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  • If you could do with a dose of cuteness, here's some. Youtube just started throwing unexpected animal videos at me. Stuff other than cat videos, I mean.
    I need to like, hire someone to just sit near me all the time, and any time I lean forward in my chair into an awkward position, they just hit me with a shoe until I stop doing it. It'd save me a lot of neck and back pain.
    I have to tell myself that *I'm just going to sit here and do this real quick* is not a valid idea.
    Body has to be parallel to desk, not just perching in a twisted at the waist way....
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Yeah hunching in a chair is just the worst for the neck and back. And if you are leaning on a desk with your arms, pushing your shoulders up and then moving your head/neck, that is the number one fastest way to get neck pain.
    I actually had some really bad medical stuff going on once, but since I thought it was my back it essentially trained me to sit back in chairs and stop turning myself into a pretzel on a daily basis. Now that that is thankfully over, the habit somehow stayed!
    So, uh... my stepmother was telling me about how the card thing was going at the store (it's going well) as she'd gone over to have a look. Apparently, someone asked "oh, did you make these?" (the nameplate was missing) and she says "no, I'm the stepmother of the card girl!" I dont think she caught what she'd just said, I didnt respond. This, uh... this isnt going to be a freaking surprise to anyone, is it...
    @1ForAll Aye, that's probably true. Though really somebody could at least briefly ACT surprised. Not a single person I've told has shown even a bit of surprise so far. Was my mask like completely defective or something? It occurs to me that I probably aint hiding certain autism traits as well as I'd thought either.
    Sounds like they're ready whenever you are :)
    Some things we may be able to mask a little on occasion, like toning down any certain feeling or emotion and movements, but once we are totally relaxed or forgetting to mask we may be unaware we are reverting back to our natural selves in ways. NTs can often pick up on the smallest of details for nonverbal cues & any even rare trait or action we do that goes against stereotype may cause them to think.

    For anyone who could use a good laugh. I watched this like 20 times and it doesnt stop being funny.
    Funny and relatable :) Cat owner here :) - I have seen one of our cats hanging from the ceiling lamp
    "How in the world is the battery on this new phone of mine dead after I'd just charged it yesterday?" *checks phone after recharge* "ah, I see. It's the 5 straight hours of exciting video footage of the ceiling tiles that did it"
    So, I messed up my arm again. That scratching/raking thing I do, I cant seem to stop once I get into an agitated mental state. A bit nasty looking, hopefully I wont end up with more scars again. Negative stims can be very frustrating, eh?
    Yes. Very frustrating. :rage:
    For me it's legs, not arms.
    So frustrating my brain starts to swirl.

    Poor brain.
    Poor arms.
    Poor legs.
    Casualties of anxiety.

    So here's today's digital art creation, based on an idea from my father. Both the background and the hearts are made of the same stuff, it's all particles and fields. And then some Photoshop... if you look at the hearts (which are all the same heart) real close, you can see where both halves have been "stitched" together. That was the most annoying part.
    I really wanted to give you a "winner" but I just had to give a "heart" to this. Thank you for sharing!
    Honestly I don't think anybody would be able to tell. Looks great!
    I'll be glad when this month is over. I swear half of it is just feeling bad/guilty about avoiding family parties/events. Enormous extended family, so there's a lot of that.

    I swear it does this on purpose.
    o_O Just barely able to relate! But trust me! I feel your pain! :oops:
    Misery, I'm so happy your hands are feeling better and you can do your puzzles again (even when they are frustrating).
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I used to take the stickers off those things and move them around, so when people tried to solve it, it was impossible to solve . :D A little mean of me, maybe, but also funny to watch.
    Playing through Final Fantasy Legend on the Gameboy (emulating through Launchbox & Retroarch). I had it as a kid, never got all the way through it. It's from that really archaic/obtuse era of RPGs that did things like not telling you item stats, or what anything at all did. And then there's the monsters. "Meat Transformations" is an odd name for an FAQ guide.

    Getting back to this is great so far. I did the three on the left today... the traditional 3x3 is still as easy as it ever was despite me being rusty. The weird thing on the far left was more confusing than expected. The others are some that I intend on tackling next. The one with the gears is the easiest of them. But really none of these are TOO hard.
    Awesome hobby!
    I have Valk 3x3 and a v cube 7
    Yeah, I've got a couple of V Cubes myself, they're generally pretty nice. I dont think I have a better 7x7 specifically though than the one in the photo (and that one isnt very good)... er... maybe. Everything is so disorganized, I have a lot to sift through.

    Twisty puzzles! One of my hobbies, but one I havent been able to do in a long time due to physical issues. But after a lot of PT, and getting my arm brace, that problem has been gone for awhile now. So I can FINALLY get back to doing these. I'm currently super excited about this. And yes, I have A LOT of these. They get increasingly ridiculous.
    I have one of the KwikCubes (I think they are called) I had every intention of learning the algorithms and solving it but i haven't yet lol! My arms get fatigued so easily so I don't have much of a fun time with it. I hope you can enjoy solving them without any pain or discomfort :)

    My birthday gift from my father & stepmother. I use brush pens a lot, though the ones I already had are marker types, very specific in what type of paper they're meant for (marker paper, duh). These new ones are watercolor, so they'll work on the infinite pile of watercolor paper I have, along with the weird watercolor ink vials.
    Such nice gifts! :)
    Yeah, it's high quality stuff. I had gotten a sample set of 6 in my monthly art mystery box thing (comes in the mail, it's a subscription lootbox service thing for art) and tried them out, and they were very good. So they went and got me a full set!
    They look great! I'm sure that I've seen them used by artists on YouTube. They have an ink in them that doesn't saturate the paper so it doesn't get chewed up so you get nice crisp lines etc :) Will be cool to see what you draw with them! :)
    Why does it have to be so hard to tell people things? Or ask for help? I'm so freaking frustrated with myself at this point. In other news, I clawed at my arm again.
    Did writing it out help you figure out how and what you want to say? Would you ever consider reading it to them? Is it a crazy idea to make a video where you speak to the camera? Ultimately, I realize you will have to talk about it, but some of these things can help get the conversations started.
    @Rodafina My therapist did mention a video idea like that, particularly after I had explained about VR stuff (since I hate being physically in front of a camera, but I can be virtually in front of one just fine, I've shown that sort of thing on here before even). I sorta half started on one but got a bit lost in my own explanation.
    As for reading a written out version to them... haha, it's funny, but I actually cant read my own handwriting. When it comes to art I specialize in lettering of all sorts, and I'm pleased with where my skill is with that, but my actual handwriting is entirely illegible. Bit of a goofy conflict there.
    Honestly really pleased with my progress so far, with art overall. I'm getting the hang of my own general style (whatever it might be called), drawing things at odd angles, and doing this MUCH faster and with fewer errors. Feeling good about it for the first time, really. The rest of that picture will be a challenge, but I think I can do it.

    Lilith from Binding of Isaac, leaping to avoid a monster attack coming from behind. This came out pretty much perfect, exactly as I'd envisioned it. Still need her horns, and an ornate pattern on the box. This is only a small part of the picture though. Monster (the Scourge), background with fully detailed walls, full shading... Gonna take awhile.

    This is called "Veiled Existence"
    Also, freakin' ouch. I've got to stop doing these in a single sitting. But once an idea hits me it's like I gotta get it onto paper quick or it'll fly away or something.
    That looks awesome~

    But yeah. I've had the same problem in the past with drawing. Which probably why I have been burned out with it for so long.
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