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  • Revenge will come when the food deliveries stop coming someday and the remnants of the White colonizers will have to forage for food and medicine. "We must remember the old ways, for the time will come when we will need them again." -a wise Indigenous California elder
    Strange that the Whites in the valleys don't realize that the Indigenous tribes might have more knowledge of stuff like edible/medicinal native plants given that they've been here much longer than Europeans. A common theme among locals is "why should the indians 150 miles downstream tell us what to do?" regarding the dam removals.
    65 miles one way to get to the Karuk "capital", over a winding mountain road that follows the Klamath River Canyon. By the end of the round trip I was nauseous from motion sickness. I had to stop and buy Dramamine. This morning I was still woozy and foggy, and I had to sleep much of the day. Still worth it.
    $64 but it is worth it. Elaine also noted that as far as acorns go, you collect them in the fall and put them in a warm dark place to "cure" over the winter, similarly to how alcohol is aged. Then you peel and mash them, mix them with water, then boil the mush (same consistency as Cream of Wheat, she said) until the tannin has been leached out.
    We hear the time clock beep and of course it is Elaine, who looks full blood Karuk right down to her ceremonial face tattoos. So I start talking to her. She recommended two books, one is a simple "Ethnobotany of the Karuk People", the other was written by a Karuk shaman and is more focused on natural medicine.
    Drove out to the Karuk Tribe reservation yesterday. Went into the community center and the woman behind the counter is White. I start asking questions and she says "Elaine knows all that stuff, she's not here right now, but she'll be here later."
    I might head out to the Karuk Tribe reservation this week, and ask somebody at their resource center/museum what the best/most nutritious native plants would be to grow in my garden. The Whites in the valley just say "uh, we pasture cattle here, buddy".
    The chassis of a 1937 Emerson AM131 tube radio has been on a shelf staring at me for months. "Fix me, you coward!" I am always the procrastinator, even as a kid the only thing that made me do school projects was a looming deadline.
    Changed the oil in my generator today (23 May). Fully drained, the old oil is 1/3 liter, but to refill it took 1/2 liter. Weird. It came from the factory with a cheap no name spark plug, so I put a good quality NGK plug in its place.
    I can't change the oil in my generator today bc of 20mph winds. I don't want to have gunky motor oil blown all over me. You can't get the stains out of clothes either, and nobody can afford new clothes these days. I won't need it til Memorial Day (next Monday) anyway.
    Yesterday I went to a garage sale in Selma, Ore., due to old electronics being mentioned in the ad. Ad had wrong address and I wound up in a ditch on a rural road trying to find it. The guy living at that wrong address dragged me out with his 1967 Chevy pickup.
    That was some good luck. I would have been a mess after that.
    If he hadn't had oxygen tanks delivered just as I was figuring out how to get out of the ditch, I and my mom (shared card) would have been out 4 big benjamins. (Non-US folx: the $100 bill has Benjamin Franklin on it.) He didn't seem to use oxygen so I presume it was his SO.
    By then all of the people who had showed up at 9am had driven off. I follow the guy's directions and the sellers are just hanging a SALE sign on their open gate. This was around 9:45. *sigh*
    The view from my house at 7:20am on 7 December.

    Ugh, I meant 7 FEBRUARY! Yesterday morning. I've really been out of it the last couple days, I've been mixing up December and February for some weird reason. I also have trouble remembering my return date. Sheesh!
    Redding is the closest newspaper owned by the owner of the former local paper. They did a handful of stories for the latter out of the Redding newsroom til it just shut down. I cannot cancel online.
    The local newspaper was sold and then shut down by the new owners. I am still paying $9.99/mo for website access. Tomorrow I will go to Redding and demand they stop charging me.
    The town of Weed, around 40 miles south, exists because of the winds. A lumber company scout noted that the constant southerly winds would dry out lumber faster, and the area was dense with redwood pines. The company built a sawmill and town named after the scout-Abner Weed.
    The wind is horrible here right now. 40 mph sustained with 60 mph gusts. It's been howling since around 10:30am local time yesterday. Every so often it shakes my home. Common up here, but takes getting used to.
    Got a spare key for my Kia made for half the cost of the dealer bc the salesman who sold me the car is drinking buddies with a guy who owns a mobile key cutting franchise.
    I have to get a key card done. The prices for these things from dealerships are ridiculous.
    Eurythmics | Here Comes The Rain Again (1984):

    I absolutely love this song when it rains, which is less and less thanks to climate collapse. It is raining today and tomorrow here though.
    I have a mouse in my house, and he's being mousy. Fortunately he's stuffed so he won't eat my food.

    @Misty Avich: in America "stuffed" can mean "eaten so much food that he can't move". I know you are not American, so it means something different.
    @Aspychata: I had a family of voles in my house in late 2022, they are mice only bigger. There were 1 male, 2 female, and 2 babies. I caught the male with a glue trap but then had to use snap traps for his paramours. I didn't find the babies until later. This plushie looks almost just like the voles.
    Maybe l had a vole, it was big, and had a tail like a rat. It sounded my furniture was moving around at night, it was so loud. It was the size of three mice.
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