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Recent content by mikeanthony

  1. M

    Are you good at texting?

    When Covid started in 2020 my psych/therapist when to online/zoom appointments for visits... It was a complete deal-breaker for me...I didnt want to do it and I knew I would hate it. I was very reluctant to try and the psych insisted I would like it but couldnt stand it!!! That was my last...
  2. M

    How Do You Feel About Being Alone?

    My biggest desire is seclusion but I need to have a friend. At least one in-person human that gets me. Just one. I like this saying and has applied to most my friendships: "I dont burn bridges, I just fail to maintain them and the slowly break down over time."
  3. M

    Are you good at texting?

    Yes, this is me exactly. Even in groups of people that have the same interests, like forums with fruit trees, I still hesitate to post. I hate replying too. If someone does text me, email me or respond to a post I usually take while to return it or not at all...its like a I can 'feel'...
  4. M

    Are you good at texting?

    I think Ive learned that Im so bad at social interactions that its easier to avoid them. The only time I was good at them was when I was drunk. If i text people then they want to hang out and Im not that kinda person. That want to go out with wives and I dont have that type of conversation...
  5. M

    Are you good at texting?

    I also hesitate to respond to anyone. I just ignore. People from work would call me to do something and I would completely ignore the message. To the point that I feel like if I didnt listen to the message or read the text then I never got it. I delete messages and texts without reading them.
  6. M

    Are you good at texting?

    When I was employed and had kept in contact with a couple guys they would joke at the fire station how they would be texting me in a conversation and then I just disappear... I will say this... I hesitated even posting in this forum because I criticize myself so much. I have a voice in my head...
  7. M

    Inability to 'sleep in'

    Thanks for all the suggestions... I will admit working at the Fire Dept screwed up my sleep schedule and I never really got it back... Ive tried taking melatonin and developed heart palpitations...due to my cardiac history I had to discontinue... I think one of my biggest issues for not...
  8. M

    I tend to develop obsessions

    No, Ive never been good at meeting people and dont have any friends really...
  9. M

    I tend to develop obsessions

    Yes, 'life consuming' is the correct wording! Its funny, since I was interested in plants Ive tried doing all I could to get my wife to move to place where I could have land, I have this overwhelming desire to have a farm and 'live off the land'. I have many books on how to raise farm animals...
  10. M

    What do you collect?

    This is an unkown/undescribed Annona sp that I was first to fruit in USA that I know of. Its in the same family of fruit as Cherimoya, Guanabana/Soursop.
  11. M

    What Are Your Clothing Quirks?

    Yeah, we have a Big & Tall store near me too. Those stores tend to have more big (5XL) than tall stuff. Its always been a bust for me when going to those stores. My wife thinks Im picky but I see it as just the opposite. I know exactly what works and what doesnt. Its like putting diesel in a...
  12. M

    What Are Your Clothing Quirks?

    Im 6'5" with a long torso so finding clothes had been the most difficult thing for me since a kid. Also having a size 15 shoe doesnt help. Growing up poor I had to take what I could get and always felt uncomfortable. These days I wear the exact same thing every day because its comfortable. I...
  13. M

    What do you collect?

    I collect rare tropical fruit trees! I have hundreds if not a couple thousand plants..
  14. M

    I tend to develop obsessions

    When I get interested in something it becomes an obsession for me. I spend every moment learning as much as I can about the subject. Scouring the internet for bits of information and watching countless videos. It really becomes difficult for me to think of other interests when an obsession takes...
  15. M

    Inability to 'sleep in'

    Ive always wondered why I cant sleep in like my wife does. I generally wake up around 0430a-0500a. Even on days where I used to drink a lot and get wasted I couldnt sleep in. When I wake up even for a moment my mind is going and If Ive had at least 4 hours of sleep then I cant fall back...
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