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Recent content by Taira

  1. Taira

    Which generation are you?

    I was born in 85, but grew up with parents who were stuck in the 50s, maybe 60s. Because of this, I pretty much refuse to see myself as a millennial. Sometimes I was even born in modern times, like when we went to the lake to wash clothes by hand. Knowing my generation would be much easier by...
  2. Taira

    My friend does not want me to talk to girls.

    You should talk to lots of girls and women, to gain talking experience. Just don't try flirting before you're comfortable with talking. See women whichever way you like, but if your imagination leans toward indecent, don't let it show on your face or in your speech. Treating someone as a person...
  3. Taira

    Sam Vaknin's view on Autism Spectrum

    I don't think that person understands autism very well. I'm interested because it's interesting, and I'll go out into the world to learn more. I even ended up as a teacher, as do many other autistics. That's not exactly the same as withdrawing from society because one has no choice. And the...
  4. Taira

    Interpersonal Trauma And Posttraumatic Stress In Autistic Adults

    Gender has been used differently from sex for quite a long time. As in, we speak of grammatical gender, not grammatical sex. And linguistics recognizes way more than just two genders (depending on language). Even latin had three, though people would probably have agreed back then that the sexes...
  5. Taira

    Word Association Game

  6. Taira

    My therapist got blunt with me

    Volunteering is a way to train your social skills, and better social skills will make you more attractive to a potential love interest. I'm pretty sure your therapist is trying to help you get somewhere, instead of getting nowhere due to refusing to let go of a fixation for even a few moments...
  7. Taira

    Looking forward to summer holiday.

    Looking forward to summer holiday.
  8. Taira

    Talking about friend

    Neurotypical people have a strong tendency to interpret people's words and body language when talking to them, to figure out the intention behind what is said. Many of them have a hard time understanding how one can talk about a bad thing very matter-of-factly or being distressed about a side of...
  9. Taira

    Neuroscience is a Thing

    That looks really interesting, though scary too. Imagine bonding over something completely illogical. I think I'd rather bond through common interests.
  10. Taira

    Your Brain Type--E-S theory

    EQ: 4 SQ: 19 Type: Extreme Type S I really do have a habit of pondering how things work, including the human mind. So despite the low EQ, people I'm close to do trust me with their troubles and feelings. I can systemize their circumstances to understand and choose a not too inappropriate...
  11. Taira

    Being polite about declining a goodbye gathering

    If you'd be ok with desreetly served cake during a lunch, and a card handed to you without any ceremony, then that would be a pretty good solution. You should at least be honest about feeling very uncomfortable with receiving attention in front of others, so your friend will know why you aren't...
  12. Taira

    Does Anyone Know Why?

    Boats being called she is a cultural thing. Grammatical gender has existed in Indo-European languages for thousands of years. Old English had three genders just like the other Germanic languages. Hindi also has grammatical gender. Other language groups have an even more extensive gender...
  13. Taira

    Voice Masking

    There's a lot of subconscious stuff going on when using one's voice. Adapting one's accent is something that happens to almost everyone, except perhaps people who've lived in the same place their whole life and only know one accent. This seems to be mire of a biological thing connected to our...
  14. Taira

    Inability to understand or communicate with the concrete world

    I'll tall metaphors when I'm with people I know get it. Which aren't too many irl. But most of the time I seem to have a rather different problem with how I talk. I like to summarise ideas, so I'll often do the whole thought process, and then only say the conclusion. Which doesn't work too well...
  15. Taira

    Anyone Else Feel like Their Mind Was Wasted?

    I went for music instead of science in high school. Only realized later that it wasn't the smartest choice i could have made, for developing my intelligence, and for having broader work opportunities. But my high school class was great. My social life was pretty awesome. Mostly everybody was...
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