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Does anybody else have short term memory?

Daughter of a King

Active Member
It's as if my brain is on overload and I can't hold all the minor details.
Specific example:

Coworker: did you fax a form on Jane Doe anytime during the past two weeks?

Me: (in my mind). Are u kidding me? I fax about 30 pages a day on different ppl, and don't necessarily look at the names. I look at the fX number.

Is this an Aspie trait?
Though I'm not officially diagnosed for AS, I do have a learning disability and it is documented I have memory issues. It can make life very hard. It makes it hard for me to do group work for my classes to remember what we suppose to do, remember people names and many other things.
Hi daughter of a king, saw you on the online thing wondered if you were a christ... to or gamer. I have a terrible short term memory when I was trying to build a 25 foot pocket yacht, (Dumb), I had to write down everything I measured as after three steps it was gone, but being dyslexic didn't help much either, the cloud of uncertanty always hangs over you.I hate it!
Hi daughter of a king, saw you on the online thing wondered if you were a christ... to or gamer. I have a terrible short term memory when I was trying to build a 25 foot pocket yacht, (Dumb), I had to write down everything I measured as after three steps it was gone, but being dyslexic didn't help much either, the cloud of uncertanty always hangs over you.I hate it!

Hi Maelstrom,

Yes, I a Christian. I chose the name because I have been trying to redefine myself through who He says I am, not the world, or the negative thoughts in my mind.

Sorry to hear you struggle with the memory loss as well...
Though I'm not officially diagnosed for AS, I do have a learning disability and it is documented I have memory issues. It can make life very hard. It makes it hard for me to do group work for my classes to remember what we suppose to do, remember people names and many other things.

Wow, Penguin. Sorry for your struggles with memory.
My son can't remember names either. Like he doesn't even know all the kids names in his own class.
But sometimes I think that it's just because he doesn't care about names, that whole social aspect of it.
Yes i do. I find that repeating back to people what they said to me helps me to remember what i was told a lot, and at least in the working world it doesn't seem to make customers annoyed when i do it. Its like it moves it from 'temporary non necessity' to 'hey lets remember this' in my head or something. Helps it go into working memory, at any rate. Especially if i have things going on. Other than that, lists help a lot.
On occasion it bothers me when I can't instantly recall what my last meal consisted of. But is that an issue of memory or simply compartmentalizing unimportant data in my brain?

My long term memory is scary to other people who have known me a very long time.
I have a long short term memory and a short long term memory. My Ma must have the opposite cause she remembers things from 20+ yrs ago and when she starts talking about it I'm like huh? Then she'll remember things I did a long time ago and I don't even remember doing them. Is there such a thing as selective memory? :confused:
I have a very good memory... I seem to remember pretty much everything I do throughout the day and can hold it as a memory for many years. I usually don't forget much of I'm honest. My short term memory is better for recalling facts eg. I sat my GCSE's with the only revision being 'reading the textbook on the morning of the exam' and I didn't do badly on them either.
[QUOTE="Judge,post: 173071, my long term memory is scary to other people who have known me a very long time.[/QUOTE]

I'm with judge on this, bad short term memory, scary long term mem. can remember all kinds of useless stuff, people go whaaat?
I dont get my memory, i struggle to remember things that just happened but i can remember so much going back to the age of 4, this is so hard to put into words. I can pick any subject and scroll through my memories that have things to do with this subject. I am fascinated of my memory and how much i can remember. I struggle to remember names and numbers but i see video images of what happened/ where i was/ who was there/ what was there/ i can guess the time pretty well because once i have the video i can rewind or fast forward to what happened after but takes me many minutes to remember. My memory can be effected and hard to concentrate if im in a certain situation or anxious. I like to write my memories down and enjoy looking back at them. I am amazed what i am capable of doing :) makes me feel well gifted but its hard to know or ask how other people think and i don't want to feel weird. But if someone can tell me how nt's think i would be exited to know and understand
My short term memory is pants, I can forget your name in 30 seconds. Like Judge, my long term memory is seriously good.

Seems like I need to upgrade my RAM but the hard drives OK
I do not currently have a diagnosis, but my short term memory is fairly weak. I couldn't remember the details of orders at a part-time job I had when I was younger ("did you say you wanted chicken or beef?", "Oh, I'm sorry, you wanted a drink with that?"). I even forget my purpose when I walk from one room to the next, sometimes. But, I can remember details (specifically visual and a bit aural) from many years ago, such as the exact tie one was wearing or what they were physically doing as they spoke certain words or the layout of the room, etc.
I have a bad short term memory, I forget a lot (even something happened 10 minutes ago). If I get too much information/things to do, I get overwhelmed. My therapist said it does with my disability.
I have a bad short term memory to the point where I have to use apps on my phone to remind myself of events and what tasks I need to complete otherwise I completely forget.

On the other hand, my long term memory is very good and I can recall minute details from events that happened years and years ago without effort. It also often scares and baffles people that I know when I can recall events in a lot of detail.
Short term memory? What's that? :yum: Mine is shoddy, patchy, and depends heavily on how overwhelmed I am.

My long-term memory can remember very minor details, from precise snippets of conversation, location, who was wearing what, and possibly time of day and smell of things. I guess these snapshots take up too much of my own RAM to let me store much on my own hard drive at one given time.
It's as if my brain is on overload and I can't hold all the minor details.
Specific example:

Coworker: did you fax a form on Jane Doe anytime during the past two weeks?

Me: (in my mind). Are u kidding me? I fax about 30 pages a day on different ppl, and don't necessarily look at the names. I look at the fX number.

Is this an Aspie trait?

I do not know if it is particularly an aspie trait, but lol YES I would do the exact same thing! My short term memory is rather bad actually but I find playing games such as: escape the room, is excellent for helping me to expand my thinking process and it is working for "real life", but yep, to just come out with: do you have details on such and such, is actually, pretty unreasonable and I am sure that anyone would think the same thing ie wait; am I supposed to take note of each name here or something?

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