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Not yet; I did order a couple of cans, still waiting for my shipment to arrive.

Is Indonesian coffee popular in the Netherlands?

Speaking of which, would anyone here be willing to try this rather infamous variety? I think I might have to...uh...pass (no pun intended!).

Kopi Luwak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Someone told my mom that Kopi Luwak (or, weasel **** coffee) was by far the best coffee they ever drank.

I think I'd be bold enough to try it. It's not like it would kill me.
Someone told my mom that Kopi Luwak (or, weasel **** coffee) was by far the best coffee they ever drank.

I think I'd be bold enough to try it. It's not like it would kill me.

Well, according to the Wikipedia entry on it, it sounds like the beans get cleaned off pretty thoroughly after they get...uh...passed. I might try it if I was feeling brave. I wonder if the "fake" weasel **** coffee that's supposed to replicate the process pretty closely without any animals actually being involved is as good; I think I'd just as soon try that kind instead if it was about as good.

IIRC, the first place I heard about this type of coffee was on an episode of CSI years ago.
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Well, according to the Wikipedia entry on it, it sounds like the beans get cleaned off pretty thoroughly after they get...uh...passed. I might try it if I was feeling brave. I wonder if the "fake" weasel **** coffee that's supposed to replicate the process pretty closely without any animals actually being involved is as good; I think I'd just as soon try that kind instead if it was about as good.

IIRC, the first place I heard about this type of coffee was on an episode of CSI years ago.

I think for me the main factor would be smell. If it had a weird smell, I more than likely couldn't.

But looking like how it does in the picture, and I guess just linking that image with the poo + what I would be drinking might make it difficult.
Well, according to the Wikipedia entry on it, it sounds like the beans get cleaned off pretty thoroughly after they get...uh...passed. I might try it if I was feeling brave. I wonder if the "fake" weasel **** coffee that's supposed to replicate the process pretty closely without any animals actually being involved is as good; I think I'd just as soon try that kind instead if it was about as good.

IIRC, the first place I heard about this type of coffee was on an episode of CSI years ago.

I had the '**** coffee' in Indonesia. I wished I can have more of it, every day. it really tastes good despite, well, it's somehow excretion-based.
I just semi-accidentally discovered that Amazon actually sells Kopi Luwak coffee...and it's fairly pricey stuff (the reviews for some varieties of it complain that the coffee is only about 5% real Kopi Luwak):

Amazon.com: Grocery & Gourmet Food - kopi luwak

BTW, I tried that Japanese canned iced coffee I mentioned earlier. It's ok, tastes like pretty standard iced coffee to me. Probably not something I'll go out of my way to order very often.
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I love a good cup of tea but although I will drink any tea I am most partial to a nice strong cup of Lapsang Souchong with a fraction of milk.

As for coffee, I love to have a large cappuccino once a day and that is as much a social thing as it is about the unique taste of coffee, as flavors go.

I would love to get some Golden Monkey tea which I am given to understand was originally picked by trained monkeys. View attachment 2230
I drink coffee every morning and often have a cup or two in the middle part of my day. I enjoy it both as a beverage in itself as well as an energy boost when needed. To answer the original question...

What's your favorite?
I don't have a particular favorite, I can equally enjoy name brands like Folgers or Maxwell House, as well as store brands. It must be medium to dark roast though, as I enjoy a nice full-bodied strong coffee. I'm not a fan at all of the flavored varieties. They all seem to have a strange, off-putting, old and stale taste to me.

How do you take your coffee?
My coffee must be made by myself and very fresh to be suitable to my palate. Quite dark and strong, one level teaspoon of sugar for the average large coffee cup, and about one tablespoon of non-dairy creamer. The creamer level will fluctuate to taste, but the sweetness doesn't. Too sweet and the coffee is ruined in my mind.

Do you go out and get drinks?
No, I nearly always make my own. I've yet to have ever found a cup of coffee from any restaraunt, store, or coffee shop that makes a coffee I really like. I will take a cup over none though.

I've never had a tea that I didn't like. I enjoy black tea, green tea, white tea and herbal teas. I prefer to drink teas unsweetened and totally plain, also strong. I enjoy trying different teas, and treat the various teas as an occasional novelty.
I started drinking coffee not so long ago, disgusting burnt coffee... But it keeps me awake in the morning :) I wish they started selling Dutch coffee here in US (I mean in regular stores)
Oh my god. Where has this thread been all my life?! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :coffee: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

What's your favorite?
My mother has a Keurig Platinum (the one with 5 beverage size settings), and I absolutely love the Dark Magic blend through Green Mountain Coffee company. This stuff can wake the dead with flavor. Holy everything it's bold. :laugh: There are some others like Kahlua coffee (and if you add a little caramel syrup to it, you can totally taste the Kahlua flavoring), but this Dark Magic has me spoiled. Every other black coffee tastes like wood, water, or watery wood now that I am so hooked on this stuff.

How do you take your coffee?
Black or black with sugar. I can't stand creamers and milks with my coffee anymore because I feel like it disguises it more than sugar does. That coffee I smell only tastes that way if I add sugar. It's weird how that works.
During warmer weather or if I'm just in a big hurry, I make it iced.

Do you go out and get drinks?
Sometimes. I am almost qualified for a Starbucks Gold Card. I am 5 transactions away from earning it. Been chipping away at it since just after my birthday last winter since you need to reach 30 stars within a year of starting the process. I'm just making sure I have lots of time left just in case I am suddenly broke. LOL!

I drink it on occasion when I feel like I need to be "cleansed". I usually have some hot green tea without sweetener, or this lovely tea by Good Earth that goes by the name "Sweet and Spicy". It's like Christmas in a cup and you don't even need to add sugar to it because it's already sweet with a cinnamon kick and some other "spicy" sweet things. They sell 3-packs of 20 count at Costco usually.

This is the best forum topic evarrrrr. I love coffee!
I've tried coffee a few times, never liked it, although strangely I love the smell. I do love a good cup of tea though, although I stopped drinking it for about 3 or so months because my mum and I thought it was a contributing factor to a recurrent nausea I get, but I may start drinking it again. I've also drank ginger tea (and still do) and green tea. That's about it.
Whats your favourite? - Kenco smooth (instant).

How do you take your coffee? - with milk no sugar.

Do you go out and get drinks? - very rarely

Tea? - most of the time I prefer tea (with milk no sugar) and I also drink 2 or 3 cups of red bush or green tea a day which is hopefully good for my health.
I can't drink coffee because it messes up my stomach every time. I used to drink it when I was young, like 8 or so and it was fine then. Now I can't stomach it. Last time I tried was probably 7 or so years ago and that was just to try to keep myself awake on a long night time drive. I do like the smell of it though, especially the nice flavored ones.
Drinking a rather rough concoction as I type this.

I was jonesing [unrelated oddity: Firefox wants to correct this word to "Essington" - doesn't even offer other alternatives LOL] for some coffee today, so I made it as soon as the beans had cooled from roasting (before any coffee aroma had had a chance to develop :() the grind I used also turned out to be too fine but I persisted to try and finish the extraction despite the machine's protests and flow problems with the extraction.

Added quite a bit of some cheap Irish Cream liquor, some poorly steamed milk and some hot water.

Will do a better job tomorrow - I think this will be a good batch of coffee, the roast seems promising and I used some really good beans.

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