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If you believed in God but no afterlife, how would you live your life differently?

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I didn't mean to suggest atheists are serial killers. I'm an a-theist too, I suppose, since I don't really believe in God(s) or recorded scripture. What I'm saying is that I think it's all really a biproduct of science, including this thing we call an afterlife. I don't believe it presents with judgment, morality, or ethics. I think it presents with the laws of physics.

Regarding my comment about there being more murder, I didn't mean that people born into this "new vision" of Magna's would all want to kill people in the absence of a God. I just meant that people currently existing, who were raised to fear God and Hell, might (in some cases but not all of course) decide to act out all the pent-up things they've been afraid to do their whole lives.

I suppose that scenario wouldn't be applicable though, because @Magna clarified that in this thought experiment, Heaven, Hell and the Afterlife never would have existed at all. That means those people wouldn't have been subject to religious trauma or gaslighting, and they'd have nothing to let go.
I think people naturally follow the Golden Rule because it’s beneficial from an evolutionary standpoint. Perhaps we invented the Golden Rule because caring for our young and helping people in the community is encoded in our genes. Perhaps other early human species lacked those traits. People are taught the Golden Rule, of course, but maybe its existence is just the natural way of things. It didn’t originate with Jesus. Sources said similar stuff before Jesus.

Some people are completely lacking in empathy for whatever reason. Religious fear could keep a small minority of people in line, but I don’t think that’s most people. Evidence certainly doesn’t suggest that.

When I left my belief system, I finally felt like I could be the openminded, empathetic person I was meant to be. I wasn’t tempted to do anything crazy unless you count voting. None of the atheists I’ve known went overboard, either, apart from my cousin who had some risky sexual encounters. The main issue isn’t so much pent up frustration IMO but learning how to think critically enough to make independent, rational, adult decisions.
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I cherish finding my own meaning and purpose in life. My former beliefs feel empty in comparison to my current lack of belief, experience, and worldview. Reading the work of atheist critical thinkers and scientists, especially Carl Sagan, helped me find my way when I felt a bit lost and disoriented in the beginning.
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I don't think it would change anything in terms of my notion of right/wrong, but would probably feel like I'm never alone - for better perhaps?
Regarding my comment about there being more murder, I didn't mean that people born into this "new vision" of Magna's would all want to kill people in the absence of a God. I just meant that people currently existing, who were raised to fear God and Hell, might (in some cases but not all of course) decide to act out all the pent-up things they've been afraid to do their whole lives.

I've thought about this after you mentioned it here. I agree that some people, without the possibility of "eternal punishment" might choose to act with wanton abandon. However on the flipside I wonder if without an afterlife and no chance of redemption if people wouldn't equally choose NOT to commit crimes that could result in severe punishment in this life (e.g. long or life imprisonment, capital punishment)? If this is all there is. If this one single life is all each of us has, who would want to spend the rest of it in jail? The afterlife gives even death row inmates hope. "I'm sorry for my sins against others. I've repented. I believe! Because of that, after I'm executed...I'm saved! I'll live in eternal bliss in Heaven!".
In my example I'm thinking of the children who were abused by the Catholic church, for example. I'd almost hope some of them would be so liberated to relieve themselves of divine morality that they'd want revenge on those ... (can't use the word here but it's a four letter acronym starting with m.o.- ... )
I guess, l would ask; was there a **before life**, l mean that may shed some new meaning on all of this. We are so wrapped up on what the church presents as the authoritative god-fearing truth , however, who isn't to say we all came from a before life which of course would cancel everything out.
"Mere oblivion"?
"Oblivion" is PRECISELY my concept of heaven. :hearteyes:
And reason would suggest that is exactly what happens when the brain disintegrates after death.

All concepts/beliefs/perceptions are only possible through the filter of a brain, after all.

R.I.P., all and sundry. :cool:
Oblivion is not heaven. You aren't there to enjoy it.
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If you believed that would you live differently than you do now? That's the main question of this thread.
No. I would still try to live in the word. God’s love is enough.

FYI. I actually didn’t know about or believe in an afterlife for many years. I couldn’t understand the concept of Heaven or eternity. It was scary to me. I had faith in God and his love that was enough.
I was religious at some point, as soon as these inconsistencies occurred and I could process them, I realized if I don't believe in the Biblical stuff, there is no reason to abide by any Biblical religions.
The inconsistencies in the Bible are one of the main reasons ppl walk away from religion.
I did when my reasoning faculties developed.
"Sin" as believed in and described by Christian faith can have temporal consequences (ie they can affect the "sinner" in this life because they're choices made) but a key aspect of "sin" is the consequence to the "sinner" in the afterlife (ie punishment, hell, potentially eternal punishment). If there was no punishment after life whatsoever because there was no afterlife whatsoever, then I would have a hard believing that a lot of people wouldn't change things about their lives.
I am a hardcore atheist.
I don't need emotional blackmail to live my life honestly and with integrity.
If I were a theist, I can't see why I would change in that regard. :cool:
That's true, with this thought exercise, some people might change their lives from how they think of their mortality now vs. how they might think of their mortality if there was no afterlife whatsoever.
Some ppl need a "stick" to keep in line.
Others have discovered "integrity".
What if you believed in God. But, felt unworthy of the afterlife he offered?
He offers 2 afterlives. :fearscream: I don't think anyone who rejects blind belief in a world that requires critical thinking and research based evidence is worthy of eternal torment.

If the supposed saviour respects truthfulness then he would respect that and not take it personally.
Some ppl need a "stick" to keep in line.
Others have discovered "integrity".
You're forgetting the third category, my mother. She doesn't work with either. :joycat:

Sticks and stones is not very pacifistic way of solving humanity's issues. But the nature of the jungle is that it responds to torture oftentimes, to save its skin.

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.” — Charles Darwin

Therefore, we are not here because we are or will be smart. ;) The intellect has not and will not be selected in the breeding program. Like all species based on evolution.

I have a lot of hardship with change. Coincidentally that's what my breedful ex hated about me. :joycat: I can't see why. Although, he had a bigger problem than me with change.
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He offers 2 afterlives. :fearscream: I don't think anyone who rejects blind belief in a world that requires critical thinking and research based evidence is worthy of eternal torment.

If the supposed saviour respects truthfulness then he would respect that and not take it personally.
Reason would suggest that if there is a god, it is one who generally turns a blind eye to those who suffer in life.

8 million and counting deaths due to COVID?
May I ask: Why? :rolleyes:
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.” — Charles Darwin
Evolution is only "concerned" with mindless procreation.
You don't have to be particularly intelligent to do that.
Ask any amoeba. :laughing:
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