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Based on you as a person, what superpower suits you? (think; Misifts, that tv show)

I'm not sure.
I use my computer a lot as that's really my best way of communicating/interacting with the outside world (I can do it physically, but it's a lot more difficult and I don't have a lot of time to plan my answers, etc.)

When I don't have my computer and neither the TV or games console is available, I can get really on edge to the point where I'm just wondering around aimlessly. Sounds sad, I know.
So for my power? I'm not sure...maybe something digital/technology related?
When it comes to complementing a defficit; a perfect memory would be the tiecket.

I agree. I would also like an eidetic memory. As a teacher, I have horrible problems with recalling names and faces. This changes over time as I interact with my students and of course the very first names I ever learn are the kids who are giving me problems because I have to call their parents or fill out discipline referral forms - so knowing who these students are is important. I also learn the names of my most reliable students. Some of these students become my "go to" resources when I have to pull a student crew together for a school related catering event. The rest are just blurs.

I compensate by having assigned seating. I also compensate by having students sign in at their respective work stations.

The only problem with an eidetic memory is that it has an Achille's heel. The flip side to always being able to remember everything in perfect detail is that you also can't FORGET anything ... so this super power has its own built in kryptonite of sorts.


But then I don't have an eidetic memory ... so I'm relieved. I think. Maybe not. (wanders off mumbling to himself)

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