer questions that I did not ask...instead of just answering the question I did ask. This is a type of example: I'll ask "Are you watching something on TV?" They'll answer with "You can change it." Now, I've learned that I must be very direct and concise in my questions...because I might be intending to ask this person if they want to go somewhere with me, but I don't want to bother them IF they are watching a show or something...when they don't answer "Yes", or "No" it tends to throw my thought pattern off and I'll just start watching TV instead of asking them to go somewhere. Basically, I have to go through several questions and potential replies before I can pick the exact question I really need the answer to, or I'll get angry when they don't answer the exact question I asked and I start to think they are daft when I have to ask the same question over and over until they answer it. I assume this is directly related to my Asperger's, and usually I just try to stay calm and reword the question until I get the information I need...even if they never answer the exact question I asked.
My worst habit is popping my zits and picking at the scabs. My face and shoulders look terrible from me constantly doing this. I have to apply copious amounts of makeup so it isn't as noticeable.

A less disgusting and hopefully less noticeable habit is that when I am using my imagination, I will physically act out what the characters in my mind are doing. For example, if I imagine a character pointing at something, I will physically point at something too. I don't do it with major gestures like swordfights, jumping, etc. but I do it frequently with hand gestures.
I have a habit of rubbing my face and/or neck if I feel uncomfortable. It's awkward and makes me feel even more uncomfortable when people ask me about it.
"You're rubbing your face/neck"
"I know"
"I don't know, I just do it without thinking"
"Is it a nervous thing?"
"I don't know".

I also have a tendency to answer questions I don't want to answer with "I don't know". To me it doesn't feel right to tell someone it's none of their business or that I don't want to answer, it feels like I'm being rude or ignorant and I don't want to come across that way.

Another habit I have is thinking aloud. I do that without thinking. I did that yesterday funnily enough. I was in the 6th form study centre at school and I couldn't log on to the computer, so I kept trying and I still couldn't log on. Eventually I said,
"Oh for f**k's sake", not shouting or anything, but loud enough to be heard.
A less disgusting and hopefully less noticeable habit is that when I am using my imagination, I will physically act out what the characters in my mind are doing. For example, if I imagine a character pointing at something, I will physically point at something too. I don't do it with major gestures like swordfights, jumping, etc. but I do it frequently with hand gestures.
I'm not the only one then! Though I do this when I've got music on, if I think of a story to go with the music I act stuff out that's in my imagination. :lol2:
When no one's around I catch myself making faces or repeating lines aloud that run through my head. I'm a rocker, but only when I fall asleep or, again, no one is around. I definitely chew on my fingernails/tips and my lips. I can listen to one CD for a few months before I get tired of it, but will listen to stuff other people play. I read the same dozen books every year or so (plus others). There's just so many things to list!
I've gotten into a habit of drinking diet pop in those 2 litre bottles in order to have a lot of empty bottles to take in and recycle. The thing that I've found is that the Aspartame in that pop might be making me anxious, so I really should stop doing that, and buy bottled water instead.:chatterbox:
I chew my nails/fingers. I used to chew pen caps and paper, and the inside of my cheek. I don't know when I stopped doing those.
I also push the hair up off my forehead like it's in my eyes, but my hairline is very high and my hair is super short LOL.
I have certain phrases I use with specific people very often, like "Way ahead of you boss" and "What do you need" (my supervisor) Before I leave the house with my partner I repeat, "Phone, wallet, cigarettes, keys" as a sort of checklist, But I quit smoking 4 years ago.
Sometimes I make up stories in my head, and I will silently mouth the dialogue.
I talk to myself when I'm on a difficult training ride on the bike. I raced two races this year and I kept hearing myself saying , GO! GO! GO! everytime I hit a straightaway, and once when I crashed in some sand I was almost yelling GET UP! I saw one of he other racers give me an really odd smile as he came past. I cheer for myself like just I do other people when I'm watching.
I sometimes kinda bounce on the balls of my feet when I'm anxious.
Often I will eat all of one food on my plate before starting another kind.
A lot of times, if I'm with people, I will leave without saying goodbye, or just abruptly say "Goodbye" and turn around and leave.
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Hm... As far as I know, I just bite my nails. :S Om nom nom nom nom, finger nails (only my finger nails). :p Just kidding, it is a habit I should kick.
I chew my lips & peel them...this is a relatively new habit...just started it about two years ago. I also will ocassionally get the urge to peel off my pinky toe nail completely.

I will repeat something until I'm acknowledged...and get louder. Along those lines...and this gets on my nerves that I can't control it at all...when I'm trying to tell something that I find funny I will get loud...start stuttering...lose my breath...and laugh hysterically. People have a hard time getting what I'm talking about. I don't know if that is a habit or a tic.

I also pick at any and every scab on my body.
I can't believe how common it is for people on the spectrum to chew their lips. Interesting...
One other habit I have is to type really long replies in a discussion forum, then not post it.
i actually have significantly worn my teeth down from chewing on my lips and the side of my mouth. i also have this habit of moving with my thought. like if im walking beside someone and were talking i will keep walking closer to them and often run into them. also when i play video games i move around a bunch. my room mates think its pretty funny when i get really involved and literally jump out of my seat

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