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Aspies Central Personal Blogs

Personal blogs from all of our members here at Aspies Central.
2 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
i still have an amazing/unwitting ability to kill conversations -- in forums, in rooms, in text groups, chatrooms, anywhere i go. sometimes i do this before the conversation has even started. on a popular messaging app, where there were various conversations going on in one thread, i decided to...
I burst into tears this evening, several times. I have no actual reason to cry, if thinking logically. I dont have any serious illness, or serious financial issues, or lose a job or a loved ones or anything. I think maybe I have a burnout. But the reason for the burnout is so stupid: my...
BlueSky Aozora
1 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
I have this 'not good' tendency to not record or write much about good stuffs that's happening. Maybe that's why you would find my blog to be kinda negative most of the time. Anyway. So, my aspie husband passed the preliminary interview! Hurray! Maybe he's got lucky - because I heard they...
Hi, i actually just want to rant. This stuff has been in my head for months. I tried to google if there's anybody else has ranted about the same problem, but i couldnt find it, only can find 'informational' stuff about this. Okay. I've been assigned as a committee member for a conference event...
BlueSky Aozora
4 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
Okay, he couldn't sleep for two nights before the interview day. That sucks, we kinda argued because I will get tired too when he's insomniac. Like, I asked him many times about how about you wear a necktie; then he said no need and said I was nagging him. But when we reached the place, he...
BlueSky Aozora
2 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
Okay, I prayed this evening that I wish God gives my husband friends.. And when he went to the usual prayer hall after sunset, I noticed he doesn't come back yet.. usually he already home after 30-40 minutes. Then we will go to the usual stall to have our dinner (he complained he's already...
This post is saying what I am feeling:Men expect women to take all the decisions: What to wear, what to eat, why to buy - even where to live | Daily Mail Online Well, I'm not the dominant-type woman, I prefer to feel safe with someone reliable. And I think Aspies are like that too - except...
4 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
When the general public (which is my floppy term for people who know about the existence of autism but not too much about what it means) thinks about stimming in autism, most will probably come up with rocking, or hand flapping and the like, maybe also audible stims if they have ever been on a...
BlueSky Aozora
2 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
Okay this may seem too radical to be posted here, but this is my blog so anyway. Aspie/autism is okay and such, but the problem appears in marriage. In a marriage, the ASD will live with the partner 24/7. So it's impossible to mask. And another thing is, the ASD subconsciously actually want a...
I've been net-searching research fellow/postdoc/scientist jobs in my small developing country in my husband specialization to no avail. This country doesn't have that many research institutes, let alone any in his field. Seriously, there's no research job in this country for post-phd except for...
He picked me up at work today, eventhough he was having headache and gone home earlier. We watched a movie about the series he loves on his phone. Even though he said he cant make a move about finding job or contacting other people, he seems happy to watch the movie. Then he goes to daily...
Not to be dramatic or anything but tomorrow is Christmas Eve (at least for the majority of people in the country I live in and traditionally my family). Christmas used to be a huge thing for me. Granted, I'm in my twenties so my childhood is not as far away as it is for other people. And for...
That's hard! Without the aspie's cooperation, or if he's not interested in anything that the society there has, what to do?? When I asked him, he said to me, "Make one." Who's the one who need to MAKE that place of belonging for him? Is it me? How is that possible without his cooperation? The...
3 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
During my 'research' into autism, I was recently checking out #stimtoys on Instagram because that is exactly the platform on which serious research on autism should start. I was scrolling through the tag when I came across the account of a shop that seemed to be specialized in types of objects...
6 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
"Actually..." (A one-word title for a way-too-many-words post on my self-diagnosis) At the beginning of this year, I realized I am on the autism spectrum. In this spring, I joined this site, discovered the blog feature, and attempted to write this post, for the first of many times. Initially...
Previously, since my Asperger husband sacrificed his research career to move to my developing country (where nobody here doing his particular field of research; but there are teams doing this in his developed country, he supposed to join the team, but he sacrificed it to move here.. so sad), he...
3 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
I recently watched a YouTube video by The Aspie World titled ASPERGERS symptoms in children: 5 ways YOU spot Autism, in which one trait of some people with Asperger Syndrome is said to be walking on their tiptoes, especially in their childhood and teenage years. That video unearthed a part of...
Instead of letting things jumbling up into a tighter knot in my mind, let's just jot what are weighing my mind down. The problem of our marriage is a combined set of several problem sets. My husband's: Asperger Foreigner International marriage Moving to a foreign land Moving to wife's country...
2 min read
Day to Day Life
Things are getting very stressful, but not for any of the normal reasons. It's finals month. Finals are normal, we have them every year and around the same time for semester long class sections. I study, but I don't think it's as stressful for me because of my memory. It's not perfect, but I...
Very early in my career, a decade or more before the turn of the century, I was given a test by my employer to determine, within any project, the level of importance I placed upon the people versus the task. After he gathered the results, I was told by the gentleman who administered the test...
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