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Anyone Here Into The Paranormal?

I definitely agree with you on that Reverie. The paranormal is a very tricky topic to describe because there are so many theories and stories that can be generated about it. It's even more difficult when the story in question has several variations, especially if the stories are many centuries old, or when there are variations to a certain tale depending on the culture in which the story is told. The paranormal is something I believe to be a topic that's all-encompassing, and because of that, many possible ways to describe it (even the extremely abstract) exist.
I have one rule for ANY belief about reality and that is that it must fit scientific observations. There are none I know of that even hint at the existence of any type of paranormal anything (despite lots of looking), yet neutrinos that can go through a light year of lead without interacting with anything have been detected. So, if ghosts exist they are harder to detect than neutrinos. This doesn't prove that they don't exist, it just means that there is no reason to believe that they do, and until such as reason presents itself my belief in them is nil.
Oh yes, I believe in ghosts. I love to watch Ghost Adventures on Youtube, so creepy! (Don't watch it at night) The best episode was when they went to the Goldfield Hotel in Nevada, it was their first full length episode, I think. I already believed in ghosts beforehand, but that show really opened my eyes more. I've had strange experiences back when I lived in California. At the Santa Barbara mission I felt someone pull my hair but nobody was behind me, and I've gotten random chills and such. So strange!
I'm very well submerged in the supernatural, largely for the psychological strain it puts on others, unfortunately my fellow Aspies do not scare easily, forcing me reap my frightful bounty from the local muggles.
Paranormal stuff is typically pseudoscientific nonsense fueled by cognitive biases and fallacies or some really bad special pleading that the laws of physics are either wrong or don't apply in certain situations. Guys, when it comes to the physics regarding our every day lives, we pretty much have it entirely figured out.

Here is something that everyone should read:
Physics and the Immortality of the Soul | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network

Also, everyone should have to learn about the cognitive biases that they might have:

What's more likely, the notion that the laws of physics just somehow change for brief periods of time in small locations, or that human brains make perceptual errors and that eyewitness testimony cannot be trusted for anything? I think that it clearly is the latter.
Here's my experience. When I was about 2~4 we lived in an apartment, I don't remember any of this but my mom told me that I used to sit on the floor and rock back and forth. When she would ask me what was wrong all she could really get from me was that I saw red eyes. She found out the the people who lived there before used to hang meat from the ceiling, I remember her saying the some weird people lived there, Including some who practiced Voodoo. I don't think Voodoo is inherently "bad", but I know people can use it for ill intentions. when I was 13 or 14, my sister saw my leave my room, but I had pink eyes. And I definitely did not leave my room when she said. and before that we took a picture of my sister outside on a bright sunny day, the photo had a bright white orb with wings on it. The flash did fire however, but I've tried to reproduce the effect before with the flash and the orbs I created looked very different.

My mom is very psychic she has actually developed some abilities that I will not go into detail about as she likes to keep that private. She has been a Reiki master for about 10 years and is attuned with three different types of Reiki, I have been attuned to level one and notice that I am a lot more intuitive now. Nothing creepy or negative has happened to any of us lately.

Those are some things which I have chosen to share, you may believe it, or you may deny it, what ever fits into your view of reality.
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Those are some things which I have chosen to share, you may believe it, or you may deny it, what ever fits into your view of reality.

There's really only one correct view of reality. Certain views of reality are simply invalid because they are either disproved or can be explained with other means. Reality is not a matter of opinion.

Note: Despite the incompetence of the reading comprehension of some moderators here, this is not an attempt to illicit an argument for the sake of arguing, my tone is not argumentative, and this post is not directed at one person, as it is addressing an idea (which anyone can hold) stated in the post. It's really sad that I actually have to explicitly state this.
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Yes. Watch numerous television shows on the subject and once in a "blue moon" participate in paranormal investigations. Lot of activity in my area- particularly Virginia City, Nevada. All the result of actually having my own paranormal encounters starting in 1983. Prior to that, I never gave the subject much thought.
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You are technically correct, there is only one reality, and hence one view of reality. But many people view reality completely differently, and it would be completely impossible for us to have a true view of what it really is through our limited perception and mental distortions. Most of the matter in the universe is "dark matter" if I remember correctly, which cannot be perceived by humans. There are quantum particles that pop in and out of existence, where do they go? While it is good to stand by your beliefs, you should be open to other perspectives, you don't have to take them in and believe them, just be objective about it for a second--even if it seems idiotic. Also I think certain people could make a lot of money keeping people in the dark about certain things, "Let's fire up the anti thermodynamic conservation unit to charge up the car for the road trip to the gasoline museum.":rolleyes:
You are technically correct, there is only one reality, and hence one view of reality. But many people view reality completely differently, and it would be completely impossible for us to have a true view of what it really is through our limited perception and mental distortions. Most of the matter in the universe is "dark matter" if I remember correctly, which cannot be perceived by humans. There are quantum particles that pop in and out of existence, where do they go? While it is good to stand by your beliefs, you should be open to other perspectives, you don't have to take them in and believe them, just be objective about it for a second--even if it seems idiotic. Also I think certain people could make a lot of money keeping people in the dark about certain things, "Let's fire up the anti thermodynamic conservation unit to charge up the car for the road trip to the gasoline museum.":rolleyes:

The way I see it, there are beliefs that are supported by objective evidience, and there are beliefs that are not. What does the data show? That is what the answer is most likely to be.

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