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"10 Aspergers Traits" Blog Post for Aspie Females

I related most to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and the rest I was about half on. I'm perfectly alright with playing a part, and I probably could get behind being somebody like Sophie on Leverage, minus the theft. Unless I was going to steal from Credit Card Services and all those "Nigerians", those people annoy me to no end.

One of my favorites is this little chart: http://www.help4aspergers.com/pb/wp_a58d4f6a/images/img244154ad237783e339.JPG
I'm nearly a perfect match for column 1 and 2, not so much 3, and I have a lot of 4.
One of my favorites is this little chart: http://www.help4aspergers.com/pb/wp_a58d4f6a/images/img244154ad237783e339.JPG
I'm nearly a perfect match for column 1 and 2, not so much 3, and I have a lot of 4.

That's a great chart...I found that one early on, and that's what I sent to my pastors to show how I came to the conclusion that I have Asperger's. There are only a couple of items in each column that would not apply to me.

Here are some of my other bookmarked links for female aspie traits:

Why Women With Autism Are Invisible

Autism: Why it’s not “Rain Woman” | The Economist

AANE - Females with AS

Thirty-Seven: 10 Myths About Females With Asperger’s Syndrome | Everyday Asperger's

Women and girls on the autism spectrum - | autism | Asperger syndrome |

Girls and women who have Asperger's
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I related most to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and the rest I was about half on ...

One of my favorites is this little chart: http://www.help4aspergers.com/pb/wp_a58d4f6a/images/img244154ad237783e339.JPG
I'm nearly a perfect match for column 1 and 2, not so much 3, and I have a lot of 4.

Thanks. The whole chart seems quite accurate for me, maybe without the sensory perception overload part though. That's one thing I don't often have a problem with. I don't know if I have sensory issues at all actually. (How could you tell unless you know how others perceive things?) But, if I do, I must've learned some way around it early on.
I don't really know what to say, other than I read the chart and most of it was "me" . At work I manage because I kind of "play a role" but otherwise my social interactions are limited the family. Have friends "on-line" whom I talk to every day.
what? I related to ALL of them EXCEPT for #3. This gives me the idea that perhaps I do have Aspergers. I want to cry right now ;(. Thanks for the link though very informative
Liiiiiiinks! Lovely, lovely links! I won't be getting anything done for several minutes now. =D

Thanks. The whole chart seems quite accurate for me, maybe without the sensory perception overload part though. That's one thing I don't often have a problem with. I don't know if I have sensory issues at all actually. (How could you tell unless you know how others perceive things?) But, if I do, I must've learned some way around it early on.
I hope you never have any! Mildly, they're annoying at worst. When you overload, it feels like something thinks your insides are a wet rag and have painfully twisted it around and squeezed it to get the water out, and a good bit of that pain likes to focus in your head. Or it does with me, anyway.
I hope you never have any! Mildly, they're annoying at worst. When you overload, it feels like something thinks your insides are a wet rag and have painfully twisted it around and squeezed it to get the water out, and a good bit of that pain likes to focus in your head. Or it does with me, anyway.

Is it like a migraine headache? My late husband (also an Aspie) used to get terrible migraines. Maybe he was having sensory overload? He'd have to stay in a dark room with no sound for hours. Medications didn't seem to do any good.
Is it like a migraine headache? My late husband (also an Aspie) used to get terrible migraines. Maybe he was having sensory overload? He'd have to stay in a dark room with no sound for hours. Medications didn't seem to do any good.
Honestly, I have no idea. My husband and relatives who have migraines have to go lay down in a dark, quiet place for several hours. Mine goes to a normal ol' annoying headache once I get away from the problem, like stepping outside a noisy classroom for a few minutes. A lot of mine is emotional, so even though I could stand to be around noise or bright lights after a few minutes, I'm just so aggressive that it's better if I be alone until I calm down.
Liiiiiiinks! Lovely, lovely links! I won't be getting anything done for several minutes now. =D

Lol, you're welcome. ;o)

Is it like a migraine headache? My late husband (also an Aspie) used to get terrible migraines. Maybe he was having sensory overload? He'd have to stay in a dark room with no sound for hours. Medications didn't seem to do any good.

I get mild migraines that actually hurt less than a regular headache. The only way we knew they were migraines is because I get an aura first, followed by the headache.

For me, a migraine feels like my head is going to implode. That sounds bad, but it usually doesn't affect my ability to function once the aura goes away (the aura makes my vision get sparkly and fuzzy). I've heard of people who have to lock themselves away for days when they get a migraine...mine isn't nearly that bad.

Sensory overload doesn't really give me a headache...it just feels like the energy in my body is going to gush out of my pores. I can't take anything more in because there's already this storm inside that feels like it's going to explode.
Lol, you're welcome. ;o)
I must revise my previous statement from "few minutes" to "two hours". XD

Some I'm definitely passing on to my mom. She always had suspicions I had a bit of autism and when I started digging into it, she's been kind of feeling bad she didn't catch it all the way. I send her the links about how hard it is to catch autistic girls (perhaps we're rare Pokémon?) to let her know it wasn't her fault.
I related most to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and the rest I was about half on. I'm perfectly alright with playing a part, and I probably could get behind being somebody like Sophie on Leverage, minus the theft. Unless I was going to steal from Credit Card Services and all those "Nigerians", those people annoy me to no end.

One of my favorites is this little chart: http://www.help4aspergers.com/pb/wp_a58d4f6a/images/img244154ad237783e339.JPG
I'm nearly a perfect match for column 1 and 2, not so much 3, and I have a lot of 4.

Love this chart, it's like a personal cheat sheet!

I've been told by the psychologist who diagnosed me that some AS females are actually known to prefer excessively tight clothing as their sensory preference, over the comfortable/soft preference of others - I find it interesting how we can be quite different from each other in ways but all have similarities!
I need my space, literally need a "bubble" of space so to say. I over dress so that I'm more covered. Double jointed, so much more, I can relate to this post.
Love this chart, it's like a personal cheat sheet!

I've been told by the psychologist who diagnosed me that some AS females are actually known to prefer excessively tight clothing as their sensory preference, over the comfortable/soft preference of others - I find it interesting how we can be quite different from each other in ways but all have similarities!

It makes sense, it does provide a lot of pressure. Not me though, I have trouble breathing in it and it tends to be painful in certain areas.
I have all those traits. As far as sleeping quarters, I can sleep on carpet with just a heat blanket! Certain clothes and earrings I don't wear.
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