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Asking others for help (or asking stuff in general)


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
A lot of us are a socially awkward bunch as well as the fact that we don't have a lot of friends in some cases, asking others for help in any way, might be hard for us. This can be to go somewhere, borrow something, or even asking people to do something as a social activity. And I think I should note that I mean meeting up with actual people and all, not neccesarily online only friends (since I personally found that asking for stuff through forums or IM is way easier).

My aspie friend has a lot of issues of asking for stuff, so him asking if he can join me in going somewhere actually is a big deal for him even. Quite often I end up asking him "wanna come along?". Similarly, my girlfriend sometimes tries to sneak it in somewhere to ask when she can come over, since she feels a bit weird for asking it like that, so she told. That lead me to tell/ask her it more often then waiting for her to ask. Guess that makes me, in some way less awkward to ask for things.

How do you handle it? Do you feel awkward asking for things? Do you ask things because you feel that it's normal to ask for stuff?
I avoid asking for any kind of help that might annoy me if someone else asked it of me. If I must, it's sort of a grit my teeth and do it kind of thing. That said, I have no problem asking my husband to change the cat litter, but I guess that's technically his jurisdiction anyway. If I do have the courage to ask for something, especially if help has been offered in the past, and they can't, I might never ask that person again. Asking for help freaks me out, and asking for friendship related things awakes in me a terror of rejection. I don't want to put myself out there to be hurt. But I do anyway, though not as much as normal people might, because I need social interaction despite the difficulties. I become extrememly depressed if isolated.
I feel very awkward asking for things. I tend to avoid it and find some other way to get that "thing" done that I need help with and only when I know it's impossible without help and no way around it, will I actually ask people. This even includes friends that have helped me in the past. I don't tend to ask for much of anything, unless it's required. Heck I don't even talk to people unless it's necessary! I really have 0 real close friends in real life. My closest friends are in SC and Australia.

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