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"We'll just goof around for awhile..."


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Words a friend used... The weekend is here, planning my day, Shawn is an old friend of mine from a few years ago, off and on over the last couple of years we've tried to connect with each other... I guess tomorrow afternoon is the big day...

The plan is to meet them at a Dairy Queen (somewhere I never go to), and he lives on the edge of my city and I live right near downtown, and in his own words, his brother (who I also know) will just "goof around for awhile"... I will add that Shawn has at times come across to me as a slightly immature guy in the way he acts, and he's married, probably about 40...

Is that what people do? I tend to want a real purpose to get together, something to actually do... Like in the morning, I'm getting together with a friend (who is far more mature) over breakfast and an hour or two of photography... To me getting together to do some photography is a real purpose, something to do... "Goofing around" seems like doing nothing, it probably involves small talk I suppose, something every Aspie dreads... But maybe that is how a lot of the world is? And I'm just a far too serious Aspie who takes life far too seriously

I am more of that type of personality, I know that, and I usually like a specific task to do, even a Saturday spent wandering downtown with my camera in tow is a task to me, it also relaxes me at the same time...

Tomorrow could be interesting :rolleyes:
Just goofing around sounds like a phrase I hear from
some women who want to make friends.
Things like: " Let's just get together and do girl things."
What? What are girl things?
I've tried it when invited and it usually turns into a dreaded lunch bunch who sits and complains about the food
or points out how someone has a piece of spinach in their teeth or not eating the soup correctly, filled with a heaping helping of who's the lastest hot stud and how can they get his attention.
Sorry, not for me either. And as far as the bragging about how it took half an hour to get their eye make up on...
forget it.
I think goofing may be what NT people do and it's not something I find enjoyable. Especially because what they call goofing does demand social abilities beyond my understanding. I would rather walk around a museum alone considering the displays and artefacts than goof with others. Or wander in the park. Or Google stuff. Or play scrabble. Or go to a class workshop or structured activities. Or do crafts in the back room of my house. Play with the cat. Garden. Write stories. Read.Text someone. Do some email. Plan my life with my diary. Go swimming. Shop for foods. Watch a bit of TV. Wander in a bookshop. Take a train journey. Spend a weekend in London. Walk by the river. Think...
"Goofing around" might mean "we'll figure out something to do when the time comes."

If it's NTs in general, expect small-talk, but I'd have to imagine you'll find yourself up to something fairly quickly. I mean, "goofing around"; it's not like you're going to stand around in a circle and make funny faces at each other all day.
Just heading off for breakfast now with my one friend, and some morning photography... Then this afternoon, I'm sure it will be fine, wish me luck... My morning friend is a little more mature in his mannerisms... My afternoon friend is a little different, as has been said...

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