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Curiosity... What gets your attention?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Recently in a book I read about the concept of curiosity, how we explore the world creatively, and something many adults seem to forget

And I think that lots of people go through life with very little curiosity, paying very little attention to the world around them

I'm very geeked out around transportation in general, I drove past this school bus/glamper on the way to work, had time to take a closer look on the way home... Curiosity, plus my strong visual interest in photography... I think most people would pass by that bus and not even pay attention, whereas I can spot it from a mile away... Am I the only one who is that curious? I also think that other people have different things that draw their attention, just simply don't care that much about vehicles, but notice other things I might not...

What is something that draws your attention and curiosity? And that bus, since I talked about it

Glamper 01.jpg

Yet one more example, leaving work this past summer to a neat old motorcycle zipping around on the street, I certainly noticed it and even talked briefly with the guy riding it, took a couple of cell phone photos (I don't take my camera to work with me)... I'm convinced my co-workers would have left and not even hardly notice it, that photo as well...

Yamaha TT500 01.jpg

Or would this even get your attention, even if you aren't into classic cars? Maybe not, and that's okay

Ford 02.jpg
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I remember when I was about four years old reading a book called curious George. I told myself do not lose this intense curiosity as this is how I should live the rest of my life I have never let it go.
Letting the inner child find joy is a great way to reduce the stress that we encounter in the modern lives that we weren't really meant for.

Watching the first snowfall of the year, seeing the stars on a clear night, and spotting rainbows are some of the things that always bring me joy and amazement.
I am always intrigued by antennas and antenna towers, arrays, etc.
Also pretty much any protruberances on buildings or vehicles that are non-typical.
Oh I would love to have a bus and travel contiguous 48!! My mechanical engineer says "you don't know what you just said"
The license plate fenders on the coupe made me smile - is it a Ford Thunderbird or a Mercury Zephyr? - altho the exhaust does not make me happy, the creativity makes me smile
Creativity, Possibility, and Hope are what floats my boat
Thank you for these!
When I am in a frightening place, ie medical places etc, I get fixated on strange shapes or unique ideas and if in reach, cannot help but touch.
I remember when I was about four years old reading a book called curious George. I told myself do not lose this intense curiosity as this is how I should live the rest of my life I have never let it go.

I remember reading those when I was young, there were several of them, pretty sure it was a well known children book series (or was it that my mom was British?)... Definitely true to the theme of this thread...
My curiosity has never wavered.
I notice everything it seems.
I'm not really into cars, but certain ones catch my eye when I'm driving.
The look, the design, the color, etc.

People. How they are dressed, their hairstyle, short/tall, slim/fat, how they walk.

Little details about everything around me when in a public place. Stores, malls,
museums, restaurants, you name it.

The colors and designs of buildings and houses.

Nature more than anything though.
Trees, water, flowers, bushes, all the flora and fauna.
Especially birds. They really catch my attention. Flying or sitting. Large or small.

Weeki 048.JPG
It is not so much about noticing things for me. I am curious. But more so when my children or wife ask me a question about something I do not know the answer to I will look it up. Eventhou they tell me it is not needed. I want to know. So the curiousity is more externally driven. But it is there.
Especially if it is about random facts no one cares about.
Check out any of the threads I have made about uncomfortable pictures/images used in advertising.. it grabs my attention in a bad way because the pictures are too surreal and not based in reality
I think beyond basic survival of breath, food, water, and safety, curiosity is my motivation for living. Coming out of the mini years where I did not have much motivation to live at all, being able to notice the world around me and wonder is what keeps me going every day. Life will never ever get boring for me. The day will always present interesting things.

It would be hard to make a comprehensive list, but some of my strongest fascinations are things happening in nature, architecture, cars, trucks, and machinery, people in the way they act and the way they look.

I find myself perpetually fascinated by history that occurred wherever I am. Wherever I go in the world, that place has a long history and I’ll look for evidence of things that have happened in the past and wonder about all the feet that have walked there before me.
Curiosity. What gets your attention?

1. Things that are different from the norm. It could be anything.
2. Bright colors or bold patterns on a muted background. Art, nature, etc.
3. Finding a topic that is interesting, but know little about, then taking a deep dive into that topic to learn as much as I can. Literally all of my many special interests over the years.
4. How to build things. How to work with different materials. For me, this is key to stimulating my creative intelligence. I love this.

Creative intelligence is one of those things that can separate a true genius from someone who is intelligent. Most small children have a high degree of creative intelligence, on the order of genius. They find everything interesting and their natural inclination is to explore, experiment, and test. Unfortunately, many parents want to jump in and control, or stop the situation and the public education system wants to push children through a chute as if they were cattle. All of this tends to inhibit the creative learning process, and what we find, is that most will become less and less intelligent and curious as we get older. This is all well-documented.
I'm curious about everything. So many people go through life never noticing anything around them and lacking in curiosity about anything. I guess they are so self-absorbed that they see nothing but themselves.

I love people-watching. My husband criticizes me for my intense interest in other people. He says I make fun of them but I don't. I'm curious about them and why they are the way that they are.
I had to think about this thread before wanting to contribute to it.

For better or worse, I think what most often catches my eye in terms of imagery are imperfections.

That for whatever reason (my OCD?) they stick out in my eyes, and almost as if they were calling out to me with my ears as well. It's weird, I can't say that I understand it, but there it is.
Anything in nature, patterns, small details on plants, flowering or not,
hues of colors, animals (skin, fur, eyes, love to take in everything), cacti,
glass objects, anything that seems out of order or unique. Indeed, curiosity
very much drives me and enriches my world. The world as I see it is then
my world.
Dang near everything!

I just got certified in open water scuba! The little crabs were so amazing! I can’t wait to experience other underwater life. My interests are boundless. I would need a billon lives to explore it all…

Unfortunately my tank is close to the red line
1. Music. Aany music anywhere, but if it's tagged 'prog rock' or 'folk rock', it will derfinitely pique my curiosity.

2. Anything that's strange or breaks the normal pattern.

3. Factlets. For example, my friend said that he had never seen a female cats can have no more than 3 colours, males have no more than two. I immediately wanted to know more.

4. Imperfections and things out of place. For example, a picture not hanging straight or the firm logo on one of my speakers not being quite straight.

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