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Recent content by Jacob Morrison

  1. Jacob Morrison

    How many people know you have Aspergers?

    Just wondering, how many people know you have Aspergers? The only people that know I have it are my immediate family, my very, very close friends, and one girl with a fatal kidney problem I was trying to make feel better... (awkward) Most people do not know I have Aspergers and probably don't...
  2. Jacob Morrison

    Aspergers and Religion

    Basically to summarize some of the questions: I was raised a Christian and currently am a Christian but I doubt Christianity and religion itself a lot. I'm not too overly religious though and I never have been.
  3. Jacob Morrison

    How do you feel about mobiles (vs. landlines & e-mail) ?

    Cell phones are by far the greatest invention of this generation. So much faster and efficient compared to their predecessors.
  4. Jacob Morrison

    "Improvement" of some symptoms leads to others worsening?

    It seems like some of my symptoms developed over time. I didn't really have a monotone voice until around middle school and I wasn't extremely socially awkward until high school.
  5. Jacob Morrison

    How do you deal with death?

    Somewhat related but today I was driving by a cemetery and saw a grave with a couple, where one of them had already died and the other had not. On the one that had not it displayed their name and their date of birth with their death date not displayed, obviously because they were still alive. I...
  6. Jacob Morrison

    Autism and Careers in Social Justice

    One of my special interests is politics, law, and debating politics/government.
  7. Jacob Morrison

    Attention deficit

    Hello, folks. Quick question. Is attention deficit a part of Aspergers or do I have AD(H)D? I have severe attention deficit yet I haven't been diagnosed with anything outside of Aspergers. (I'm a type one diabetic but I'm sure that has nothing to do with it.) My doctor prescribed me Adderall for...
  8. Jacob Morrison

    Differences between Aspergers and High Functioning Autism?

    Wait, what exactly is DSM 5? Sorry y'all.
  9. Jacob Morrison

    Chuck norris

    Chuck Norris isn't even that cool. If he was really all that good he would come to my house and slam my face against my keybhefbieb''cbygcybhhuiwuigiuwgbu bdiywgdyv udbuwibd
  10. Jacob Morrison

    Differences between Aspergers and High Functioning Autism?

    Can somebody smart on here please explain to me the main differences between Aspergers and High Functioning Autism? I've tried reading things online and they were hard to understand. I have pretty superficial knowledge of other Autism Spectrum disorders other than Aspergers. So will somebody...
  11. Jacob Morrison

    Is it obvious that you are aspergic

    I have the same thing. No kidding. I had no clue about mine until my parents were in a situation where they were basically forced to tell me I had it.
  12. Jacob Morrison

    Is it obvious that you are aspergic

    Most people probably don't think I have anything wrong. Most people likely just think I'm socially awkward. Only the people that truly know me understand my other issues (apathy, etc.) so I doubt anyone probably suspects I have AS. I'm very secretive about telling people I have it other than my...
  13. Jacob Morrison

    Anybody else like this?

    Okay, this seems really odd (maybe, idk) but I kinda needed to get it out. I know a lot of kids with Aspergers struggle to make friends and aren't very popular in school but it seems like I've never had a problem with making friends and I'm at least somewhat popular at my school. (I'm a junior...
  14. Jacob Morrison

    Aspergers and Marijuana

    I've never smoked pot but I vape usually once every few days and it always makes me feel good, mellow, and happy. My friends all notice the difference.
  15. Jacob Morrison

    Pools are perfect for holding water.

    Pools are perfect for holding water.
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