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Do You Like to Cook?

I don't like cooking for people I don't know, stresses me out, but otherwise I quite like cooking, probably because my husband is so uncomplicated and appreciative!

Most meals I cook are 'invented', I often start cooking and then change my mind in the middle of it - cooking the same things over and over would just be too boring. Since I cook a hot meal every day I might as well have fun doing it :)
I cook entirely for myself, housemate and family. I don't really eat the same standard of good I give to them haha (they get the good stuff and I'll eat anything bad instead of them)
I like baking in particular. I seem to do much better with it since it's a "one step at a time" type deal. When it comes to cooking a full course meal I get stressed and usually burn something while concentrating on a different portion of the meal (i.e. the veggies end up boiling too long because I get caught up whisking gravy), but I refuse to cook all the different parts one-at-a-time because I can't stand having to reheat something I just made; it's like an oxymoron. If only the hubby and I didn't have such an aversion to processed foods I'd just buy a meal in a bag to warm in a skillet! :p
I like baking in particular. I seem to do much better with it since it's a "one step at a time" type deal. When it comes to cooking a full course meal I get stressed and usually burn something while concentrating on a different portion of the meal (i.e. the veggies end up boiling too long because I get caught up whisking gravy), but I refuse to cook all the different parts one-at-a-time because I can't stand having to reheat something I just made; it's like an oxymoron. If only the hubby and I didn't have such an aversion to processed foods I'd just buy a meal in a bag to warm in a skillet! :p

Do you ever make a huge batch of food like soup or sauce and freeze it? :D you get prepared then for the week with no panic or rush to put food on the table! You can switch off a bit and enjoy cooking without the pressure of someone expecting you to give them food xD
Hmmmm... Sounds like a great idea for my boys. The hubby on the other hand is super picky and won't eat left-overs or anything re-heated, but I could at least eliminate lunch hassle with that trick, thanks!
Cooking isn't really my thing, but I've seen so many drool-worthy recipes on Pinterest. Now I want to make my own queso - it simply doesn't exist where I live!

I try to help my boyfriend cook because he seems to know what he's doing, but I have a habit of either burning everything or severely undercooking everything and can't seem to get it right.

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