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Crap day?

My girlfriend getting mad at me for around the 50th time today because I lost track of time and missed the start of a tv show that we had planned to watch. Now she wants me to apologize when I don't see that I have done anything wrong.
Boy... I've been there and I have done that... and yet when it gets to girls... makes sure you be there for them but a girl like that hitting you, just over a tv show... thats just being mean.

Does she have AS by any chance?
Did he actually say she hit him? xD. I do think it's a bit crazy but idk.
Did he actually say she hit him? xD. I do think it's a bit crazy but idk.
Yes, he did, i'm used to that, my girlfriend was like that aswell.. :( and I remember how annoying that used to be... We get on alot more now but we don't hardly see much of each other now. :(

Crap day...
Oh dear... I feel bad just reading that. Could you not make it for her? Or did she want to do it herself?
I would have, but she likes things done certain ways - precisely, for the mostpart, thats her way. Better not to mess. I do help when I can though. :)

Its Oy Ian to everyone... :lol: and I wouldn't tell anyone who it is.... ok ok ok... its obviously my girlfriend, giggity giggity, alright.. :thumbsup:
(Damn, i need to lay off watching family guy :lol:)

Lol, nothing wrong with a bit... a lot* of Family Guy. :)
I fell out with my brother. He's being ignoring me all week even though we were supposed to do things together. I asked him why and we ended up having an argument, which resulted in me going to Belfast without him because he no longer wanted to go. I was running late all day today and ended up not getting down there in time to do any shopping. I stayed in all week and was really hoping today would go as planned. It didn't. So yeah... crap day. Crap week.

I did get some photos though so will upload them to the photography topic soon. 
That sucks Calvert :(.
Me and my brother have gotten into fights before, but we usually just pretend they didn't happen the next day o_O(being forced to live with someone makes it hard to hold grudges against them for too long[not that I don't mind it]). Me and my sister don't fall out that much though.
Forgot to post here yesterday. Yesterday was f-ing awful. I just hate work so much and a 9 hour shift really takes it out of me. If the job wasn't so mind numbing and my bosses weren't so patronizing and my colleagues weren't so idiotic and my pay wasn't so pathetic and my uniform wasn't irritant.... you get the jist. It sucks.

:(. Surely there's other jobs you could do? Like computer repairs or something?
You would think so, what with my parents owning a computer shop. But no.

I'm trying to get a job nearer to where Willow lives that isn't with some giant 'faceless' cooperation. Although the stability they provide is good, the work isn't really for me. Want something a 'bit' more intellectual, if that's the right word.
Hmm. Free-lancing would be harder though because you have to build up a reputation and know LOTS of people that can pass your name around. It's a good idea but not sure how do-able it is. Chrisssss can't you just pole up at town and ask all the shops? lol :)
I suppose. But just put like mini adverts and shizzle on notice boards etc. :D.
I went back to school and it just sucked :(. I'm fed up of it. Even the people there I enjoy talking to I don't get to talk to enough, and the people I don't just wind me up. I thought people would just back-off and leave me alone but they haven't. I seriously don't get it. I mean, what's so freaking hard about _not_ leaving someone alone? I don't even look at their faces when they say stuff at me, or retaliate, yet people still give me crap. I've tried everything. I'm seriously fed up and it's like there's no way out.
And my ex-boyfriend was a total prat by ignoring me(he said some really ****** stuff over email), and also a total hypocrite(he ran away[literally] when I tried to tell him to gtfo my life, and he said before I was a coward for not talking to him). I'm fed up of him. Want him out of my life. But no. In the social skills group I have to sit with him for 40 minutes and act like everything fine while he complains about being depressed :/.
I know you guys can't do anything, I just wanted to vent. :/.
 I hope it gets better for you Emor. When I was in High School I just told the teacher everytime I got insulted or w/e. Sure, it branded me as a tout/tell tale but it eventually worked as they backed off. It's not like it hurt or anything but I was just so sick of it. I would suggest talking to a teacher about it and seeing if they can help you. Even if the teacher just witnessed them giving you grief then at least you have to actually go tell, so they wouldn't know. 
There's nothing the teachers can do. Seriously, there really isn't. It'd just make them do it more.
Crappy day for me today.... I have a day off but tomorrow got this meeting to go to and I can't stand meetings. :thumbsdown:
There's nothing the teachers can do. Seriously, there really isn't. It'd just make them do it more.

The way I worked it was I just told a teacher every time I got picked on/insulted. The teacher then told off the person giving me grief. I did this every time I got grief and the teachers began to get really fed up of me telling them, so in turn got fed up with the people doing it. Long story short, the people giving me grief stopped because they knew I would just tell and the teachers would be angry at them.

Give it a try and talk to the headmaster. It won't work right away but gradually it should stop. Don't ignore it - you shouldn't have to put up with it.

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