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are you afraid to go to the dentist?

scared of going to the dentist?

  • no

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • a little

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • kind of

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • a lot

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • I'm gonna dieeeee!

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters

alien girl

Well-Known Member
i might have to have a wisdom tooth pulled, and every day i have to go to the dentist, my stomach hurts and my hands shake hours before. that's how i know i'm scared because i dont always know how i feel, alexithymia.

last wisdom tooth i had pulled, i had a shot and didnt feel pain, not pain, but i have this feeling of the tooth being pulled, and i have it. it's a sensory issue, and those bright lights in my eyes...
I wear sunglasses when I'm in the chair.
For me its a matter of fully giving myself, completely trusting Mr./Mrs. dentist, or not going at all.
It takes me a few minutes to get in the right state of mind, but once I'm in it its all good.
No. But my co worker almost made me scared about getting my wisdom teeth done. He explain the old methods they use to use but he is not caught up with the times how they do it now. Despite there was pain afterwords, it was no where as painful as having kidney stones.
No. But my co worker almost made me scared about getting my wisdom teeth done. He explain the old methods they use to use but he is not caught up with the times how they do it now. Despite there was pain afterwords, it was no where as painful as having kidney stones.

i read kidney stones are the worst pain ever, even much worse than labor pain! that it beyond unbearable. i had several teeth pulled out already, one of them wisdom, and the wisdom one didnt hurt at all. the others hurt, but not real bad.
I've had all of my wisdom teeth out. I was worried beforehand as my friend told me that the anaesthetic injections really hurt, and that it was very sore afterwards, but I had no pain at all. It all comes down to how good your dentist is! However, I can see why that weird feeling of pressure when they're being pulled out could be very unpleasant for some people, especially with touch sensitivity issues. I think the sound is the worst bit, the crunching noise when they're being pulled out is awfull, just thinking about it makes me shudder :confused:
I hate dentists/doctors/police they always scare me. I hate people putting their hands in my mouth or objects in my mouth. I have to see what they are doing but there is no stopping me panic.
I was alright with the dentist until I had braces.

Two years of hell. Two years of going every four weeks to let somebody hurt me who didn't care they were hurting me? Two years of constant, throbbing pain, bleeding from the wires not being trimmed correctly (I had to trim them myself constantly so they'd stop ripping up my mouth), and not being able to eat? (A big problem when you're underweight.) Make braces a part of the penal system, people will straighten up! It wasn't just the braces. There were many awful incidents around. First, three of my teeth were stuck ("impacted", meaning my baby teeth would never fall out since the permanent teeth wouldn't come down on their own), and the idiot in charge of my teeth decided he didn't like two of my permanent teeth that were already in for no good reason. That was the first time I was seriously suicidal, I had it all planned out so I could avoid the surgery. But what stopped me is that I knew my dad wouldn't help her clean up any mess I wasn't able to prevent and my mom would have it all by herself as usual, so I didn't. I'm glad my parents were merciful and had me put to sleep, because I would have been in a very rough psychological state after witnessing having five of my teeth pulled. Do you know how hard it is to eat with five of your teeth missing? Or how embarrassing it is to try to talk to people with so many teeth missing? I was already underweight, there were many times during those first few weeks my mother nearly put me in the hospital because I was starving to death because it was so painful to eat.
And the guy was disgusting! He never wore a mask and always had coffee and beef jerky before working on our braces. When a spacer popped out of my sisters mouth into her hair, he just plucked it with the tweezers and put it back in. Ew! Then one day he put a finger straight up his nose and then directly into my mouth. EW!!! And then there was the glue. That awful, awful glue. The first time, they put it behind my front teeth so I couldn't close my mouth. And therefore couldn't chew. I was losing what pound or two I had gained since the surgery, plus some. It also greatly irritated my gums, and they swelled up past my teeth. I think my mom had to threaten that idiot to get rid of it. And then he did it again, on my back teeth a few months later. There goes my weight again since I couldn't eat! I forgot how we convinced him to get rid of it that time.

So I'm not very keen on dentists anymore. All that crap made my teeth very sensitive. I can't eat cold things anymore because the scars in my mouth send shocks of pain through my jaw and nose. And I can't have my teeth "polished" anymore, or whatever they call that loud little spinny brush. That thing is really painful, I don't like it! And of course, since hygienists are the biggest bitches of the medical world worse than the woman who stabs you with things, they just mock me, laugh at me, and call me names because I don't want me teeth polished. I don't do fluoride treatments either, and I get called names for that. Fluoride makes me nauseous, no matter how well I rinse out my mouth to get rid of it. And ever since I've had braces, my gums bleed nearly every time I brush. Lovely. I brush, floss, and use the mouthwash, so I reckon I'm just stuck with bloody gums now after all the ripping and tearing they went through. I did have gingivitis for the longest after I had braces because they are so poorly constructed it's difficult to clean your teeth, but my gums aren't red and swollen anymore. Still bleeding though.

I haven't been in years and I'm not sure if I'll be going back.
I'm terrified of it, but I blame the abusive jerk I had as a dentist growing up. He yelled at me, blamed me for everything (there's something wrong with my molars, which he admitted to my parents is completely beyond my control). When he did fillings or pulled teeth (for braces), he'd call me a liar when I screamed in pain because he didn't give me enough novocaine. He was awful. :( I've been twice as an adult, same clinic, different dentist. He's wonderful. He understands my anxiety and let an assistant have it for getting mad at me. He'll drop everything and give me more novocaine if I'm feeling something. But I still freak out. There are enough sensory issues to make it pretty miserable without PTSD, but, even so, I can't get rid of that fear associated with how I was treated. :(
For me, it might not be as much about the fear as it is about the sounds, prolonged laying with mouth open, pressure, etc. I also feel EVERYTHING. I'm SO sensitive to pain. :/

My grandmother found me a dentist who uses the sleepy stuff... works great, and I really suggest it to those who can't tolerate the dentist procedures, etc.! Insurance DOESN'T cover it, but I'm honestly willing to cover it personally JUST so I can have my mouth feel better without the ever-so-traumatic mess that comes with the dental stuff.

...I also have Tourette's, and the sleeping stuff relaxes my body enough that tics are either calmer or nonexistent, which allows them to better do the surgery.
I would rather eat a bug than go to the dentist and I rarely went. However since I'm missing about half of my teeth, I wouldn't recommend my way. Go to the dentist often.
I'm not afraid, I'm just a cheap ass. I always put off spending money on things for myself.
I know I need to go, and soon, but as has been mentioned, well...I can't afford it, and my insurance doesn't cover it. I hate hate HATE the feeling of those metal instruments of torture scraping against my teeth, and those wacky electric vibrating things they use to clean my teeth...Oh, I hate it. I know it's necessary, but I've been avoiding it the past few years.

I had my wisdom teeth out when I was 16, and honestly, that actually went unusually well. I only needed the narcotic painkillers for the first day or so, and they healed just fine without much problem. Lucky, I guess.
I suppose the bill puts me off more for a visit. But then again, I do kinda put off going there in general. Unless I have serious issues I won't go. As long as one brushes and maintains teeth somewhat properly I don't think a check up as much as they want you to come over is that important. Every 6 months to me sounds a bit excessive. I haven't been to one for a while once and he was quite surprised how well I took care of teeth without any regular checkups.

However, I do have a horrorstory or two of dentist visits of mine. Something with really sensitive teeth and

anasthetic needles going in nerve endings.

Of course, y'all had to click. :grimacing:
I suppose the bill puts me off more for a visit. But then again, I do kinda put off going there in general. Unless I have serious issues I won't go. As long as one brushes and maintains teeth somewhat properly I don't think a check up as much as they want you to come over is that important. Every 6 months to me sounds a bit excessive. I haven't been to one for a while once and he was quite surprised how well I took care of teeth without any regular checkups.

However, I do have a horrorstory or two of dentist visits of mine. Something with really sensitive teeth and

anasthetic needles going in nerve endings.

Of course, y'all had to click. :grimacing:
Well of course I had to click, I didn't know we had a spoiler tag! I should use that when I go into my long rants. =D

My grandfather used to have a rather calloused dentist. Anesthetic was for women and children. That's the downside of the "good ol' days", not much competition. Really sucked when you got a lousy worker in a profession.
I voted 'kind of' scared of going to the dentist because while the dentist itself does NOT scare me, the knowledge that i will have to socialize with the dentists makes me anxious as does the reality that every time i go there, now, i come back needing another filling for cavities. So no the dentist itself doesn't scare me at all. I had braces a lot as a kid so i'm used to people poking around in my mouth, i just sit still, close my eyes, and enjoy just getting to relax while the dentist does their thing.

I did, however, get a damaged nerve in my chin following getting all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. That was no fun, there was no feeling on one side of my front chin/below the lip area for months on end afterwards. It fixed itself with time. And i lost my voice (laryngitis i think its called) after getting my wisdom teeth removed, too. That was no fun.
As a kid I was scared to dead of going to the dentist; I just couldn´t control myself. Now, not so much, I hate it, but I´m not as afraid as I use to be.

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