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Recent content by MitchM

  1. MitchM

    Depressed About Still Being a Virgin

    coming to this a bit late, but there is a speaker I follow who is also on the spectrum and she talks about autism and sexuality. the first talk of hers I saw: good person to follow or learn from if it still is a bother for you.
  2. MitchM

    CEX and the UK Sale of Goods Act

    from the few game studios and platforms i have been able to talk to, its honestly down to "they didn't realize", which, TBH is a rather poor excuse. I make a similar argument about captions and the Forza Horizon 4 series in this video they spent a lot of time getting the cars and the behaviors...
  3. MitchM

    CEX and the UK Sale of Goods Act

    while i am not aware of things like this a little side note is, sadly this is something i have been trying to fight for a while, things like that are accessibility issues but there is nothing legally compelling video game makers to make sure that their games meet accessibility guidelines accept...
  4. MitchM

    Over-packing my work bag! Do you do this?

    Glad to see that I am not the only one who does this as well when i travel, its worse when i travel for work. I had a interview earlier in the year, was there for 4 days (including flights there and back) and I work as coder so my packing looked something like: Windows laptop Mac Laptop...
  5. MitchM

    Am I the only one who can never sleep???

    there was a study I was a part of for people on the spectrum that is still not out yet that I has info related to this topic. let me see if I can get the okay to share my results at least...
  6. MitchM

    Autism risk may increase if child's mother has high DDT exposure, study finds

    right and as I stated, those are my thoughts (besides point 1) for any news source. not this is not a valid study (thought the study its self is behind a pay wall interestingly enough.) I'm also not against the idea that something like this is not possible, I'f ANYTHING i think it shows that...
  7. MitchM

    Hello,mom of son with autism

    sorry i did not mean to say i was doubting your specialist, but so often i find children who do not get the chance because a specialist said so, and then because the parents loved and did all they could for the child, it turned out alright. but on the flip side other specialists are also to...
  8. MitchM

    Autism risk may increase if child's mother has high DDT exposure, study finds

    1. Scare tactic. fox news only uses Autism for fear and to hatemonger. don't use them for reliable info on autism. what else you use them for does not matter to me and is none of may business. 2. look at the wording of the article. heres a randomly pulled line... "To do the study, Brown...
  9. MitchM

    Hello,mom of son with autism

    Welcome @amomof3 One thing i love hearing from parents is "how amazed the specialist are by the progress the child/children make" when there is a grim outlook. It says a lot about the parents who are raising them and what it must take and be sacrificed for that child/them. I am not a parent my...
  10. MitchM

    Hello one and all

    hey @Surf girl welcome. I'm going on day two here. As an aspie finishing up his 20's I Don't have the same life experience as others who have posted and they have good points. Ill add in my own for what i have seen. Anxiety is a big factor in this for everyone not just on the spectrum. As we...
  11. MitchM

    An Aspie on the search for his own answer to life, universe and everything...

    Sloth, I was adopted from birth, so it very easily could of been that that was not the case. my Birth mom is a ENT but my adoptive mom was a Speech and Language Pathologist and my Adoptive father ran a half way house for men. That different outlook on life is partly a contributor to that mindset...
  12. MitchM

    An Aspie on the search for his own answer to life, universe and everything...

    thanks Tree! Liking the image as text for the reply shows a lot of personality in that. however makes it hard for screen readers to use since there is no alt text so hopefully none who is blind wants to read it. thanks Tom. I am so far but the day is young and i have now 50+ tabs of things on...
  13. MitchM

    Here to find support to help me in understanding my soon-to-be wife

    First off, congrats on the soon-to-be marriage! Not many Neurotypical or otherwise find that happiness or joy in another person to the point they want to spend the rest of their life with and stick with them. That said, I hope you are able to find the answers to the questions you are wondering...
  14. MitchM

    An Aspie on the search for his own answer to life, universe and everything...

    Hello everyone, I'm Mitch. I Joined up after getting this link from another member of this forum and having some discussions with them about another on the spectrum they are co-existing with. Figured I would at least introduce myself and give a little rundown about who I am/short history of life...
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