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Recent content by MalcolmKratz

  1. MalcolmKratz

    Autigender, Gay and proud

    It totally depends Aspaquarian! I experience for myself that I dont feel fitting necessarily in a fitted box. I didnt find the box of autigender which I found very appealing, since I can fill in for myself what it means. The problem is that institutions find a structure and get stuck when they...
  2. MalcolmKratz

    Autigender, Gay and proud

    Thank you, I've felt quite saddened after the first and only response.. I have to say I just came to here now to disable email notifications, I've not been active ever since on this forum..
  3. MalcolmKratz

    Autigender, Gay and proud

    BTW maybe specify which science. Its quite broad you know.. Also very nice you have a very strong opinion about these things. But I though this would be a forum which is open to discussion. Not just to publish opinions without actual discussion. That's what Facebook turned into, and that's why...
  4. MalcolmKratz

    Autigender, Gay and proud

    Im a nerd, especially with these things. Next to computer science I have a bachelors in gender studies and arts. Also a master in both. Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference Here the PDF: http://bookzz.org/dl/1305605/a91cbc
  5. MalcolmKratz

    Pokemon Go... any thoughts?

    They signed a contract with McDonalds... Finally kids going out to the park and play.. Now they will sit in F*ing MacDonald's to play the game. **** business
  6. MalcolmKratz

    Autigender, Gay and proud

    You are probably not aware of the fact that in India, Pakistan and many old tribes in the Amazon and Africa do recognise and did recognise way more genders than just two.. It is a cultural thing, there are sexes which can also change. Yet genders are completely cultural.. So instead of just...
  7. MalcolmKratz

    Autigender, Gay and proud

    Dear all, Already for many years I'm out. I had some long relationships.. But through my tantrums its mostly very tiring for my partners. In the end I normally breakup because I cannot deal with the guilt. I believe that every person has the love for the many sexes inside, but in the end...
  8. MalcolmKratz

    Is the Earth flat? Thousands believe 'madcap' theory world is REALLY a dome-topped disc

    I used to study conspiracies. I'm obsessed with it. Because their references are always linking to a forum post somewhere with a gossip etc. Some flat eat there I know believe in the lizard people.. Who live in the hollow earth theory.. Which portrays the earth as a globe. Only problem you go...
  9. MalcolmKratz

    common experience illustrated

    The moment people ruin a beautiful bridge in the music with polite clapping. Slapping two lumps of meat together to express their appreciation of something beautiful they ruined.
  10. MalcolmKratz

    Hello everyone!

    Love your name :) I made the stupid mistake putting my full name[emoji14]I though I could give a forum name after. Ach, whatever :)
  11. MalcolmKratz

    Pokemon Go... any thoughts?

    You just walk with your phone without looking on it untill it vibrates, find a safe spot to stand still (not in the middle of the road, which I have seen some people do indeed). And than catch your cute monsters.
  12. MalcolmKratz

    Pokemon Go... any thoughts?

    I really enjoy the game a lot :) Its fun to walk around and once in a while catch a Pokemon. I walk a lot, so I don't mind some walks having my phone in my hand. I just keep the app open until my phone vibrates. I'm not going to look on it at all times.
  13. MalcolmKratz

    Is the Earth flat? Thousands believe 'madcap' theory world is REALLY a dome-topped disc

    I love how their proof is called experimental evidence <3 And their library stops at 1904. I quote their main experimental evidence: 'It is proven that the ship does not sink behind a hill of water, but that it is actually perspective which hides it. This demonstrates that the earth is not a...
  14. MalcolmKratz

    Does anyone struggle with this thought..

    I do understand this fear, I have the same feeling. Sometimes holding back in therapy because my mind goes so quick and far that I experienced my therapist wouldnt understand theories I would explain (which fellow students would) and would suggest me starting to take pills to suppress my brain a...
  15. MalcolmKratz


    Dear everyone, I notice a lot of gender binaries in the Love, relationships and dating section. Don't get me wrong I'm not against normative relationships. I would love to start a conversation here between, or about, neurogender. Neurogender is an umbrella term to describe when someone's...
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