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  • As I go further with art, I realize more and more how much I loathe drawing anything digitally. 20 minutes of arguing with that godforsaken iPad and, well, I can say I dont remember the last time I got that angry at something. I mean I hate that device at the best of times, but that was a new level of rage. I dont know why I keep trying it.
    I have never wasted my time trying to use an Android tablet or iPad to draw something digitally. I usually use a computer and my old Wacom. I might upgrade that drawing tablet sooner or later, but for being nearly 15 years old, it still works okay.
    I did try a Wacom tablet once, but... yeah it didnt work out either. The disconnect of the pen being on the tablet but the results happening on my PC screen just throws me off too much. Not to mention that I seriously need my slanted art desk to draw anything at all (because of my arm).
    2nd unexpected time sleeping at a hotel in a row. Deck renovations, sooooo much louder than I'd expected. At least the hotel is really close to here and in a familiar area. Doing it again tomorrow. First time I'd been in a hotel in 3 years, too.

    This little guy has been hanging out here for like the past couple of weeks now. Seems to always end up in the same spot, too.
    I love frogs!
    Yeah, we get a ton of frogs & toads around here. There's pretty much always a couple of them in the pond in the back yard. Sometimes they're on the concrete walkway too, which... well, fortunately the dogs havent tried to grab any of them.
    Just got home, very sore, ugh. Not much else to say, just... ugh.
    Was any of it enjoyable at least, or was it all just ugh?
    It was okay... a bit too cold to do all that much outside except for walking in the forest where the wind cant get at ya too much. Sure beats snow though.
    I'm off on a trip! Heading up north for the first time in awhile, since the weather has gotten to the "less stupid" phase. Good thing too, nice change of scenery and a chance for a lot of exercise. Good for the dogs, too. I'll see y'all next week, maybe I'll have some photos to share!

    Here's my latest scratchy creation. Not much else to say really.
    The collidascope look with the black lines surrounding the checkerboard heart, all look really cool. Kinda like the ebb and flow of energies. Maybe emotions.
    Oh good, random shaky pain, my favorite! Bah. I clearly havent been exercising enough. AGAIN. Old habits really do die hard, dont they...
    Ya know, I've been doing so much better recently since coming out... I hadnt realized just how much of a burden that had been on me. Still a long way to go, but for now, doing better. And I'm finally getting productive and making real progress towards various goals. I'm learning a lot of things... I'd forgotten how good it feels to learn new things. Also programming is hard.

    Work in progress. And yeah I know there's lines going through the ears because colored pencils are made of stupid and cant be erased. But they're going to be a dark gray anyway, so it likely wont show too badly. Going to practice shading a bunch before finishing, want to do it right. Particularly for the vibrant hair.
    I will say though, the horrid thing has given me a new appreciation for all of my actual pencils/markers/whatever. And for my Android phone, which, you know, doesnt utterly suck and isnt restricted in its functionality. For the 800th time though, I question why I bought the iPad in the first place. I have no answer to that.
    Ya know what, I think I'm done with digital art (drawing, I mean... fractals are still good). It was neat in a "novelty" way for about 5 minutes, but it's developed into a blazing hatred. For Procreate, the most annoying software I've ever used, and the iPad, my most loathed device I've owned (I *really* hate Apple products). Launched it across the room for the 20th time. Just... enough.
    Physical therapy today, they did a new procedure on me. My whole face hurts, ugh. I'm super appreciative for them and all, but still, PT can freaking hurt sometimes. Though this was more intense than usual. Gee golly I think it's time to take more Advil
    Gonna vanish for a couple of days, I'm sorta falling into bad habits again, too much internet, not enough anything else. No more just letting problems lay there when I could fix them. A couple of days where I just focus on my non-computer hobbies, and my projects, that's the thing. See ya in a bit!
    On a side note, I'm typing this through my phone, got this gizmo that hooks the phone (Samsung Galaxy) to a screen and a keyboard and whatnot, so I can type without going mad. Learning a lot more about this phone but holy heck there is so much yet that I haven't explored.
    Well it's been an interesting trip here. I finally did the talk with my father, and now my stepmother and brother know as well. Still kinda reeling from the extreme anxiety high I'd gotten myself into though. I get myself so darned worked up sometimes, often over nothing at all. But hey, good thing overall.
    Wow, congrats for telling them and for it going ok! I hope this will allow you to be yourself more around them and reduce all that stress you had inside about that.
    I did it! Finally! Also pro tip, don’t drink all of the caffeine immediately before doing something really difficult like that. I am so overloaded right now. But I got through without clawing my arm.
    Leaving for a trip tomorrow, up north. And I decided that once we get up there, well, it's time to finally have the talk. I've put myself through enough pain... after all these years it's time to break out of this cycle. There's so much to tell them... Nervous though, very nervous. Gonna do it anyway.
    Whoever invented micro-USB cables needs to be dragged out into the street and covered in like, manure or something. In front of everyone. And then they get fined 2 bazillion dollars for being useless.
    There's a reason they've been mostly superseded by USB-C.
    I think it's one of these cases where they really tried their best... had the right intentions... but might have forgotten to test it in the wild :)
    Ya know, hypochondria is really frustrating sometimes. Blob of mucus in my throat? Clearly I caught Death Disease Syndrome. It definitely cant be my omni-present allergies. Nope. Bah. Anxiety of any sort just sucks.
    Misty Avich
    I blame Google. Type anything in and it diagnoses you with either cancer or diabetes.
    True dat. Reminds me of my mother who kept the "Physician's Desk Reference" at no more than an arm's length in her last years. It caused more harm than good for her. But nowadays to think of our access to the Internet, there's no telling what information we find that discourages us in all sorts of ways relative to illnesses and treatment.
    WebMD told me that the little ache I feel in my back is probably cancer. The Internet is not a friendly place for those of us with medical anxiety. Sorry to hear about it.
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