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  • is hoping that I will be able to go at least 7 days without interacting with another human being in person! Yay!
    That does sound nice. I am burnt out on humans.
    I'm gonna have to go into Yreka on Tuesday to refill my Adderall, it turns out. But 4 days will be nice anyway.
    is packing up for the drive back to Jefferson on 19 September. Finally out of here.

    Out from ruins once possessed / Fallen city, living death! -Metallica
    I discovered the PERFECT place to watch the 14 October annular solar eclipse. Almost guaranteed to have zero crowds. Klamath Falls is gonna have 60,000 people (the town has around 15,000 residents). I will be in a place that is on nobody's radar. hehehe
    Bought a pair of solar viewer glasses on ebay for the 14 October "annular" eclipse. The eclipse will pass almost directly over Roseburg, Oregon, which is only a couple hours drive from my home.
    I got out of jury duty by signing an affidavit saying I no longer live in Sacramento County.
    Return To Jefferson: T -14 days. Can't wait. I have a backup generator for my air conditioner, finally.
    I have to report to the Sacramento County Superior (Criminal) Courthouse on Tuesday at 8am for jury duty. California makes it VERY difficult to get an excuse, so I will have to tell the judge that he probably doesn't want an autistic paranoid schizophrenic in the jury box.
    The idea behind jury duty originally sprang from King George 3's vow to drag the Colonial revolutionaries back to England to be tried by a military tribunal, where the outcome was guaranteed, as was the punishment. The victorious rebels felt that criminals should be tried by a representative panel of local citizens, thus ensuring a fair trial and punishment.
    In today's world, the old system is badly in need of an overhaul. Most people absolutely refuse to put their lives on hold to be on a jury, and will do anything to get out of it. I was reading just a couple days ago about how jurors tend to be older, whiter, and more affluent than their communities, and certainly the defendants, who in criminal court are usually Black/Brown and poor.
    Farmers could put their labors on hold to stay in the town hotel to judge a fellow farmer. Today, people work in offices under managers who would rather fire them rather than accommodate jury service. The reaction to a summons today is more fear than pride or patriotic duty. Legislatures could go a ways towards a fix, but the companies finance their campaigns.
    Return To Jefferson: T -20 days. The weather is already getting a little more tolerable up there, and my uncle got my small backup generator running.
    Hopefully, I am halfway through my penitence period. I plan to return to Jefferson on 19 September, by which time the worst heat of summer should be over.
    Return To Jefferson: T -37 days

    Gawd I HATE Sacramento. Definitely not the city I grew up in. It's the fifth most popular city for coastal Californians to move to, and of course they bring the worst of the big cities with them. I want to be back on my land where I can be a "nature hikikomori".
    My dentures finally fit correctly. They do make my gums a little tender because the gums aren't used to them. The tenderness will go away in a couple weeks.
    Been going through receipts with a calculator trying to figure out where my money is going. I have a couple big areas that I need to cut back and/or out to get my finances under control. 9% inflation means no luxuries AT ALL on a fixed income.
    Oh dear, money woes hits me too. Stay home a lot more these days. I have a running addition tape going on in my head every day.
    Bought a 1957 Hammarlund HQ-110 ham radio receiver today. An old "boatanchor" radio from the glory days of amateur radio vacuum tube rigs. The seller is very old and his hearing is mostly gone, so he is having to sell his equipment. His house has about a dozen antennas, he must have been really into it. He lives in Marin County so I'm shocked his neighbors never whined about the antennas.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Hammarlund? There has to be a Swede behind that brand, that's a very Swedish surname.
    A quick google turned up this:

    Company founder Oscar Hammarlund was indeed born in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1861, and founded a maker of variable capacitors in New York City in 1910 that would eventually become Hammarlund Radio.
    I hate Sacramento. I am greatly missing Siskiyou and even Jackson counties right now.

    Finally got my permanent dentures yesterday. They make my gums itchy and sore, but that's ok since my gums have been exposed and have had to do soft food chewing for a year. They'll heal eventually.
    This song seems to be following me around. It seems that when I go into a store like a mini mart or supermarket, this song will be playing over the PA system often. It's creepy.

    I hear this song in stores and in clubs and bars frequently too. I think it’s just a very catchy song so it’s on businesses’ playlists a lot.
    I'm old enough to remember the glory days of Dead Or Alive, and they were a pretty good example of 80s synthpop, which is always one of my favorites. I've also been noticing a lot of 2010s electropop, which I call "millenial electropop" since it was popular with the millenial generation when they were teens.
    The 2010s were a really tough period in my life, so I would listen to the commute time dance mix on Hot 103.5, a local radio station in Sacramento, to try to get my mind off it. By 2017 the delivery method for youth music had shifted away from over the air radio to internet downloading and eventually streaming, so I packed my radio away. The "Hot 103.5" format was yanked by 2019.
    All fireworks are illegal in Siskiyou County, so it will be quiet on the fourth. In Sacramento the immigrants in my old neighborhood set off illegal fireworks for HOURS ON END. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM late into the night. It's great that they love their adopted homeland, but people have to go to work the next day.
    grrr the cheap router the internet company sold me won't work on wifi. With wired it is fine but it won't do wifi, it says the password is wrong. I checked the password on both the bottom of the physical router and in the settings, but it won't let me log on.
    Never mind, I figured it out. Sigh.
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