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Do you ever feel like you are telling the doctors what they should be telling you?


Well-Known Member
As in, they're the professionals, and you went to them to see what was wrong with you, but you end up knowing better than them and having to explain to them what is wrong with you.
Yeah, if it was left to them, I'd have been diagnosed as mentally ill about 3 years ago and just left to deal with it. Not a specific mental illness either because they couldn't figure it out (maybe because..oh I don't know, I'm actually Aspergic). lol
Doctors are required, for the most part, to put what they are taught into action. I think the best doctors are the ones that take the input from their patients and only prescribe medication if they think it's necessary, not what a lesson back in college/university says. Diagnosis wise, it's hard to say. Doctors are only trained to know their particular field, it's up to them to expand their knowledge. This is why most good doctors specializing in specific fields of criteria are there, they have a personal interest in the matter and they do what they can to keep up to date. My opinions on the matter anyway.
I know; I was amazed that I saw like 20 shrinks and only 3 of them wanted me diagnosed with a PDD. The others didn't care (old school type docs who don't diagnose but just treat) or didn't seem to know what autism or AS was.
My therapist(idk if I should be calling her that since I doubt I'll willingly see her again) specialises in Autism so I don't think so, and my Psychologist does too.
I was referred to the Psychologist by my speech therapist, and referred to the speech therapist by my Year 1 teacher suspecting I had semantic pragmatic language impairment/hyperlexia(they're basically the same thing ;/).
So idk. I didn't really search a diagnosis.
In terms of MDs, I don't even bother with them.
The only times I've had a problem was when I had a panic attack, which I found out through research, and the other time was a pH imbalance(dude, I have _a lot_ of carbonated drinks, LOL) so I just fixed that out with dietary changes, and if I wanted to, could have ordered these alkaline tablet things.
I'd just like to add I didn't have all the symptoms of acidosis... if you decided to Google it(you probably weren't but I had to say).
I asked the last docter i saw "do you know what aspergers syndrome is? Yes he replied, its when you have to eat things in a certain order,like first a cracker then peas then a glass of water". ?????????????????????????
I asked the last docter i saw "do you know what aspergers syndrome is? Yes he replied, its when you have to eat things in a certain order,like first a cracker then peas then a glass of water". ?????????????????????????
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. On this subject, I had one odd psychologist tell me that I must be OCD and have residual eating disorders just because I brought 3 plain greek yogurts to a 5 hour long testing appt and took intermittent breaks to take one out of my small cooler and eat it.

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