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Recent content by Bertie Wooster

  1. Bertie Wooster

    Chronic depression.

    We dont know everything but we do know that to treat depression is to administer a serotonin reuptake inhibitor as a starting point. The problem here and what I find irritating is that in trying to help the OP posters are fuelling the mindset of hopelessness instead of taking a scientific...
  2. Bertie Wooster

    Chronic depression.

    You are not a good medical doctor, I have been working in neuroscience for 24 years. If you dont want to bicker as you put it then you should not have responded. Toodlepippie Madame
  3. Bertie Wooster

    Chronic depression.

    That is flat out wrong and you should not talk about a topic you clearly have little knowledge about. The human brain is a biological organ that we as a species have put a huge amount of scientific research into understanding, the medication now available to treat chronic depression is...
  4. Bertie Wooster

    Chronic depression.

    What vegetables do I eat for a headache, because ive heard the meds are really bad
  5. Bertie Wooster

    Chronic depression.

    When you say therapy, Are you having CBT? The OP said it was a chemical imbalance therefore no amount of cognitive therapy would solve this. The brain is just another organ and should be treated as you would treat a liver or kidney or heart, for example you wouldn't try to think your way out of...
  6. Bertie Wooster

    Chronic depression.

    What medication have you been given? It shouldn't go on for years and years if you've seen a professional and explained your mindset
  7. Bertie Wooster

    Chronic depression.

    You need a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, it takes about three weeks for the side effects to pass and then normally the brain is able to balance. If your mood is near suicidal then you can get some quick fix meds like lorazepam to stop any extreme behaviour. But remember that this is 2018 we can...
  8. Bertie Wooster

    Rejected for every job I've applied to lately. What equal opportunities !?!

    My mum is 72 years old and has brittle bone disease but she stacks shelves for Sainsbury because her work ethic drives het to. I dont know how old you are but you sound very defeatist and unwilling to take the bull by its horns. A very nice person suggested something to you and you responded...
  9. Bertie Wooster

    I tend to attract draining people

    Yes I know the sort and they are a terrible bore. But at least if you get targeted repeatedly it shows that you are a caring and nice person, if you weren't you wouldnt attract them because they dont waste any time or effort on people that they instantly know won't give a s#@t. Another sort that...
  10. Bertie Wooster

    Rejected for every job I've applied to lately. What equal opportunities !?!

    I agree with many of the other people here, im sure it isnt you as an individual, the job market is a ferocious arena and many many others would have had the same rejection you experienced. Maybe stop blaming AS for every single thing that doesn't go your way. Just keep battling on mate...
  11. Bertie Wooster

    Do you look your age?

    I dont know if I look my age or not but what ive found is a good strategy is when someone asks my age I tell them im 53 instead of 43, that way I get complemented every time someone asks how old I am.
  12. Bertie Wooster

    Do you watch or download Porn online?

    Terese was wearing a towel? That basically means she was covered up (and rightly so I hasten to add, we are talking prime time tv here) sounds about as naughty as my gran putting on a boiler suit to be honest. But if it gets you going then fair enough I guess. Sounds more like voyeurism than...
  13. Bertie Wooster

    Do you watch or download Porn online?

    Absolutely agree if you go delve deep enough your sure to find what you want..(sorry that was a terrible wasnt it)
  14. Bertie Wooster

    Post your favourite animal

    Red squirrel and the Scottish wild cat once both native on Dartmoor sadly now been driven out
  15. Bertie Wooster

    Do you watch or download Porn online?

    I wonder if chimpanzees get horny when they watch other troop members doing it? Ive seen them watching it on a documentary but couldnt see any evidence of arousal. Maybe its just us sapiens that get off watching strangers have sex. It is weird the more you think about it
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