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  • Read any good manga lately? I discovered Shaman King recently.
    I'd recommend Devilman (1972), Tomie (1987), and Medaka Box (2009)
    Ooh.... I looked up Tomie, that absolutely looks like my sort of thing. I dont find good horror stuff nearly as often as I'd like. Very nice find there.
    Tomie is basically what happens when a Lovecraftian cosmic horror entity LARPs as a human.
    glad im not alone in finding films mindnumbing.
    And then there's the fact that most "plots" are stupid at best and one big succession of bombs and gunfire at worst. I simply can't handle it. (Sorry, @Misery, for butting in.)
    I like it over tv. But go when not many people are there.
    yea same here though in my case I just go totally mind blank (or vacant if you will)
    or boring in enougher word probably because I have to work so hard to concentrate on what the people are doing that I lose touch with my feelings for lack of a better way to put it which makes it hard to get beyond skin deep
    i wish i could articulate my thought half as well as you do.
    l agree.
    It's a learned skill, actually. It's something you can work on, if you want. Seriously, you really can.

    For me it comes from two things: 1. I read *alot* of books. So many. And 2. Lots of Garfield. I daresay that half of my personality was shaped by that sarcastic cat. That's not a joke.
    Hey there,
    Are you a programmer? You mentioned having found out the hard way that developing games is hard...
    Hmm, sort of. Though I dont handle the "deep" coding stuff. I've worked as a contractor to an indie dev that I know, their studio name is Arcen. The game I had the biggest part in is Starward Rogue. This is an example of what I do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cGOkBPd1ow
    Bullet-hell games are my thing, and I did boss & enemy creation. There's more to the story, but this only allows for short comments, so... yeah. I'm not a professional though, I dont do any of this as a career.
    No seriously though, what blazing idiot thought a character limit of 460 was a good idea? Ugh.
    I was looking through the entire thread of' post a picture of yourself'. Your picture is my favorite, I think you're very good looking. I bet people tell you that you look nowhere near your age?
    I am familiar with it, yeah. I think it's pretty good, though not quite on the level of Cave's games. I also like that they created a likable and memorable cast of characters to go with it. Heck, I considered doing a cosplay from it once but later decided that was a stupid idea.
    I listen to the music way more than I've played it. I LOVE the music. I've only managed to download perfect cherry blossom, not even beating it on normal. That's my level of expertise, but I do know they released Hidden Star In Four Seasons recently. I think it would be fun to cosplay as a touhou character, many to choose from! What's the last cosplay you've done?
    Yeah, Touhou does have alot of good music. I've got some of it on my car CDs. The cosplay I've done recently is Chara from Undertale. It's nice because there's zero effort involved but it looks just right, didnt even have to change my hair at all. Also "normal" enough that I could wear it whenever, if I feel like it.
    Hello and welcome! Thank you for your posts!
    At the moment, no one else on here seems to be welcoming new users the way I do.
    That's true. People tend to put their greetings on new people's Intro. Threads, instead.
    Nevertheless posting a welcome message on new users profiles does seem to be a good idea, as mine do get liked.
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