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Awkward songs that never should have been written game.


You know, that one lady we met that one time.
V.I.P Member
This is where you can post a song or music video that really never should have been made.

Please keep it PG13 or below.

Let's all have a laugh!
Someone in 1980 thought it a good idea to write a song for a musical film, and call it "Speed".

I hear it's now the theme song of the Highway 99 corridor... and the two smelly guys sitting on the sidewalk in front of Safeway, who aren't allowed inside the store.

I have nothing against producing a song for a commercial, but to then perform it as part of your regular line up is a little bit sad.

[Edit] just thought I should add for those too young to remember it - Orthoxicol
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What were Rutherford, Banks, and Collins thinking when recording this song? Even worse, what were they all thinking when making this video?

This is a song from a game I used to play as a kid. It’s called webkinzs if anyone wanted to know.

Well, for awful, I'd nominate My Humps. But I'm in a silly mood tonight and this has to be the silliest (though I like the Anime, Clannad)

This is where you can post a song or music video that really never should have been made.

Please keep it PG13 or below.

Let's all have a laugh!

Bang, bang jessie J, ariana grande and nikki minag
Any ariana grande
Funhouse pink
Havana camilla c
Baby Justin bieber
Blue it was a 90s song
What does the fox say
Lady marmalade Christina agulia
Man I feel like a women

My brother hates nights in white satin by moody blues.
Some 80s are really annoying but some are the bomb.
I find some beatles songs annoying like hey jude, strawberry Fields is a bit annoying
Even though they may be great songs.
Mmmbop by hanson is a bit annoying but I am a kid of the 90s and I played those songs that annoying songs like aqua and bewitched and spice girls and steps, S club 7 and 5ive to bits. And I still love some now. I even used to listen to I want candy by Aaron carter
He Hit Me (It Felt Like a Kiss) by the Crystals is pretty disturbing. Carole King wrote it after finding out that Little Eva, who was her babysitter, was being beaten by her boyfriend. I like to believe that Carole wrote it to make Eva realize her claims that her boyfriend only hits her because he “loved” her was messed up. Luckily the song was met with protests and claims that it endorsed domestic violence but it still shouldn’t have been written or even recorded and released. Carole has expressed regret for writing it since then.

This is where you can post a song or music video that really never should have been made.

Please keep it PG13 or below.

Let's all have a laugh!
This is a rant about supermarkets playing secular christmas music on a loop they should be prosecuted for torture

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