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Accepting Being Me

The Penguin

Chilly Willy The Penguin
I read many posts people want to be normal. This is very understandable as I have once felt this way. But as I got older, I have learned to accept myself. I don't want to be normal. I'm not a shame of being different. I know I wrote in many posts, I'm not into drinking, smoking, parties, blah, blah, blah. However, what's important is what I'm into rather than what I'm not into. So I'm going to list what I'm into.

Lego, modal trains, dolls, hiking, camping, video games, movie, music, technology and many other things. Dolls I say? Yes, it does not need to be a gender thing. Someone I spoke to online showed me her doll collection. I'm not talking about basic dolls like Barbies. I can't explain in words so I show you an example, in a photo below.


Though the doll showing above is not the doll my friend owns, it looks similar to the one above. This photo I have as my laptop background. I had my family and coworkers seen this background when I bring my laptop. They give me odd looks when they see it. But I don't care. The other reason I am sharing this with you to show I'm not a shame to admit this to anyone. And this is the problem with many people. They concern, what this person thinks. Who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be yourself. Do the stuff you like to do. You know what? When I started doing things that I enjoy and not care what others thinks, I became a lot happier. I don't let not having people in my life to prevent me from enjoying my life. Some of you know I do my hiking and camping trips alone and do some dangerous trails. Some think it's not wise to do alone. Well, since I have no friends and I like hiking, I'm not waiting for friends to do these trips. I love dangerous trails as I like a challenge. Though I do think about my safety and take all such measures as having a first aid kit, fully charged phone, GPS, etc. I also bring food and water with me. I'm not saying to do dangerous things like me. But what I'm saying stop caring what people think of you and enjoy yourself by doing the things you want to do.
As a preschool teacher, since in preschools no kid is forbidden or forced to play with any toy, I noticed that most of the kids playing with dolls were little boys. I don't understand why dolls should be considered a gender specific thing.
I think this whole thing (accepting oneself) is precisely why our diagnoses or self-diagnoses of AS is so important to so many of the people here: because it was the realization of Aspergers/autism, this recognition about ourselves that allowed many of us to start accepting ourselves.
I think this whole thing (accepting oneself) is precisely why our diagnoses or self-diagnoses of AS is so important to so many of the people here: because it was the realization of Aspergers/autism, this recognition about ourselves that allowed many of us to start accepting ourselves.
You are you are on a roll with your comments :)
The fact that if you get lost and have broken your ankle and your phone broke when you fell. You're screwed. And a lot more.
If I had a cute doll like that instead of one of those creepy Barbies, I might have played with them more.
As a child, I though Barbies were the epitome of all that was wrong with contemporary culture. I had very strong opinions about contemporary culture as a child.
What makes a trail dangerous?
Well I climb mountains before and some trails I done are 20 KM. I once got lost on a trail on a steep hill and if you go the wrong way you have a 60 ft drop to the Atlantic ocean. My GPS helped me get back on track.
The fact that if you get lost and have broken your ankle and your phone broke when you fell. You're screwed. And a lot more.
The risk I'm willing to take. I mean whole life had trouble making friends and never enjoyed myself. Now I'm enjoying myself. Though some people recommend hiking groups, I'm not sure if they work for me. I love taking my time and I take many photos and videos. I don't like being stuck on someone else schedule.
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The risk I'm willing to take. I mean whole life had trouble making friends and never enjoyed myself. Now I'm enjoying myself. Though some people recommend hiking groups, I'm not sure if they work for me. I love taking my time and I take many photos and videos. I don't like being stuck on someone else schedule.
Zurb's like of this post reminded me of the little story in Calvin and Hobbes when Calvin joined the boy scouts (or cub scouts).


I seem to remember the writer/artist saying that he made Calvin join the cub scouts, but then it became clear that there was no way Calvin could socialize with the other kids.
Zurb's like of this post reminded me of the little story in Calvin and Hobbes when Calvin joined the boy scouts (or cub scouts).


I seem to remember the writer/artist saying that he made Calvin join the cub scouts, but then it became clear that there was no way Calvin could socialize with the other kids.
Dear Mr. Watterson is a very good documentary based on the creator.
I always like any soft thing and cute like teddy bears and i still do, despite been almost an adult.
And i still like cartoon. But i stay with them secretly since i do care a lot of what others think and i became sad when other think i'm weird or just say stop being like a child.
I always like any soft thing and cute like teddy bears and i still do, despite been almost an adult.
And i still like cartoon. But i stay with them secretly since i do care a lot of what others think and i became sad when other think i'm weird or just say stop being like a child.
Have you watched MLP: Friendship is Magic?

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