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Do peoople ever treat you like you're stupid when they hear of your AS diagnosis?

Yes, which is why I never tell people unless absolutely necessary. I'd prefer people to think I'm weird/arrogant/rude etc, rather than that I'm stupid. I know that is the one thing that I am not and I absolutely despise being patronised and treated like I'm mentally deficient.
People think I'm stupid without the diagnosis.
When they do find out about the diagnosis, honestly, I've actually broke down because the patronising has been so ****ing ridiculous. They talk to me really slowly, always smile around me and are happy as f*ck, etc.
Oh yes, that's one of the things I hated like when I was at school, the teachers would used to talk to me r..e..a..l..l..y.. s..l..o..w and do this freaky smile to me, I would always hate that... They eventually stopped when I had to confront them that I'm not stupid, I'm smart like everybody else, just because I'm different, it doesn't mean I don't understand you and since then, they spoke to me normally but not all of them got the message.
I don't really have the confidence to do that tbh and I think it'd piss them off.
Also sometimes teachers randomly stop patronising me but what sucks is that they actually have stupid expectations and higher expectations. It's like they're almost mad at me that they ****ed up :S.
I had a French teacher in Yr 8 and she patronised me and now I'm in Yr 10 and it's like she hates me now she's noticed I'm not an idiot(it doesn't help that I actually am **** at French and she thinks I'm pretending to be retarded or w.e- I don't attribute it to my AS but I'm not trying to be ****, I'm simply fed up of spending hours at night frustrated over French :|).
No. Which is weird really because my school's a Catholic language college, rofl.
It was more memorising the text. Sometimes it'd take me 8 hours to remember a sentence(that is no exaggeration) then other times I'd be able to remember an entire A3 vocabulary sheet in around 10 minutes. French requires you to memorise large chunks of text for oral exams word for word, so I generally don't go to the trouble because it's basically impossible for me. And I don't think my French teachers have ever understood how long it takes me and how hard it is 'cause my memory is so unpredictable.
I actually don't have a problem with memorising English. I used to be able to have entire MSN conversations and then repeat them back word-for-word(this happens very rarely now but I still don't forget what people say to me via text, just not word for word or in the right order). It's just stuff I deliberately disregard as irrelevant which I can't remember(i.e stuff I just don't understand[like another language or complex terminology], names, etc.).
Sorry for rambling on but yeah (Y).
The teachers in school were really patronising to me and were with my close friend as well. Both of us were sick of being treated like mentally retarded people. One time near the end of year 10 we told one of the LSA's (learning support assistant) exactly how we felt and I said how strongly I felt about the situation and I feel like I'm being talked down to, but then the other LSA's rang home saying we were being "rude" w/e.
And later that day me and my friend hid away for one of the lessons in protest and when they found us they still couldn't see what was wrong no matter how much we tried to tell them.
Often I would feel extremely angry in lessons because of my friend's LSA, he'd show it but I'd usually keep it building up inside me until I got home and I would go ranting and crying about it.
And yeah like others above me said, they talk in this high pitched, overly happy voice and they talk really slow and stuff, ugh. One day my friend wasn't in and I asked the LSA why and she said "his grandad is reaaally poorly" in this nursery teacher voice. I wanted to slap her face and shout "just tell me what's up goddamnit and stop dumbing everything down!"
Luckily the teacher's aren't like that at college.
This has never happened to me, but that's because I only tell certain people about it; people whom I trust not to judge me, because I've been judged and patronized so much before and now there are some people I don't trust because of what they've done to me.

I hate people that discriminate because of age (agists?).

Yeah, ageists. I don't like them either, but the place I live in is full of them. They treat children like retards or toys rather than human beings.
If anything, I would be more worried about people thinking I'm some kind of science or math wizard when nothing could be farther from the truth (I had to really struggle to get a B in the one math course I had to take in college). I'll take that over being seen as stupid, but I don't think that's a very helpful stereotype either. Of course, in any case, you gotta remember:


As I've already mentioned a few other places, I only recently received an official diagnosis and the "Aspie identity" is still something I'm trying out, so I haven't really gotten to the point where I'm telling very many people about it yet (I have met a few people knowledgeable about Asperger's/AS who have picked up on subtle things like the way I don't make as much eye contact as most people and the way I speak in a bit of a monotone and with somewhat unusual prosody). Right now, the way I look at is that it's not really anyone's business unless I choose to share it with them.

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