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Hi, fellow citizens of Asperia. Living with others can be a real pain for us. As some of you know, I have a bi-generational home wherein my elderly parents live downstairs. My mother is a hyper-blabbering NT who is in profound denial of the fact that I'm an Aspie. She believes that if she just interacts with me, I'll emerge from my shell & become the sociable, huggy, communicative, extrovert she believes is trapped inside. Sounds sort of like rubbing a lamp & hoping a genie will pop out. Well, how long would you stand there rubbing the freakin' lamp if no genie ever emerged: would you assume you were using the wrong rubbing technique? Would you shake the lamp or try to verbally cajole the genie out all while rubbing it?

My mother is, in her words, bored, lonely & housebound. The sister to whom she was close is deceased, her best friend died this year & my father is near 90, doddery & extremely hard of hearing. That leaves me, in her estimation, somehow responsible for fulfilling her social needs. There are a billion activities & clubs etc for the elderly in this community. She is able-bodied, healthy & fit & she could easily go participate in a common interest group. Meanwhile, I am in a state where I have to sneak & hide in my own flippin' house. Surreal! If I'm in my kitchen, she comes in, parks herself somewhere & begins blabbering. She has nothing to sat, really. She is clueless about world politics (was unaware that there was a civil war in Syria!) doesn't watch any news shows & lives in the past. Most of her rambling is about herself, what she thinks, her childhood back in the 40s & nonsense like how she scrubbed the floor etc. Her memory is beginning to go south so she often repeats the same conversation (monologue, really) that she had regaled me with earlier.

I know from experience it is better in the NT world to LIE about such things & simply smile & say how wonderful it is to have everyone together BOLLOCKS! She won't leave me alone!!! I slipped out of the kitchen through the sun room & into my back yard gazebo. I brought my trusty ultra-book, dark glasses & noise cancelling head head phones. NOT GOOD ENOUGH! She came looking for me with a heap of laundry. Apparently, someone must've left a tissue in a pants pocket because the wash was a linty mess. She came bothering me, shaking clothing & rambling on. AAUUGGHH!!!! It took all my patience not to go barking mad. All she had to do is throw it all into the dryer & the lint would wind up in the lint filtre. What the hell did she expect me to do: punish the tissue?!? Now she is downstairs deliberately banging flatware she is drying & putting away. Sounds like a traffic accident! It is raining out so there's no escaping into the gazebo. My daughter is up in my suite using the hot tub so my own room is off limits to me. What is going on here?

Making my family realize that I am NOT lonely, in some kind of carapace or 'really seeking closeness but too shy to ask' is as challenging as colonizing Neptune! I just want to be left alone. I don't wish ill on anyone, I don't want to take anything from anyone nor do I want attention from them. Why is it so hard for people to understand something so simple? The hyper-social aspect of the NT world is the most difficult thing for me to navigate my way through since I have no desire whatsoever to hang out with a bunch of people (including relatives). Others who DO have this social clumping reflex should happily find each other & go off & do whatever it is that they mutually enjoy doing. Leaving me out of it should not be a hardship.


Your mother is choosing to be bored, lonely and housebound. I have a friend who is the same way. She retired not long ago and complains about being bored but when I suggest various senior activities she won't go. I brought her several free newspapers catering to retired people and she just put them aside without even looking at them. Instead she complained about how empty her life is. But why won't she do anything about it?

I am wondering if your mom isn't starting to experience some kind of dementia. Have you had her evaluated lately? It sounds like this is taking a toll on your life. Dementia is hard to deal with under the best of circumstances. Is there a senior service organization near you that can offer help?
There was a civil war in Syria? Ah, I'm not surprised, just one more reason not to watch the news.

Your mother can't cure your Autism using those methods, and you can't actually be cured until your open to the idea, so if she really wants to help you find the cure it would need to be something that you do together.
Perhaps you should lock doors so your and your mothers parts of the house are seperate and state that you want privacy and if she needs anything, she can always ask you.

This will put her in a position where someone will actually tell her "no" rather than just barging in and making herself comfortable while people might have things to take care of rather than hanging out with her.

It's as if she lets her boredom sneak over to other people... "I'm bored, I want you to entertain me". And thus it becomes an obligation for you.
Spinning Compass;bt2096 said:
Your mother is choosing to be bored, lonely and housebound. I have a friend who is the same way. She retired not long ago and complains about being bored but when I suggest various senior activities she won't go. I brought her several free newspapers catering to retired people and she just put them aside without even looking at them. Instead she complained about how empty her life is. But why won't she do anything about it?

I am wondering if your mom isn't starting to experience some kind of dementia. Have you had her evaluated lately? It sounds like this is taking a toll on your life. Dementia is hard to deal with under the best of circumstances. Is there a senior service organization near you that can offer help?

THanks for showing up with your ever sensible 2 cents worth, compass. I believe she is in the early stages of dementia: I'm not sure what kind. As for getting her evaluated, at this stage & considering her overall excellent health, I'm not able to get this done (I did check). She is still too mentally competent to be evaluated without her consent. She is taking a toll on me since I am constitutionally incapable of providing for her social needs or being the person she wants me to. I'm trying to find ways to get her out of the house. I've asked my brother to sometimes take her out with his family: he has a wife & 2 kids. One of the kids is a brand new baby so they're out less often. I know, though, that I'll have to find a way to cope with her & find a way to get her to go find some things to do.
Craig;bt2097 said:
There was a civil war in Syria? Ah, I'm not surprised, just one more reason not to watch the news.

Your mother can't cure your Autism using those methods, and you can't actually be cured until your open to the idea, so if she really wants to help you find the cure it would need to be something that you do together.
Her mother isn't trying to cure Soup. Her mother just wants to talk a lot.
Holy crap! You use the same Holy Trinity of People Repellent that I do -- a book, sunglasses, and headphones. Your mother must really be something to so willfully disregard them. Then again... that's family for you. :rolleyes2: My sympathies!

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