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Old Really Scary Movies

During a recent chat I mentioned an old scary movie I saw and nobody had heard of it. Others in the chat said something to the effect that it must have been before they had horror movies or something like that. They even had horror movies in silent film. It might be that what people think is horrible or scary has changed. I don't really think that is true. I think it is only how horror is shown or filmed that has changed. I plan to give links to old scary movies so people can see for themselves what they think.

You will be subjected to more of my opinion before I get to links, however. (Movie buff torture).

How and why movies are the way they are made is often more interesting to me than simply watching the movies. I don't especially want to get into heavy duty analysis of the movies like a critic or historian. I like to think about it as I watch movies most of the time and I go so far as to read about the movies and what the people making it intended when they made it, and even a little analysis of movies.

It was mentioned that more recent movies tend to be sketchy on plot and heavy on special effects, action, and blood. That is at least partly true. One of the reasons for this was suggested was that movies have a multinational and multilingual audience that they have not had before. This makes it easier to find a larger audience if a movie has lots of things like special effects, action and blood, that do not require that one read a lot of subtitled translations or listen to lousy dubbing.

Old horror movies did not have nearly as much blood as they do now, but depended on suspense and surprises and good acting to scare the socks off audiences. I am not denigrating current acting ability, because we still have some great actors. It is just that our great actors do not always have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability in every movie they make.

I have mostly avoided the horror genre of movies because I have had enough bad stuff happening to me and around me that seeing it on screen rarely seems appealing. I do make a few exceptions. One of those was Alfred Hitchcock movies. He really knew how to scare people. He used very little blood onscreen in the process. I am not sure that people who are used to lots of blood all over their screens with explosions and constant action, will enjoy movies like the ones that Alfred Hitchcock made. I am going to give some links to old horror movies including Alfred Hitchcock's movies and let you see for yourselves.

This one is, "The Birds". It is not his scariest movie, but it was interesting.

Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho) 1960 Full "Movie #Online'Free This one is Psycho and it is maybe his scariest movie. Don't watch it at bedtime. Lol.

Alfred Hitchcock made a lot of movies and you can scare your socks off watching them if you want to.

A movie that can be fun to watch because the special effects were so basic was called, "The Blob". I really enjoyed reading about how they did this one.
Watch The Blob (1958) Online Full Movie (HD)

There are lots more of these movies, but this little sample should be enough for you to tell whether you like them.


I remember the Birds, Psycho and the Blob. I believe I've seen many of Hitchcock's movies but not all. His show called "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" was pretty good.

Another great show- Twilight Zone. It was generally science fiction episodes, but there was some scary ones. Original Twilight Zone series was best. Every time they re-did it.. it seemed so flat and unoriginal at times.
Ha! The Birds and Psycho were dead scary and also check out `Day of the Triffids` and `The Village Children`.Both in monochrome if I remember and both series about 30 years back on TV.Real head scaring stuff and yep,not drop of blood I don`t think.
I remember "The Exorcist" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" as being terrifying. But my brother said he watched one or both of these movies when it was re-released before being the newer version was released, and all the millennials laughed through the whole thing. It seemed very odd to him.

I think the suspense in Alfred Hitchcock movies is too much for me to take! I've only seen two. I used to watch horror movies, though I didn't really enjoy them. But suspense triggers too much physiologically for me now - I actually had a panic attack after a movie that wasn't even really supposed to be horror, but it had a lot of suspense in it. It was called "The Pledge" with Jack Nicholson. After that, I decided I was retired from scary/suspenseful movies for mental health reasons. I can't even watch "Celebrity Ghost Stories". I can be hypervigilant for days afterwards!
I love Alfred Hitchcock's movies. I've seen quite a few of them. Even some of his earlier silent flicks, like The Manxman, which were still pretty good. The Birds and Psycho are my favorites. I also liked Alfred Hitchcock Presents and his funny little monologues before each episode.

The Blob was one of my favorites when I was a kid. Plus, it had Steve McQueen in it. Gotta love him. I think one of the scarier older films that I've seen is the Carnival of Souls. That movie still creeps me out.

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