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Post photos of beautiful flowers.

A few pictures from a local landmark, Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh.




And the nearby famous floral clock. The flower display changes regularly to remember certain events, but the clock itself is 100 years old this year!


These wild flowers had survived along a RR right-of-way, like much other native vegetation. Of course, they were torn out to make a park.
@Angular Chap, regarding the weather, we are planning on the worst, but hoping for the best. We will dress accordingly. I remember a Mrs Brown's Boys episode years back, when speaking about the Bible and Noah's flood, "It rained for 40 days and 40 nights and they called it a disaster. In Ireland they call it "summer"!" :p I am getting the sense that Ireland and Scottish weather is similar.;)

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Native Orchid: Ladies' Tresses

Purple Iris



I forgot the name. It is not a Florida native, but it is what is called "Florida Friendly" meaning it is used by native pollinators and is not invasive.
I love lilacs. There is an arboretum near where I grew up. It had a huge collection of different varieties. We would go there every year when they were in bloom. I would run around sniffing each one. They smell wonderful.

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