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I should have known. Paul and Barnabas are fleeing for their lives, and guess who is responsible? Who is always responsible, according to the New Testament? The Jews! That's who! Always the Jews. Seems like they had nothing better to do back then than to stir up trouble--and I mean big...
About a year ago I rescued a Persian cat that someone had thrown out. I saw her when I was coming home from work one day. She was crossing the road and turned to look at me with the saddest expression I ever saw. Her coat was so bedraggled, it was obvious she'd been on her own for some time...
Lately I have been watching season 2 of the delightful British series "Lark Rise to Candleford", and also reading Upton Sinclair's "Oil" (which the movie "There Will Be Blood" was based on). Now "Lark Rise" is set in the 1880's and "Oil" opens in the year 1912. Only 30 years separates them but...
One day the Apostle Paul and his companions were walking along a dusty road in what is now Turkey when all of a sudden a bright light shone around them and Paul fell to the ground. When he awoke, his companions were nowhere to be seen. Instead, he found himself in a city. But it was like no...
When we last left our merry band of apostles they were all down at Cornelius' villa on the Mediterranean enjoying a pig roast and potluck and eating all kinds of things they'd never thought of eating before. Since then there have been some big changes. Peter is now out of the picture and the...
I have been watching a series of videos entitled "The Elegant Universe" about the quest to find a theory of everything. Now, math is definitely not my strongest subject and I get hung up even thinking about atoms and their constituent parts, so this is way over my head. If I understand the...
1 min read
After a lifetime of being dedicated to The Kinks and after reading about AS from many sources, I have a hunch that Mick Avory is a possible Aspergian. He looks very young for his age. He has a larger than average head. His eye-contact is a little on the weak side. He never really looked at...
1 min read
This is the better site. It's more colourful. There are also these added perks like awards and the option to post a personalized graphic at the bottom. This is also a good place for me to start over. I don't have to prove anything to anybody here. There's also no need for me to spam my...
2 min read
Everyday Life
So I've been dating this guy, and I am really starting to fall for him. He is very sweet, but is moody like I, and does not understand how hard communication is for me. I have told him about my son being on the spectrum, and he knows a little about it but not in depth. I have not told him I...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
It is funny how life seems to run in patterns sometimes. The other day I blogged about a sermon I heard that disturbed me because I thought it was sending misleading messages about communicating with people, and today my employer held a class on listening skills! It was called "Listening in a...
Well, I returned to the little church I have been attending off and on, and at first it started pretty encouraging. I was talking to one of the members about my conflict between faith and science and how it relates to my Aspergers. It turns out he is a teacher and has several Asperger students...
Thinking about Lamentations has made me start thinking of Job. Personally, I think Job is far and away the most subversive book in the Bible. I am really surprised that it made the final cut for both the Jewish and Christian versions, because if you read it carefully, it turns a lot of...
This morning I returned to the little storefront church to hear my friend preach. You could tell he was a bit nervous, this being his first time, but I think he did a good job. Much better than I would in the same situation. I was expecting him to preach on Acts, since that was where I left...
One of the things that many of us have problems with is being singled out. It seems we are never singled out for anything good; it is always something bad, like reprimands. To this day I inwardly cringe when someone (especially a supervisor) says, "I want to talk with you a moment." Yet...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
Every morning when I log on at work I like to check the Weather Channel to find out what is going on. This morning when I logged on it was showing the first close-up photographs ever taken of the planet Mercury. I wanted to call over to my co-workers, "come here, you need to see this," but of...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
In my previous blog I wrote about Cornelius the Roman Centurion who appears in chapter 10 of the Book of Acts. I'm really having fun with this guy so bear with me. The big deal about Cornelius joining the church was that he was a Gentile and the others were all Jewish. That meant that they...
Spinning Compass
5 min read
Last Sunday I did something I don't normally do. I went to church. It was a small storefront evangelical church that opened up a few years back, and I had heard that one of my co-workers was going to be preaching there. It turned out he wasn't scheduled to preach that Sunday, but I stayed...
1 min read
I haven't realized, I have neglected my account. But, I have been making changes, and got a boyfriend. I totally was blind sided by that, it kind of just happened. Don't know how long it will last if it will, but I am enjoying the ride. My son has been making some positive and a few negative...
Third grade marked a turning point in my life. Although I had had some difficulties in school prior to third grade, it was in third grade that my life took a dramatic turn for the worst. Even from infancy there were signs that marked me as being somewhat different. Most babies are bubbly and...
1 min read
Everyday Life
jason die 8 years ago, he loves to text me and sam... jason, sage, jack, automa, and some others. i can talk to all that are there... (can some one get me a pic of a dna for pic) and i can read some plls minds... just skype me and i will tell you what ur thinking... (how far... idk)
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