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Recent content by Ames

  1. Ames

    Problems with staying at a job

    Yes, yes, and YES to everything everyone has said here! I have had health issues that have prevented me from working for several years. I had some improvement recently, but I have no idea how to try to get back to being a functioning member of society. I could never explain to people why I...
  2. Ames

    Mom shares the less-than-pretty truth about raising a child with autism in ‘Autism Uncensored’

    "I was wrong in my posts about this. I have trouble reading and processing sometimes." This is off topic, but I just wanted to send you an e-hug for this comment! Not being able to process events, words, and emotions fast enough to react appropriately/in a timely manner is the story of my...
  3. Ames

    Mom shares the less-than-pretty truth about raising a child with autism in ‘Autism Uncensored’

    “I don't understand, then, why autistic adults don't help families who have children with severe autism? Why aren't they in the home, providing practical, hands-on help? Why aren't they spending one-on-one time with individuals who have severe autism? No autistic adult has ever been interested...
  4. Ames

    "If you were on the spectrum, you'd know it" ???

    Good point!! As someone above said, in those days we were "diagnosed" with being different, annoying, difficult, overly-sensitive, etc.
  5. Ames

    "If you were on the spectrum, you'd know it" ???

    Thank you! You have no idea how helpful you all have been!
  6. Ames

    "If you were on the spectrum, you'd know it" ???

    Insurance has me stuck. :(
  7. Ames

    "If you were on the spectrum, you'd know it" ???

    That's what I tried to do, but there is no one in this area who works with ASD in adults. I was so disappointed to find the few counselors I found who say they "work with" or "specialize" in ASD actually just once had a client on the spectrum and aren't unwilling to see you if you are on the...
  8. Ames

    "If you were on the spectrum, you'd know it" ???

    The first time I met with my new psychiatrist, she responded positively to my questions about ASD diagnosis and support. She said she would look into finding resources for me. When I asked about ASD evaluation and support during our second appointment, she dismissed me. She said there was no...
  9. Ames

    Any non-diagnosed ppl glad they aren't?

    When I stumbled onto a list of female Asperger's traits about a month ago, it was a revelation. It gave my entire life context; everything now made sense, *I* made sense. Since then, I have tried to track down some kind of help. The one and only health insurance company in the state has...
  10. Ames

    What was the last thing you achieved? (Including game achievements/Trophies)

    Congrats! May I ask upon what topic the paper was?
  11. Ames

    What was the last thing you achieved? (Including game achievements/Trophies)

    Survived Thanksgiving with family! (I'm starting to think perhaps my bar is set a tad lower than others here... ;) )
  12. Ames


    I wanted to say how thankful I am to have discovered this site. Most of you are probably too young to remember this Blind Melon video, but finding you all here reminded me of the adorable little girl at the end of the video. :) Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
  13. Ames

    When does autism become an excuse?

    I agree with above commenter who suggested helping him to clean/organize his room. Every person is different, so my personal feelings may not be applicable (that is, I am well aware I am projecting), but I find that I need a "system" for everything. I am overwhelmed to the point of being...
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