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Do you keep track of lists?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I'm wondering if there's more people here that keep track of stuff by lists. Be it for the sake of statistics or just to keep track of what you need to do. Especially those with co-morbid ADHD/ADD might be a bit more "scatter-brained" and prone to act more on impulse rather than structure. I know myself well enough to know I sometimes don't finish up stuff, this does help me a bit.

Can be anything from shopping lists up to having lists/schedules when to do X.

Currently I'm having a few lists going on. I don't think they rule my life that much, but it keeps me from being less disorganized and just going out doing things I might in the end not like that much. It does help me keep track of a bit of my expenses since I'm more structed in what to buy hobbywise even.

Like said some of my lists are hobby related. Keeping track of what I want to purchase for hobby X and finish up that first. Years ago I didn't and it left me with a lot of "crap" I didn't really need, but thought was fun at the time.

I also keep a list of movies and series I still want to watch. Those will pile up if I don't. Yes, those lists might look like something overcome, especially if there's multiple seasons of multiple tv shows listed. At least I don't end up being bored and don't know what to do.

There's another list with games I still want to play.

The biggest issue obviously lies in keeping some discipline in staying focussed on that list. That works fine enough for me.

So anyone else doing something similar?
Oh man. Don't get me started. Lol

My family HATES THIS. As soon as they say "do bla" okay, one task, no big deal but as soon as they add to it "HANG ON, LET ME WRITE THIS DOWN!!!!!" happens and then they get furious. Get over it! Sheesh!!!! :banghead:
I Only ever had two lists but they were extraordinarily comprehensive to the point where they were an obsession.
Both were on the computer in Excel format and were backed up to a USB flash drive.

The first was for my book collection, the second my audio/ visual collection (DVD’s, CD’s & even games).

People I knew would marvel at how elaborate and like a proper database my lists were… and then I had my hard drive die on me and the lists were lost, I lost the lists!

Now before the HDD died, I had agreed to lend somebody one of my few USB sticks and guess which one they took, so when I went to get the backup it was long gone and I guess I just lost all interest in lists that day, for good.
The first was for my book collection, the second my audio/ visual collection (DVD’s, CD’s & even games).

People I knew would marvel at how elaborate and like a proper database my lists were… and then I had my hard drive die on me and the lists were lost, I lost the lists!

Same here... I kept track of a lot of lists years ago. Then my HD crashed.. funny how they never crash if you don't have anything important going on
I keep extensive and detailed databases (fancy lists). Mine are mainly interest/hobby related or just organized information, since to-do lists don't seem to do me much good. Sometimes I'm surprised that other (online) people who share my hobby can't remember details about what they've made or collected. I think, "Can't you just open up your database?" Haha, nope.

When I was a kid, I kept a notebook to collect every person name in the world, organized alphabetically. I had it for years, but lost interest when I discovered you could buy whole books of baby names.
I keep lists of movies and stuff on different sites, flixster I used to spend alot of time on, but the site is weird to me now and to me it is alot more difficult to use. Movielens.org I like alot. I make spreadsheets but then I tend to lose track of them. I have character name lists for my stories.
Well, I do!

If I don't have a list, I make one.

If there's no lists, then how do I know the specific requirements of things I have to do, what is the sequence, and what are the possible gaps and issues I may have to deal with in between the tasks I do?
I have been a list maker since birth. Way before I even knew about AS, as a child I was making list after list of sports statistics, friends, songs, etc. Still to this day, even with the advent of technological advancements in list making, I use index cards to write things down that I need to do. I have a photographic memory for the most part, but still like the lists because it gives me a goal and then a successful completion of something - crossing anything off the list feels so good!

I routinely still make lists for the grocery store, to-do lists, work-related lists and lists of what to pack before a trip. Although my Dad did not have AS characteristics, he used to have a table with little tiny pieces of paper all over it - his giant list in pieces. So I get this from him and my tendencies relating to AS. I have also always found that I get along better with other list makers because they are more concerned with not forgetting things that need to get done.
I have also always found that I get along better with other list makers because they are more concerned with not forgetting things that need to get done.

I am sure they are happy that they didn't forget anything :D I'm glad you're making good use of the lists, hehe
Oh yeah! I've kept lists since I was a kid. My dad always stressed keeping a list so you don't forget and to insure reliability. Good thing too. I've had jobs where my to-do list was 2 pages of legal paper. Now I put my lists on my iphone with a paper list backup.
I'm not exactly a listy person. I'd like to think that I'm more capable of improvisation, list do hold me down sometimes if I'd like (or need because of circumstances) to do some things different than earlier planned.
There are many reasons that i don't keep lists of my belongings. For example I'd like to add on a list too many parameters, it'd not work. Some items would belong to many lists and that's just insane.

Sometimes not having a list is lesser harm than doing against a plan or having a bad list. Because that'd be just terrible, I can't even describe.
I'm wondering if there's more people here that keep track of stuff by lists. Be it for the sake of statistics or just to keep track of what you need to do. Especially those with co-morbid ADHD/ADD might be a bit more "scatter-brained" and prone to act more on impulse rather than structure. I know myself well enough to know I sometimes don't finish up stuff, this does help me a bit.

So anyone else doing something similar?

I keep lists of everything! I can't remember anything, so I need them to get things done. Plus I'm obsessed with organizing in general. I think I need to organize my mind because I'm such a wreck most of the time. Lists help keep down the chaos.

Grocery list, books I want to read list, books I have read list, books I want to buy lists, gifts to buy lists, movies I want to watch list, TV shows to watch list, places I want to travel to, home renovations list, good pet names list... and so on.
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Sometimes I use lists as a reminder to do some of the things I really don't want to do. If there is a specific call I really don't want to make, I feel like if I keep it on a list that I keep looking at, eventually I will succumb and do it. So I end up with a list with all these things crossed off and then one annoying thing sitting there. That then gets transferred to a new list, it's actually kind of funny.
I have needed to keep lots of lists. Because if I don't I just forget to do things. (Also kept piles of index cards with with what to say to my friend. Yes, all those cards for one person. Though I haven't written any of those lately.)
Here's the Problem. I keep lists of things I need to do, because otherwise I forget to do them. However... I Need a list to remind me to read my lists because I always forget to do that, too.
I spend HOURS making lists of anything and everything. To buy lists, to do lists, to-read lists, to-learn lists, etc etc. I've always done this from since I was very little. I'm the one who makes the grocery lists, I go around the house asking what everyone needs, then put it in order based on the direction I always walk in to put stuff in the cart.
Here's the Problem. I keep lists of things I need to do, because otherwise I forget to do them. However... I Need a list to remind me to read my lists because I always forget to do that, too.

One list to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them :)

Like many of you, I alphabetize and keep complete, written lists of my media collections, be it blu-rays, books, games or music. But I also keep lists in my head, and rather long, intricate ones too. How? I have no idea. It just works, so I don't question it.

A funny story on the topic: My cousin - who accepts and humors my condition - always made it a point to move or hide something when he came over. It would be the most tiniest, seemingly insignificant item, say for example a clothes hanger, pen or piece of paper. He'd then be bewildered at how the item would be at the exact place he found it, the next time he came over. He did this for over a year, before he told me about it. When asking how it's even possible to keep track of every single item in my household, I didn't know what to say except that whenever I sense something doesn't correspond with the mental arrangements of my world (i.e. lists), I would obviously make a subconscious effort to correct it.

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