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RT may be responsible for arming autistics

Hello my fellow neurodivergents! 45yrs of being undiagnosed and masked lead me to alcohol and drugs to cope with overstimulation issues. Finding lasting recovery meant discovering my underlining issue. 15yrs in and out of 12step recover kept me from getting an unbiased assessment. NOT THIS TIME! After 1yr of recovery I knew I had to reach outside of biased religous minds and seek help… When twelve steps found out I was waiting over a yr to get properly diagnosed I was harassed, bullied, shamed, and traumatized for seeking neurodivergent testing. The shame game 12step people use is traumatic for anyone with divergence and can keep us in the asd closet. I guess I’m reaching out to undiagnosed and diagnosed because too much trauma can make us snap. Getting a proper asd/aspergers assessment was the key to keeping recovery this time. I’m so happy today that not only am I awake but I follow Buddhism and mindfulness. My goal is to stop spiritual trauma on autistic minds. Exorcisms are nothing more than manipulative trauma. You want to help an autistic, accept them and speak with science and logic not puppetry.
Hi and welcome to the forums. It sounds like you're getting on top of your issues and learning to accept yourself as you truly are, that's good to see. I'm sorry you had to go through so much earlier in your life but you seem to be finding your way now.
Hello and welcome.

I am also in recovery. Tried many times for many years but this time it is going so well. I credit that to learning about autism in the last couple years and finally figuring out why I used drugs and alcohol. I’m looking forward to the future now and that is a very new feeling.

Hope you find what you are looking for here.
I'm gonna be frank: when I saw RT in the title, I thought at first you meant the Russian network. I got what it meant after reading the post though.

Welcome to the forum.
  1. I am glad that you finally received a helpful diagnosis.
  2. Not all Christians are anti-neurodivergence.
    Many here are Christians.
Diagnosis was a major help for my life also.
We do need facts. Not biased shame from people.
I think you'll find this a good place to be.
Boy, do I ever get what you are saying!!!
Yep, I have never been into any sort of therapy, but I certainly suffered deep PTSD level traumas from efforts to make me "normal". My father was a Baptist minister. He relished in bullying and berating me - all "in the name of the Lord!"
I will second @Crossbreed

Most Christians don't think that way, I grew up in a Baptist church (not a Fundamental Baptist Church), and there was none of that practice... There are members of my church - I am still a member - with diagnosed mental illness, and they are fully accepted as they are...

In my experience there are only a small number of churches that have views like that... I did once meet one Christian lady who asked me if I wanted to be cured of Autism, I think you know my answer :cool:
I will second @Crossbreed

Most Christians don't think that way, I grew up in a Baptist church (not a Fundamental Baptist Church), and there was none of that practice... There are members of my church - I am still a member - with diagnosed mental illness, and they are fully accepted as they are...

In my experience there are only a small number of churches that have views like that... I did once meet one Christian lady who asked me if I wanted to be cured of Autism, I think you know my answer :cool:
I am not attacking Christians. Just my father. My father, as a Baptist minister used religion as a justification for his attacks on people - including me. He assumed his position, as a minister, as divine authority for his attacks. In my opinion, he sought that position for that purpose.
Hello my fellow neurodivergents! 45yrs of being undiagnosed and masked lead me to alcohol and drugs to cope with overstimulation issues. Finding lasting recovery meant discovering my underlining issue. 15yrs in and out of 12step recover kept me from getting an unbiased assessment. NOT THIS TIME! After 1yr of recovery I knew I had to reach outside of biased religous minds and seek help… When twelve steps found out I was waiting over a yr to get properly diagnosed I was harassed, bullied, shamed, and traumatized for seeking neurodivergent testing. The shame game 12step people use is traumatic for anyone with divergence and can keep us in the asd closet. I guess I’m reaching out to undiagnosed and diagnosed because too much trauma can make us snap. Getting a proper asd/aspergers assessment was the key to keeping recovery this time. I’m so happy today that not only am I awake but I follow Buddhism and mindfulness. My goal is to stop spiritual trauma on autistic minds. Exorcisms are nothing more than manipulative trauma. You want to help an autistic, accept them and speak with science and logic not puppetry.
I agree with you last line even used logic and science while I Was having an out of body experience while I was having a stroke. See my physics thread. everything starting to make sense. Still Agnostic.
In my experience there are only a small number of churches that have views like that... I did once meet one Christian lady who asked me if I wanted to be cured of Autism, I think you know my answer :cool:
I have been blessed by deliverance-type churches, but so far, autism (by itself) has proven to be a difference rather than a [defect], even in that context.

Most [all?] charismatic churches that I have been part of seemed to get that.
One can be a Godly neurd.

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